At its seventh session, the Meeting of the Parties elected three members of the Compliance Committee in accordance with the procedure set out in decision I/7 on the review of compliance (ECE/MP.PP/2/Add.8, En, Fr, Ru), in conjunction with decision I/1 on the rules of procedure (ECE/MP.PP/2/Add.2, En, Fr, Ru): Ms. Aine Ryall (Ireland), Mr. Thomas Schomerus (OEKOBUERO, The Independent Institute for Environmental Issues, Justice & Environment, Resource and Analysis Center “Society and Environment,” and the European Environmental Bureau, on the behalf of the European ECO Forum) and Ms. Eleanor Veronica Elizabeth Sharpston (Luxemburg). This included the election of two new members to replace two current members who had to step down at the seventh session and re-election of one current member.