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First meeting of the Task Force on the Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystem Nexus

08 - 09 April 2013
Geneva Switzerland

The Parties to the Water Convention have included in the Work Programme 2013-2015 an assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosytems nexus in selected transboundary basins and established the Task Force on the Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus to overview and guide its preparation.

The first meeting of the Task Force, which is the key step in the discussion and design of the assessment of the nexus, will have the following objectives:

  • Discuss the process of preparation of the Assessment;
  • Explore the needs and preferences of the riparian countries, river basin commissions and stakeholders in the basins proposed to be assessed in the Water Convention Nexus Assessment in order to agree on the scope and objectives of the assessment and on deriving information and analysis needs;
  • Review past and on-going efforts to analyse the nexus and to provide guidance for sectoral (and inter-sectoral) decision-making to learn from such exercises;
  • Discuss and agree on the basins to be covered by the nexus assessment and agree on the next steps in the process.

The Task Force meeting will be attended by representatives of the countries that are concerned by the case basin proposals submitted so far or that have expressed interest in participating in the assessment, representatives of organizations undertaking parallel initiatives, partners, experts and stakeholders.


Information notice PDF PDF
Agenda PDF PDF
Discussion paper PDF PDF
List of participants PDF


1 Background to the nexus assessment: how the UNECE Water Convention promotes
cooperation accross bordersand sectors,

Francesca Bernardini, UNECE Water Convention
2 Lessons from inter-sectoral coordination in the Sava River Basin
Mr. Dejan Komatina, Secretary, ISRBC
3 Mutually Acceptable Mechanisms for Integrated Use of Water Resources in Central Asia
through applying a scenario approach,

Mr. Giovanni Muñoz, FAO
4 Water for Food, Energy and Ecosystems in the River Niger Basin,
Mr. Collins R.U. Ihekire, Niger Basin Authority
Mr. Frank van Weert, Wetlands International
5 A JRC project contributing to the assessment of the Water-Agriculture-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus,
Giovanni Bidoglio, Joint Research Centre European Commission
6 Illustrating the water-land-energy nexus,
Ms. Liz Curmi, University of Cambridge
7 Invited intervention on the Rhone River Basin,
Mr. Christian Bréthaut, University of Geneva
8 A proposed approach to the nexus assessment under the Water Convention:
scope, process, methodology and limitations,

Ms. Annukka Lipponen, UNECE Water Convention
9 Description of the basin - lessons from the 2nd Assessment and information to be
included in the Nexus assessment
Ms. Annukka Lipponen, UNECE Water Convention
10 Addressing the WFE Nexus components from an Agricultural perspective,
Mr. Pasquale Steduto, FAO
11 Natural Infrastructure in the nexus and suggested basin assessment indicators,
Ms. Rebecca Welling, IUCN Global Water Programme
12 Addressing water, energy and food security in the Mekong Basin,
Mr. Anoulak Kittikhoun, Mekong River Commission Secretariat
13 Next steps and timeline,
Ms. Annukka Lipponen, UNECE Water Convention