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Download Documents for Workshop on Population and Housing Censuses

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Document Filename Document File Language Document Information
LogisticalInfoCensus2024.pdf LogisticalInfoCensus2024.pdf (application/pdf, 1.09 MB) English Logistical Information Note
TimetableWorkshopCensus2024ENG.pdf TimetableWorkshopCensus2024ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 290.54 KB) English Timetable
TimetableWorkshopCensus2024RUS.pdf TimetableWorkshopCensus2024RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 359.15 KB) Russian Timetable
WS_1GeorgiaENG_0.pdf WS_1GeorgiaENG_0.pdf (application/pdf, 4.2 MB) English Preparations for the upcoming population and agricultural census, November-December 2024 (Georgia)
WS_1GeorgiaRUS_0.pdf WS_1GeorgiaRUS_0.pdf (application/pdf, 4.35 MB) Russian Preparations for the upcoming population and agricultural census, November-December 2024 (Georgia)
WS1_MoldovaENG.pdf WS1_MoldovaENG.pdf (application/pdf, 5.41 MB) English Successes and challenges in the census of the Republic of Moldova, April 2024 (Republic of Moldova)
WS_1TajikistanENG.pdf WS_1TajikistanENG.pdf (application/pdf, 1.95 MB) English Population and Housing Census 2020 in Tajikistan: process, results and future steps (Tajikistan)
WS_1TajikistanRUS.pdf WS_1TajikistanRUS.pdf (application/pdf, 2.06 MB) Russian Population and Housing Census 2020 in Tajikistan: process, results and future steps (Tajikistan)
WS_1KyrgyzstanENG.pdf WS_1KyrgyzstanENG.pdf (application/pdf, 1.09 MB) English Main findings of the 2022 census of Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyzstan)
WS_1KyrgyzstanRUS.pdf WS_1KyrgyzstanRUS.pdf (application/pdf, 1.63 MB) Russian Main findings of the 2022 census of Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyzstan)
WS_1UNMIKENG.pdf WS_1UNMIKENG.pdf (application/pdf, 1.31 MB) English Successes and challenges in the population and housing census of Kosovo*, April-May 2024 (United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK))
WS_1UNMIKRUS.pdf WS_1UNMIKRUS.pdf (application/pdf, 1.29 MB) Russian Successes and challenges in the population and housing census of Kosovo*, April-May 2024 (United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK))
WS_2UnitedKingdomENG.pdf WS_2UnitedKingdomENG.pdf (application/pdf, 1.32 MB) English ONS approaches to understanding the uses and users of census data (Office for National Statistics (ONS), United Kingdom)
WS_2UnitedKingdomRUS.pdf WS_2UnitedKingdomRUS.pdf (application/pdf, 1.36 MB) Russian ONS approaches to understanding the uses and users of census data (Office for National Statistics (ONS), United Kingdom)
WS_2ArmeniaENG.pdf WS_2ArmeniaENG.pdf (application/pdf, 2.23 MB) English Seeking and acting on stakeholder feedback on use of the combined census model in Armenia (Armenia)
WS_2ArmeniaRUS.pdf WS_2ArmeniaRUS.pdf (application/pdf, 1.91 MB) Russian Seeking and acting on stakeholder feedback on use of the combined census model in Armenia (Armenia)
WS_2MexicoENG.pdf WS_2MexicoENG.pdf (application/pdf, 601.41 KB) English The public consultation process for the 2025 intercensal survey of Mexico (Mexico)
WS_2MexicoRUS.pdf WS_2MexicoRUS.pdf (application/pdf, 653.35 KB) Russian The public consultation process for the 2025 intercensal survey of Mexico (Mexico)
WS_3ESCAP_ENG.pdf WS_3ESCAP_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 1.82 MB) English Utilizing administrative data for the census: Promising, but are we ready? (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP))
WS_3ESCAP_RUS.pdf WS_3ESCAP_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 1.7 MB) Russian Utilizing administrative data for the census: Promising, but are we ready? (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP))
WS_3CISStatENG.pdf WS_3CISStatENG.pdf (application/pdf, 625.97 KB) English Possible sources of data for population census programmes (Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS-Stat))
WS_3CISStatRUS.pdf WS_3CISStatRUS.pdf (application/pdf, 681.05 KB) Russian Possible sources of data for population census programmes (Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS-Stat))
WS_3KazakhstanENG.pdf WS_3KazakhstanENG.pdf (application/pdf, 516.11 KB) English Readiness to adopt administrative sources for the census in Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan)
WS_3KazakhstanRUS.pdf WS_3KazakhstanRUS.pdf (application/pdf, 924.41 KB) Russian Readiness to adopt administrative sources for the census in Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan)
WS_3GeorgiaENG.pdf WS_3GeorgiaENG.pdf (application/pdf, 1.99 MB) English Using administrative sources for the census in Georgia (Georgia)
WS_3GeorgiaRUS.pdf WS_3GeorgiaRUS.pdf (application/pdf, 2.07 MB) Russian Using administrative sources for the census in Georgia (Georgia)
WS_3TurkiyeENG_0.pdf WS_3TurkiyeENG_0.pdf (application/pdf, 2.41 MB) English Readiness to adopt administrative sources for the census in Türkiye (Türkiye)
WS_3TurkiyeRUS.pdf WS_3TurkiyeRUS.pdf (application/pdf, 2.07 MB) Russian Readiness to adopt administrative sources for the census in Türkiye (Türkiye)
WS_3RussiaENG.pdf WS_3RussiaENG.pdf (application/pdf, 835.94 KB) English Readiness to adopt administrative sources for the census in the Russian Federation (Russian Federation)
WS_3RussiaRUS.pdf WS_3RussiaRUS.pdf (application/pdf, 912.19 KB) Russian Readiness to adopt administrative sources for the census in the Russian Federation (Russian Federation)
WS_4CISStatENG.pdf WS_4CISStatENG.pdf (application/pdf, 2.89 MB) English Dissemination of the results of population censuses in CIS region: CIS-Stat activities (Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS-Stat))
WS_4CISStatRUS.pdf WS_4CISStatRUS.pdf (application/pdf, 2.94 MB) Russian Dissemination of the results of population censuses in CIS region: CIS-Stat activities (Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS-Stat))
WS_5JRCENG_corrected.pdf WS_5JRCENG_corrected.pdf (application/pdf, 15.49 MB) English Measuring urbanization: basics, methods, and applications of the Degree of Urbanization (DEGURBA / European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC))
WS_5JRCRUS_corrected.pdf WS_5JRCRUS_corrected.pdf (application/pdf, 17.39 MB) Russian Measuring urbanization: basics, methods, and applications of the Degree of Urbanization (DEGURBA / European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC))
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