Press Releases
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Despite a rapid increase in motorization over the past 20 years, the number of people killed in road crashes in the Republic of Moldova has decreased by 51% from 2011 to 2022, from 443 to 217. With 8.3 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, this is, however, still 1,8 times higher than the average in the
With current policies in place, the transport sector’s CO2 emissions will grow almost 20% by 2050 according to the International Transport Forum Transport Outlook, and even more in developing countries. Many stakeholders working to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from transport need, use
UNECE’s new Transport Statistics Infocard offers a new, user-friendly country-by-country perspective on important transport topics that are needed to inform policy decisions: road safety, numbers of cars and length of railways, alternative fuel use and public transport.
Across the UNECE region
For any evidence-based transport and sustainable mobility policy, producing relevant transport statistics that are timely, accurate and impartial is necessary. For instance, with 1.35 million people dying in road traffic accidents each year, there is much interest in comparing data on safety
Ministers of Transport and high-level officials from across the globe came to the Transport Week of the 81st plenary session of the Inland Transport Committee (ITC), to debate on cutting-edge issues, including automation and digitalization in transport, and participate in the discussion of a