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Press Releases

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Integrating climate change into all public policies; improving the environmental information system, compliance, surface and groundwater monitoring and biodiversity; enforcing the law on environmental, waste and chemicals management; and stepping up efforts for the sustainable management of
Over the past 13 years, Azerbaijan has taken important steps in improving its environmental performance, in particular in strengthening its policy framework, developing protected areas and establishing a Commission on Water Management. However, a number of key issues remain to be addressed
The third Environmental Performance Review (EPR) of Kyrgyzstan, undertaken by UNECE, will support the government to strengthen climate action and address pressing environmental challenges, including in mountainous areas.  The main findings of the EPR were presented by UNECE and the
More than two years since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the country has experienced considerable environmental destruction with both immediate and longer-term consequences on human health, ecosystems, the Ukrainian economy and beyond. Attacks on infrastructure and industry have resulted
In response to the huge impacts on the environment of the war in Ukraine, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and partners including UNEP, OECD, UNDP, UNIDO, the World Bank and OSCE are joining forces though an inter-agency group to coordinate the assessment of environmental
Updated guidance published today by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) will help governments to strengthen biodiversity monitoring as a basis for sharpened biodiversity protection policies across all sectors.  The guidance is the first of its kind to build on the
The 9th Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference closed today in Nicosia, Cyprus, with the adoption of a ministerial declaration affirming countries’ commitment to transition to a green economy with sustainable infrastructure at its core.   The declaration also calls on countries to
Due to the increasing popularity of the UNECE Environmental Performance Review (EPR) Programme, the Government of Mauritania has asked the UNECE secretariat to review the country’s environmental performance. On 10–11 August 2022, the EPR Programme Manager met in Nouakchott with Ministry of
Since 2018, UNECE has been assisting Montenegro in the implementation of the recommendations from the third Environmental Performance Review (EPR) carried out in 2015.  Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic,