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Download Documents for Sixteenth session of the Team of Specialists on Innovation and Competitiveness Policies

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ECE_CECI_ICP_2024_1_2416105E.pdf ECE_CECI_ICP_2024_1_2416105E.pdf (application/pdf, 267.86 KB) English Annotated provisional agenda for the sixteenth session
ECE_CECI_ICP_2024_1_2416105F.pdf ECE_CECI_ICP_2024_1_2416105F.pdf (application/pdf, 328.12 KB) French Annotated provisional agenda for the sixteenth session
ECE_CECI_ICP_2024_1_2416105R.pdf ECE_CECI_ICP_2024_1_2416105R.pdf (application/pdf, 329.67 KB) Russian Annotated provisional agenda for the sixteenth session
ECE_CECI_2024_INF.2_ETIN formatted.pdf ECE_CECI_2024_INF.2_ETIN formatted.pdf (application/pdf, 282.13 KB) English Progress report on the UN-ECE Transformative Innovation Network
ETIN_ActionForum_DraftPolicyPaper_as of 14 November.pdf ETIN_ActionForum_DraftPolicyPaper_as of 14 November.pdf (application/pdf, 1.5 MB) English Navigating the challenges and opportunities for innovation-led sustainable transformations
DraftMeetingReport_ETINActionForum_as of 14 November.pdf DraftMeetingReport_ETINActionForum_as of 14 November.pdf (application/pdf, 738.03 KB) English Draft Meeting Report of the ETIN Transformative Innovation Action Forum
Policy dialogue programme 1511.pdf Policy dialogue programme 1511.pdf (application/pdf, 544 KB) English Policy dialogue programme
Lunch Side Event - Smart regulation for a green digital transition 24 Oct.pdf Lunch Side Event - Smart regulation for a green digital transition 24 Oct.pdf (application/pdf, 590.85 KB) English Lunch Side Event - Smart regulation for a green digital transition
Panel 1 Setting the Scene Transformative Innovation and AI for Climate Action_.PNG Panel 1 Setting the Scene Transformative Innovation and AI for Climate Action_.PNG (image/png, 456.34 KB) English Panel 1: Setting the Scene – Transformative Innovation and AI for Climate Action
Panel 2 AI for Climate Change Mitigation - The Transition to Net Zero_.PNG Panel 2 AI for Climate Change Mitigation - The Transition to Net Zero_.PNG (image/png, 444.65 KB) English Panel 2: AI for Climate Change Mitigation - The Transition to Net Zero
Panel 3 AI for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilient Infrastructure_ updated.PNG Panel 3 AI for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilient Infrastructure_ updated.PNG (image/png, 412.26 KB) English Panel 3: AI for Climate Change Adaptation and Resilient Infrastructure
Panel 4 Policy Action and Recommendations_ updated.PNG Panel 4 Policy Action and Recommendations_ updated.PNG (image/png, 437.63 KB) English Panel 4: Policy Action and Recommendations
Presentation_UNECE_Sarah Berube.pdf Presentation_UNECE_Sarah Berube.pdf (application/pdf, 2.1 MB) English Panel1-Measuring the environmental impact of AI
UNECE - Climate Innovation Talk - Ruth McLachlin - FORMATTED.pdf UNECE - Climate Innovation Talk - Ruth McLachlin - FORMATTED.pdf (application/pdf, 2.55 MB) English Panel1-Technology for Climate Adaptation
20241119_UNECE_Policy_Dialogue_SATW.pdf 20241119_UNECE_Policy_Dialogue_SATW.pdf (application/pdf, 5.76 MB) English Panel2-How to use the power of AI to reduce the impact of climate change on Switzerland
Climat Action Final Bunyod Rakmatollaev.pdf Climat Action Final Bunyod Rakmatollaev.pdf (application/pdf, 1.47 MB) English Panel2-Climat Action - Transition to Net Zero
AI for the Energy Transition - Applications for Energy Systems Modelling, Operations, & Policymaking.pdf AI for the Energy Transition - Applications for Energy Systems Modelling, Operations, & Policymaking.pdf (application/pdf, 601.07 KB) English Panel2-AI for the Energy Transition: Applications for Energy Systems Modelling, Operations, & Policymaking
UNECE_I.Litvinyuk_AI-Energy_ToS.Inno_19.November.2024.pdf UNECE_I.Litvinyuk_AI-Energy_ToS.Inno_19.November.2024.pdf (application/pdf, 995.85 KB) English Panel2-Decarbonization, Digitalization, and Decentralization of Energy Systems
Lars Friberg UNECE 19.11.2024.pptx Lars Friberg UNECE 19.11.2024.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 39.76 MB) English Panel3-AI for Climate Change Adaptation
pedro gomes and tiago cardoso.pdf pedro gomes and tiago cardoso.pdf (application/pdf, 1.59 MB) English Panel3-AI and Climate Change: Applications, challenges and solutions
Bilel Jamoussi.pdf Bilel Jamoussi.pdf (application/pdf, 1.62 MB) English Panel4-Policy Action and Recommendations
Mehmet Saf.pdf Mehmet Saf.pdf (application/pdf, 331.57 KB) English Panel4-Natıonal Aı Strategy of Turkıye
UNESCO_Greening the Planet or Growing the Footprint_UNECE_19Nov2024.pdf UNESCO_Greening the Planet or Growing the Footprint_UNECE_19Nov2024.pdf (application/pdf, 205.6 KB) English Panel4-Greening the Planet or Growing the Footprint?
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