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Download Documents for Nineteenth session of the SPECA Governing Council

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Document Filename Document File Language Document Information
Information notice 2024 SPECA EF and GC_ENG.pdf Information notice 2024 SPECA EF and GC_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 160.54 KB) English Information Note
Information_notice 2024 SPECA EF and GC_RU.pdf Information_notice 2024 SPECA EF and GC_RU.pdf (application/pdf, 225.48 KB) Russian Information Note
Report of the 19th session of the SPECA Governing Council_ENG.pdf Report of the 19th session of the SPECA Governing Council_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 205.28 KB) English Report of the 19th session of the SPECA Governing Council
Report of the 19th session of the SPECA Governing Council_RUS.pdf Report of the 19th session of the SPECA Governing Council_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 197.98 KB) Russian Report of the 19th session of the SPECA Governing Council
ANNEX I. LoP.pdf ANNEX I. LoP.pdf (application/pdf, 195.93 KB) English Annex I. List of the participants of the 18th session of the SPECA Governing Council and the 2024 Economic Forum
ANNEX II. Annotated Agenda_GC session_ENG.pdf ANNEX II. Annotated Agenda_GC session_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 181.2 KB) English Annex II. Annotated Agenda of the SPECA Governing Council
ANNEX II. Annotated Agenda_GC session_RUS.pdf ANNEX II. Annotated Agenda_GC session_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 215.86 KB) Russian Annex II. Annotated Agenda of the SPECA Governing Council
ANNEX III. Dushanbe Declaration_ENG_0.pdf ANNEX III. Dushanbe Declaration_ENG_0.pdf (application/pdf, 187.14 KB) English Annex III. Dushnbe Declaration
ANNEX III. Dushanbe Declaration_RUS.pdf ANNEX III. Dushanbe Declaration_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 254.51 KB) Russian Annex III. Dushnbe Declaration
ANNEX IV. SPECA Concept of Development until 2030_ENG_0.pdf ANNEX IV. SPECA Concept of Development until 2030_ENG_0.pdf (application/pdf, 238.7 KB) English Annex IV. SPECA Concept of Development until 2030
ANNEX IV. SPECA Concept of Development until 2030_RUS.pdf ANNEX IV. SPECA Concept of Development until 2030_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 287.57 KB) Russian Annex IV. SPECA Concept of Development until 2030
ANNEX V. Decisions of the 19th session of the SPECA GC_ENG.pdf ANNEX V. Decisions of the 19th session of the SPECA GC_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 142.74 KB) English Annex V. Decisions of the 19th session of the SPECA Governing Council
ANNEX V. Decisions of the 19th session of the SPECA GC_RUS.pdf ANNEX V. Decisions of the 19th session of the SPECA GC_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 181.09 KB) Russian Annex V. Decisions of the 19th session of the SPECA Governing Council
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