Special Session of the Committee on Environmental Policy
09 - 12 May 2022
Tempus 3, Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland
Official documents
23926 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the special session _ 365115 _ English _ 773 _ 349393 _ pdf
23926 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the special session _ 365115 _ French _ 780 _ 349394 _ pdf
23926 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the special session _ 365115 _ Russian _ 864 _ 349395 _ pdf
23926 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/2 - Report of the Committee on Environmental Policy on its special session _ 368508 _ English _ 773 _ 371740 _ pdf
23926 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/2 - Report of the Committee on Environmental Policy on its special session _ 368508 _ French _ 780 _ 371741 _ pdf
23926 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/2 - Report of the Committee on Environmental Policy on its special session _ 368508 _ Russian _ 864 _ 371742 _ pdf
23926 _ List of Decisions (as adopted by the silence procedure completed on 26 May 2022) _ 367939 _ English _ 773 _ 354835 _ pdf
23926 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/4 - Draft Ministerial Declaration of the Ninth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference _ 365574 _ English _ 773 _ 350445 _ pdf
ECE_CEP_S_2022_4_E.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 55.31 KB)
23926 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/4 - Draft Ministerial Declaration of the Ninth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference _ 365574 _ French _ 780 _ 350447 _ pdf
ECE_CEP_S_2022_4_F.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 56.18 KB)
23926 _ ECE/CEP/S/2022/4 - Draft Ministerial Declaration of the Ninth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference _ 365574 _ Russian _ 864 _ 350449 _ pdf
ECE_CEP_S_2022_4_R.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 64.77 KB)
23926 _ List of participants _ 367815 _ English _ 773 _ 354526 _ pdf
Information documents
23927 _ Information paper No. 1/Rev.1 - Provisional time schedule of the special session of the Committee on Environmental Policy _ 366223 _ English _ 773 _ 353257 _ pdf
23927 _ Information paper No. 2 - Greening the economy in the pan-European region: working towards sustainable infrastructure _ 367246 _ English _ 773 _ 352927 _ pdf
CEP-SS_Sustainable_infrastructure.IP_.2.e.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 757.35 KB)
23927 _ Information paper No. 3 - Applying principles of circular economy to sustainable tourism _ 367244 _ English _ 773 _ 352924 _ pdf
CEP-SS_Sustainable_Tourism.IP_.03.e.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 1.93 MB)
23927 _ Information paper No. 4 - Europe’s Environment: the seventh pan-European environmental assessment: Draft summary for policymakers _ 366807 _ English _ 773 _ 351952 _ pdf
CEP-SS_Assessment_summary.IP_.4.e.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 164.29 KB)
23927 _ Information paper No. 5 - Progress report on the implementation of the Batumi Initiative on Green Economy _ 367341 _ English _ 773 _ 353225 _ pdf
23927 _ Information paper No. 6 - List of possible green economy actions _ 366784 _ English _ 773 _ 351878 _ pdf
23927 _ Information paper No. 7 - Final report on the implementation of the Batumi Action for Cleaner Air _ 367248 _ English _ 773 _ 352930 _ pdf
CEP-SS_BACA_Final_Report.IP_.7.e.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 69.59 KB)
23927 _ Information paper No. 11/Rev.3 - The Bureau of the Committee on Environmental Policy _ 366884 _ English _ 773 _ 353304 _ pdf
23927 _ Information paper No. 12 - Draft Ministerial Declaration of the Ninth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference _ 367157 _ English _ 773 _ 352759 _ pdf
CEP-SS_Draft_Ministerial_Declaration.IP_.12.e.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, 40.45 KB)
23927 _ Information paper No. 13 - Key messages and recommendations on the Shared Environmental Information System _ 367061 _ English _ 773 _ 352560 _ pdf
Other materials
23928 _ ECE/CEP/AC.10/2021/6 - Final review report on the establishment of the Shared Environmental Information System _ 367062 _ English _ 773 _ 352561 _ pdf
23928 _ ECE/CEP/AC.10/2021/6 - Final review report on the establishment of the Shared Environmental Information System _ 367062 _ French _ 780 _ 352563 _ pdf
23928 _ ECE/CEP/AC.10/2021/6 - Final review report on the establishment of the Shared Environmental Information System _ 367062 _ Russian _ 864 _ 352564 _ pdf
Document Title | ENG |
Outcomes of the Pan-European Regional Preparatory Meeting for the United Nations 2023 Water Conference (12-13 April 2022) Item 2 on sustainable development in the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe region, presentation by Austria |
Preparations and participation to the 9th EfE Ministerial Conference, 5-7 October, Nicosia, Cyprus Item 3a on the Ninth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference: Host country preparations, presentation by Cyprus |
Applying principles of circular economy to sustainable tourism. Substantive thematic document presentation of information paper No. 3 Item 3b on the Ninth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference: Substantive thematic documents, presentation by UNECE consultant |
Greening the economy in the pan-European region: working towards sustainable infrastructure. Draft thematic document for the Ninth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference Item 3b on the Ninth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference: Substantive thematic documents, presentation by UNECE consultant |
Pan-European Environmental Assessment Item 3c on the Ninth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference: Pan-European environmental assessment, presentation by UNECE |
Progress report on the implementation of the Batumi initiative on green economy (BIG-E) Item 3c on the Ninth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference: Progress report on the implementation of the Batumi initiative on green economy, presentation by UNECE |
Final report on the implementation of the Batumi action for cleaner air Item 3e on the Ninth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference: Final report on the implementation of the Batumi action for cleaner air, presentation by UNECE |
Environmental performance reviews Item 4 on Environmental performance reviews, presentation by EPR secretariat |
27807 _ Statement by the EU and its member states on agenda item 2 _ 367567 _ English _ 773 _ 353936 _ pdf
27807 _ Statement by the EU and its member states on agenda item 2 _ 367567 _ French _ 780 _ 353948 _ pdf
27807 _ Statement by the Russian Federation on agenda item 2 _ 367568 _ Russian _ 864 _ 353937 _ pdf
27807 _ Statement by Ukraine on agenda item 2 _ 367569 _ English _ 773 _ 353938 _ pdf