ECE_MP.WH_WG.1_2024_1_Agenda_ENG.pdf |
ECE_MP.WH_WG.1_2024_1_Agenda_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 241.72 KB)
English |
Agenda |
ECE_MP.WH_WG.1_2024_1_Agenda_FRE.pdf |
ECE_MP.WH_WG.1_2024_1_Agenda_FRE.pdf (application/pdf, 261.95 KB)
French |
Agenda |
ECE_MP.WH_WG.1_2024_1_Agenda_RUS.pdf |
ECE_MP.WH_WG.1_2024_1_Agenda_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 280.83 KB)
Russian |
Agenda |
WGWH_Protocol_draft_system_financial_targets_ENG_final.pdf |
WGWH_Protocol_draft_system_financial_targets_ENG_final.pdf (application/pdf, 209.21 KB)
English |
Draft proposal for targets for financial sustainability of the work under the Protocol on Water and Health |
WGWH_Protocol_draft_system_financial_targets_RUS_final.pdf |
WGWH_Protocol_draft_system_financial_targets_RUS_final.pdf (application/pdf, 215.3 KB)
Russian |
Draft proposal for targets for financial sustainability of the work under the Protocol on Water and Health |
ProtocolVIsion_08.04.2024_forBureau_rev.pdf |
ProtocolVIsion_08.04.2024_forBureau_rev.pdf (application/pdf, 387.64 KB)
English |
Draft vision and strategy for the implementation of the Protocol on Water and Health |
ProtocolVIsion_05.04.2024_forBureau_rev_RUS.pdf |
ProtocolVIsion_05.04.2024_forBureau_rev_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 482.78 KB)
Russian |
Draft vision and strategy for the implementation of the Protocol on Water and Health |
Draft report of the sub-regional workshop on WASH in schools.pdf |
Draft report of the sub-regional workshop on WASH in schools.pdf (application/pdf, 980.3 KB)
English |
Draft report of the sub-regional workshop on WASH in schools |
Contributions_expenditures_2022_2023_Protocol_final_web.pdf |
Contributions_expenditures_2022_2023_Protocol_final_web.pdf (application/pdf, 252.54 KB)
English |
Provisional overview of contributions and expenditures for the period 1 June 2022 - 31 December 2023 |
WGWH LOP.pdf |
WGWH LOP.pdf (application/pdf, 439.72 KB)
English |
List of participants |
Item 3_Fuscoletti_Italy ratification progress.pdf |
Item 3_Fuscoletti_Italy ratification progress.pdf (application/pdf, 258.11 KB)
English |
Progress in the ratification process - Valentina Fuscoletti National Institute of Health, Italy |
Item 4.1_Properzi_UN Water Conference outcomes & follow-up.pdf |
Item 4.1_Properzi_UN Water Conference outcomes & follow-up.pdf (application/pdf, 588 KB)
English |
UN 2023 Water Conference outcomes and follow-up - Federico Properzi Chief Technical Adviser, UN-Water |
Item 4.2_Ambassador Szűcs_Seventh Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health_0.pdf |
Item 4.2_Ambassador Szűcs_Seventh Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health_0.pdf (application/pdf, 318.5 KB)
English |
7th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health - : H.E. Ambassador Ms. Margit Szucs, Permanent Representative of Hungary to the United Nations Office in Geneva |
Item 4.3_Oliver on AMR.pdf |
Item 4.3_Oliver on AMR.pdf (application/pdf, 188.3 KB)
English |
WASH and antimicrobial resistance - Oliver Schmoll, WHO Regional Office for Europe |
Item 5.1_Ochieng Pernet_Task Force Target setting & Reporting (FINAL).pdf |
Item 5.1_Ochieng Pernet_Task Force Target setting & Reporting (FINAL).pdf (application/pdf, 444.44 KB)
English |
Improving Governance for Water and Health Through Setting Targets, Implementing Measures and Reporting - Awilo Ochieng Pernet , Switzerland |
Item 5.2_Tveitan_Norway update on targets (FINAL).pdf |
Item 5.2_Tveitan_Norway update on targets (FINAL).pdf (application/pdf, 255.21 KB)
English |
Revising our targets in Norway - Kjetil Tveitan, Ministry of Health and Care Services, Norway |
Item 5.5_Puheenvuoro_Finland update.pdf |
Item 5.5_Puheenvuoro_Finland update.pdf (application/pdf, 225.18 KB)
