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UNECE Regional Conference on ICPD+25

01 - 02 October 2018
Geneva Switzerland

Enabling Choices: Population Dynamics and Sustainable Development


Conference Programme


Report on ICPD Programme of Action Implementation in the UNECE Region

Monitoring Framework


Ahead of the 25th anniversary of the ground-breaking International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and its Programme of Action in 2019, the Regional Conference assessed progress and identify gaps in the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action in the UNECE region.

It focused on key actions for implementation and addressed the wider policy concerns related to:

  • Population dynamics and sustainable development;
  • Families, sexual and reproductive health over the life course; and
  • Inequalities, social inclusion and rights

Organized jointly by UNECE and UNFPA, the Conference further aimed to strengthen the linkages between ICPD and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and reaffirmed commitment to implementing the ICPD Programme of Action in the region.

A report covering trends and developments since the last review in 2014 informed discussions at the Conference. The report and the Conference outcome, in form of a Rapporteurs’ summary, fed into the global review to take place at the 52nd  Session of the Commission on Population and Development (CPD) in 2019.

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Opening statement Ms. Lidia Bratanova, Director, Statistical Division, UNECE PDF
Opening Statement Mr. Dereje Wordofa, Assistant Secretary General and Deputy Executive Director, UNFPA PDF
ICPD+25 years later: Recommitting to the vision of Cairo
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Ms. Sarah Kennell, Director of Government Relations, Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights Meeting commitments, realizing rights


Mr. Eduard Kluisha, Belarusian Association of assistance to children and young people with disabilities   PDF
Mr. Wolfgang Lutz, Founder and Director of the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital Population and Sustainable Development Synergies between ICPD and Agenda 2030 PPT
Ms. Alanna Armitage, Regional Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, UNFPA, and
Ms. Vitalija Gaucaite-Wittich, Chief, UNECE Population Unit

Report on the ICPD Programme of Action implementation in the UNECE Region

Mr. Dario Korolija and Ms. Darya Shershun Regional progress and challenges towards implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action PDF
Ms. Medea Khmelidze Real People, Real Vision and the Astra Network PDF
Member States' statements
H.E. Ms. Denitsa Sacheva, Deputy Minister of Education and Science Bulgaria PDF
Ms. Elena Polyakova, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Belarus PDF
H.E. Mr. François Rivasseau, Ambassadeur, Représentant Permanent de la France auprès des Nations Unies et autres organisations internationales à Genève France PDF
H.E. Ms. Monique T.G. Van Daalen, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Kindgom of the Netherlands to the United Nations and other international organizations in Geneva The Netherlands PDF
H.E. Ms. Mane Tandilyan, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Armenia PDF
Ms. Simona Atanasova, Cabinet Advisor, Minister of Health The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia PDF
Ms. Diloram Tashmukhamedova, Director of OILA Center under the Cabinet of Minister Uzbekistan PDF
Ms. Martina Hemmersbach, Policy Officer, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community Germany PDF
Ms. Aliona Cretu, Head of Demographic Policies Division, Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection Republic of Moldova PDF
Ms. Bjørg Skotnes, Minister Counsellor, Global Health Issues, Permanent Mission of Norway in Geneva Norway PDF
H.E. Ms. Veronika Bard, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Sweden to the United Nations and other international organizations in Geneva Sweden PDF
Ms. Riccarda Caprez, Senior Policy Advisor, Environment and sustainable development, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Switzerland PDF
First thematic session
Population Dynamics and Sustainable Development
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Mr. Francesco Billari, Professor of Demography and Dean of the Faculty at Bocconi University, Milan, Italy Fast Population Change PPT
H.E. Ms. Slavica Djukic-Deanovic, Minister without Portfolio in charge of Demography and Population Policies, Serbia   PDF
Ms. Elke Loichinger, Head of Research Group Demographic Change, Federal Institute for Population Research, Germany Germany's Demographic Strategy PPT
Mr. Ulukbek Batyrgalilev, Chair of the National Youth Committee, National Board Reproductive Health Alliance, Kyrgyz Republic  



