ConceptNote_RegionalWorkshop2024_final.pdf |
ConceptNote_RegionalWorkshop2024_final.pdf (application/pdf, 503.74 KB)
English |
Concept Note |
ConceptNote_RegionalWorkshop2024_final_RUS.pdf |
ConceptNote_RegionalWorkshop2024_final_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 695.8 KB)
Russian |
Concept Note |
ConceptNote_RegionalWorkshop2024_final_FR.pdf |
ConceptNote_RegionalWorkshop2024_final_FR.pdf (application/pdf, 505.87 KB)
French |
Concept Note |
BackgroundDocument_RegionalWorkshop2024_final (1).pdf |
BackgroundDocument_RegionalWorkshop2024_final (1).pdf (application/pdf, 497.37 KB)
English |
Background documents - Regional Workshop 2024 |
Agenda_RegionalWorkshop_FINAL_ENG.pdf |
Agenda_RegionalWorkshop_FINAL_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 600.37 KB)
English |
Final agenda - Regional Workshop on Equitable Access to Water and Sanitation under the Protocol |
Agenda_RegionalWorkshop_FINAL_FRE.pdf |
Agenda_RegionalWorkshop_FINAL_FRE.pdf (application/pdf, 624.22 KB)
French |
Final agenda - Regional Workshop on Equitable Access to Water and Sanitation under the Protocol |
Agenda_RegionalWorkshop_FINAL_RUS.pdf |
Agenda_RegionalWorkshop_FINAL_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 579.14 KB)
Russian |
Final agenda - Regional Workshop on Equitable Access to Water and Sanitation under the Protocol |
1.1_Ylber_EquitableAccess.pdf |
1.1_Ylber_EquitableAccess.pdf (application/pdf, 1.12 MB)
English |
Equitable Access to Water and Sanitation under the Protocol on Water and Health - Mr. Ylber Mirta, Head of Department of Waters, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, North Macedonia |
1.2_Nicole_WHO_EURO_Equity WS Budapest 2024_S1.pdf |
1.2_Nicole_WHO_EURO_Equity WS Budapest 2024_S1.pdf (application/pdf, 947.7 KB)
English |
Equitable WASH services in the pan-European region: insights on conditions in households, schools, and health-care facilities - Ms. Nicole Kläsener, Technical Officer, joint secretariat of the Protocol on Water and Health, WHO/Europe |
1.3_Laura_UBA.pdf |
1.3_Laura_UBA.pdf (application/pdf, 930.93 KB)
English |
Achieving equitable access to drinking water: Implemented measures and remaining challenges in EU Member States - Ms. Laura Huber, German Environment Agency, WHO Collaborating Centre for Research on Drinking-Water- Hygiene, Germany |
2.1_Marie_ScorecardLaunch.pdf |
2.1_Marie_ScorecardLaunch.pdf (application/pdf, 1.19 MB)
English |
The Equitable Access Score-card 2.0 - Ms. Marie Teyssandier, Sub-Directorate for the Prevention of Environmental and Food-Related Risks, Ministry of Health and Access to Care, France |
2.2_ALB Pres_UNECE_R_Metoja.pdf |
2.2_ALB Pres_UNECE_R_Metoja.pdf (application/pdf, 1.26 MB)
English |
Piloting the draft Equitable Access Score-card 2.0 in Albania - Ms. Rovena Metoja, Head of Unit, Directory of Strategic Management, Water Resources Management Agency, Albania |
3.1_DG ENV_Latest updates on DWD and UWWTD_11 Dec 2024.pdf |
3.1_DG ENV_Latest updates on DWD and UWWTD_11 Dec 2024.pdf (application/pdf, 965.52 KB)
English |
Latest updates on the EU Drinking Water and Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive - Mr. Bert Leemans, Policy Officer, DG Environment, European Commission |
3.2_France_Présentation Budapest_VF.pdf |
3.2_France_Présentation Budapest_VF.pdf (application/pdf, 800.38 KB)
French |
Experience in transposing&implementing Article 16 of the EU Drinking Water Directive recast - Ms. Marie Teyssandier, Ministry of Health and Access to Care & Ms. Sylia Bouabdellah, Interministerial Delegation for Accommodation and Access to Housing, France |
3.3_Montenegro_RW Budapest.pdf |
3.3_Montenegro_RW Budapest.pdf (application/pdf, 871.03 KB)
English |
Experience in transposing and implementing Article 16 of the EU Drinking Water Directive recast - Ms. Dijana Djurovic, Director of Centre for Hygiene & Environmental Health, Institute of Public Health, Montenegro |
3.5_ToolsPA6_MV.pdf |
3.5_ToolsPA6_MV.pdf (application/pdf, 1.28 MB)
English |
How do the tools under the Protocol facilitate the implementation of Articles under the DWD and UWWTD? - Ms. Marta Vargha, Lead Expert, Department of Public Health Laboratories and Methodology, National Centre for Public Health and Pharmacy, Hungary |
3.6_Robizon_ToolsPA3.pdf |
3.6_Robizon_ToolsPA3.pdf (application/pdf, 671.03 KB)
English |
How do the tools under the Protocol facilitate the implementation of Articles under the DWD and UWWTD? - Mr. Robizon Tsiklauri, Acting Head of Environmental Health Department, National Center for Diseases Control and Public Health, Georgia |
4.1_COPIE2024_Presentation_Solidarites_Internationa_UNECE_WHO_Budapest_en.pdf |
4.1_COPIE2024_Presentation_Solidarites_Internationa_UNECE_WHO_Budapest_en.pdf (application/pdf, 1.49 MB)
English |
Efforts and resources secured for ensuring equitable access to water and sanitation and implementing Article 16 of the DWD: experience sharing from a French NGO - Ms. Manon Fillonneau, European Affairs Officer, Solidarités International |
4.2_Meeting_Portugal_HCosta.pdf |
4.2_Meeting_Portugal_HCosta.pdf (application/pdf, 1.49 MB)
English |
Ensuring the affordability of water and sanitation service provision and the elimination of inequalities - Ms. Helena Costa, Water and Service Regulation Authority, Portugal |
4.3_PPT UNECE_RGG_sent.pdf |
4.3_PPT UNECE_RGG_sent.pdf (application/pdf, 914.29 KB)
English |
Ensuring the affordability of water and sanitation service provision and the elimination of inequalities - Mr. Ricard Giné-Garriga, Advisor, Sustainable Services, Water and Sanitation, Stockholm International Water Institute |
Session 5 (4)_ Future work on equitable access_Diane Guerrier.pdf |
Session 5 (4)_ Future work on equitable access_Diane Guerrier.pdf (application/pdf, 561.41 KB)
English |
Setting the scene: reflections of this Regional Workshop to feed into the formulation of activities under Equitable Access to Water&Sanitation under the 2026-2028 PoW - Ms. Diane Guerrier & Mr. Armin Bigham Ghazani, Environmental Affairs Officers, UNECE |