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Displaying Results 1 - 17 of 17

- English
This study (ECE/TRADE/477) provides information regarding the current state of play of the trade facilitation framework and the remaining outstanding Category C commitments, including the current standing with respect to the implementation status of specific measures, further capacity needs, and recommendations for the way forward. It also specifies which recommendations refer to mandatory
- English
The Economic Cooperation and Trade Division (ECTD) assists UNECE’s 56 member States to better integrate into the world economy and to harness trade, innovation and infrastructure financing and investment for the sustainable development of the UNECE region. ECTD’s normative tools cover many diverse areas, ranging from trade facilitation and agricultural quality standards to ESG traceability of
- English
Recommendation 47 outlines measures to mitigate the adverse impact of a pandemic such as COVID-19 on trade flows. Such pandemics have revealed the challenges of facing a health crisis and its impact on society and economies which could potentially leave lasting scars on the global economy. Download: 
- English
Transportation demand is forecasted to triple by 2050. Keeping track of that intensification of transportation is imperative for all supply chain stakeholders. Motivated by factors such as operational efficiency standards, competitive pressures, heightened customer expectations and governmental regulations, both public and private organizations are searching for mechanisms to reduce risks by
- English
The COVID-19 pandemic has sunk the global economy into the deepest recession in decades and continues to take an unprecedented toll on human health and life. In an effort to contain and prevent the spread of the disease, governments across the globe, imposed restrictions on movement. Border closures and partial or full lockdowns became the new normal in many parts of the world. The pandemic and
- English
Improving traceability and transparency has become a priority for the garment and footwear industry. Consumers, governments, and civil society are demanding responsible business conduct and are calling upon the industry to identify and address actual and potential negative impacts in the areas of human rights, the environment, and human health. By creating enhanced visibility in value chains,
- English
The UNECE Regional Report 2021 on Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation has been produced based on the results of the United Nations Global Survey on Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation. The Global Survey (ECE/TRADE/467) is a joint initiative under the Joint United Nations Regional Commissions’ Approach,
- English
The National Trade Facilitation Roadmap of the Kyrgyz Republic 2021-2025 serves as the guiding framework for comprehensive national trade facilitation reforms over a five-year period. The Roadmap sets out a strategic vision and respective goals and activities for the Kyrgyz Republic to implement. Through these activities the Kyrgyz Republic can transform its trade facilitation services to
- English
This updated 2015 brochure (ECE/TRADE/415/Rev.1) provides information about the resources available, free of charge, from the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) that can be used to support Aid-for-Trade projects. The resources include international conventions, publications, standards and training materials, and
- English
This brochure (ECE/TRADE/415) provides information about the resources available, free of charge, from the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) that can be used to support Aid-for-Trade projects. The resources include international conventions, publications, standards and training materials, and are available to
- English
"Norms and Standards and Practices for Trade Facilitation and International Business" offers you an overview of all the recommendations, norms and standards developed by the United Nation Economic Commission for Europe - Committee on Trade (UNECE), together with related information. Whether you 're in the public or in the private sector, the academia, or if you'
- English
©2003 United NationsECE/TRADE/330: Sharing the Gains of Globalization in the New Security Environment - The Challenges to Trade Facilitation [Summary of the Debate at the 2003 Forum]
- English
ECE/TRADE/299: Trade Facilitation: The Challenges for Growth and Development [pdf format -- 344 pages]
- English
©2003 United NationsECE/EAD/2003/03: The Accession of Central European Countries to the European Union [pdf format -- 60 pages]
Цель данной брошюры (ECE/TRADE/415) – предоставить информацию об имеющихся бесплатных методических материалах Европейской экономической комиссии Организации Объединенных Наций (ЕЭК ООН), которые можно использовать в качестве вспомогательных материалов в проектах инициативы «Помощь в интересах торговли». Под материалами мы имеем