Ms. Anne Gauthier, Senior Researcher, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute Gender-Sensitive Family Policies PPT
Member States' statements
H.E. Mr. Milos Prica, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United Nations and other international organizations in Geneva Bosnia and Herzegovina PDF
Ms. Tatiana Gregor Brzobohata, Chairman of the Statutory board, Beauty of Help Foundation Czech Republic PDF
Mr. Toomas Palu, Health Sector Manager for the World Bank's South East Asia and Pacific Region World Bank PDF
Ms. Alia El-Yassir, UN Women Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia UN Women PDF
Ms. Olga Gagauz, Head of the Center for Demographic Research Republic of Moldova PDF
Ms. Vânia de la Fuente-Nunez, Technical Officer, Department of Ageing and Life Course WHO PDF
Ms. Leah Hoctor, Regional Director for Europe Center for Reproductive Rights PDF
Ms. Asel Kubanychbekova, Founder School of safe motherhood PDF
Second thematic session
Families, Sexual and Reproductive Health over the Life Course
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Mr. Olivier Degomme, International Centre for Reproductive Health Scientific Director, Ghent University, Belgium Realizing the ICPD PoA - Then, now and in years to come PPT
Mr. Madamin Karataev, Deputy Minister of Health, Kyrgyz Republic  



Mme Marie-Pierre Rixain, Présidente du Comité Parlementaire pour les droits des femmes et l'égalité des genres, France   PDF
Mr. Will Niblett, Head of the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights team, Department for International Development, United Kingdom   PDF
Ms. Lena Luyckfasseel, Director, Programme and Performance, IPPF European Network From choice, a world of possibilities PPT
Member States' statements
Ms. Santa Livina, Director of Public Health Department, Ministry of Health Latvia PDF
The Hon. Malahat Ibrahimgizi, Member of the Parliament Azerbaijan PDF
Ms. Maia Lagvilava, Deputy Minister, Ministry of internally displaced persons from the occupied territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs Georgia PDF
Mrs. Karine Saribekyan, Head of the Child and Maternal Health, Ministry of Health Armenia PDF
H.E. Ms. Monique T.G. Van Daalen, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Kindgom of the Netherlands to the United Nations and other international organizations in Geneva The Netherlands PDF
Mr. Olzhas Toguzbayev, Deputy Director of the Department on Multilateral Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Kazakhstan PDF
Ms. Anina Chileva, Senior Expert, International Centre for Youth Development PETRI Executive, Ministry of Health Bulgaria PDF
Ms. Henriette Van Gulik, Senior Adviser UNAIDS PDF
Mr. Thomas Lee, Policy Adviser Marie Stopes International PDF
Ms. Iatamze Verulashvili, Executive Director Union Women Center PDF
Mr. Ian Askew, Director, Reproductive Health and Research WHO PDF
Ms. Simona Atanasova, Cabinet Advisor, Minister of Health The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia PDF
Third thematic session
Inequalities, social inclusion and Rights
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Ms. Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, Vice-President of CEDAW New challenges to gender equality and empowerment from the Cedaw's perspective PPT
Ms. Oleksandra Churkina, Deputy Minister for European Integration, Ministry of Social Policy, Ukraine State Social Policy of Ukraine: equal rights and social inclusion PPT
Ms. Sopio Kiladze, Chair of Human rights and civil integration committee, Parliament of Georgia


Mr. Vinay P. Saldanha, Regional Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, UNAIDS   PDF
Ms. Claudia Lam, Deputy to the Director ad interim, Office of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Human rights protection and equality as key elements of inclusive societies in Europe



Ms. Nesime Salioska, Executive Director, association ROMA SOS, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia  



Member States' statements
Ms. Sopo Japaridze, Advisor on Human rights and Gender Equality Issues to the Prime Minister Georgia PDF
H.E. Ms. Galya Zaharieva, Member of the Parliament Bulgaria PDF
Mr. Ion Donea, Head of Youth Department, Ministry of Education, Culture and Research Republic of Moldova PDF
Mr. David Cassar, Deputy Permanent Representative of Malta to the United Nations in Geneva Malta PDF
Ms. Olimi Marhabo, Deputy Head of the Committee on Women and Family Affairs Tajikistan PDF
Ms. An Huybrechts, Lead Global and Sustainable Development European Network IPPF PDF
Ms. Silvia Perel Levin, Main Representative Geneva International Longevity Centre-Global Alliance - INPEA PDF
Closing plenary session
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H.E. Ms. Deyana Kostadinova, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Bulgaria to the United Nations and other international organizations in Geneva Highlights from the Conference discussions PDF
Ms. Vitalija Gaucaite Wittich, Chief, Population Unit, UNECE Statistical Division Draft report of the Conference PPT
Mr. Ramiz Alakbarov, Director of Programme and Strategy Division, UNFPA ICPD+25 Global review - regional inputs PPT
Ms. Olga Algayerova, Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary, UNECE Closing remarks PDF
Ms. Alanna Armitage, Regional Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, UNFPA Closing remarks PDF
Official Documents ENG FRE RUS
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Annotated provisional Agenda
Extracts from the UNECE Regional report on ICPD+25


Read more

Concept Note

Chair's summary of the 20-year review conference on ICPD beyond 2014