English |
Statement by Finland |
Item 5.3_Costa_Portugal update on climate sensitive targets (FINAL).pdf |
Item 5.3_Costa_Portugal update on climate sensitive targets (FINAL).pdf (application/pdf, 227.16 KB)
English |
Progress in revising and implementing targets under the Protocol - Helena Costa , Water and Waste Services Authority, Portugal |
Item 5.4_Alves_Luxembourg update on targets (FINAL).pdf |
Item 5.4_Alves_Luxembourg update on targets (FINAL).pdf (application/pdf, 311.84 KB)
English |
Improving governance for water and health through target setting: Example of Health and Water Research - Bruno Alves, Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity, Luxembourg |
Status of the online reporting system under the Protocol - Nataliya Nikiforova, UNECE.pdf |
Status of the online reporting system under the Protocol - Nataliya Nikiforova, UNECE.pdf (application/pdf, 377.04 KB)
English |
Status of the online reporting system under the Protocol - Nataliya Nikiforova, UNECE |
Item 5.6_Rick on JMP global monitoring and GLASS.pdf |
Item 5.6_Rick on JMP global monitoring and GLASS.pdf (application/pdf, 1.58 MB)
English |
JMP global monitoring and GLASS - Rick Johnston, WHO |
Item 5.7_Belokurov_EU4Environment.pdf |
Item 5.7_Belokurov_EU4Environment.pdf (application/pdf, 604.24 KB)
English |
National Policy Dialogues: support to the water and health agenda - Alexander Belokurov, UNECE |
Item 5.8_Oliver on BCA.pdf |
Item 5.8_Oliver on BCA.pdf (application/pdf, 73.63 KB)
English |
Overview Biannual Collaborative Agreements (BCAs) - Oliver Schmoll, WHO Regional Office for Europe |
Item 6_PA2_Ettore and Marta.pdf |
Item 6_PA2_Ettore and Marta.pdf (application/pdf, 1.34 MB)
English |
Prevention and reduction of water related diseases - Ettore Amato and Susanne Hyllestad, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Kjetil Tveitan , Ministry of Health and Care Services, Norway, Marta Vargha, National Center for Public Health, Hungary |
Item 7_PA3_Marta and Viktorija.pdf |
Item 7_PA3_Marta and Viktorija.pdf (application/pdf, 1 MB)
English |
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Institutions and Public Spaces - Marta Vargha, National Center for Public Health, Hungary, Viktorija Kokštytė, National Public Health Centre, Lithuania |
Item 8.1_PA4_Bettina and Dragana and Rick.pdf |
Item 8.1_PA4_Bettina and Dragana and Rick.pdf (application/pdf, 1.44 MB)
English |
Small scale water supplies and sanitation: Achievements and future work - Bettina Rickert, German Environment Agency, Dragana Jovanovic, Serbian Institute of Public Health |
Item 10_PA5_Harold and Jelena.pptx |
Item 10_PA5_Harold and Jelena.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 9.14 MB)
English |
Safe management of water supply and sanitation systems / Work area 5 - Harold van den Berg, The Netherlands, Jelena Vicanovic, Bosnia and Herzegovina |
The objective of the long-term vision and strategy for implementation of the Protocol - Marta Vargha, National Center for Public Health, Hungary .pdf |
The objective of the long-term vision and strategy for implementation of the Protocol - Marta Vargha, National Center for Public Health, Hungary .pdf (application/pdf, 445.91 KB)
English |
The objective of the long-term vision and strategy for implementation of the Protocol - Marta Vargha, National Center for Public Health, Hungary |
Item 11.1_Vargha + Kocubovski_Equitable Access Water Sanitation.pdf |
Item 11.1_Vargha + Kocubovski_Equitable Access Water Sanitation.pdf (application/pdf, 732.14 KB)
English |
Equitable Access to Water and Sanitation Translating the human rights into practice - Marta Vargha, Hungary, Mihail Kochubovski, North Macedonia |
Item 11.2_ALBANIA_Arduen Karagjozi.pdf |
Item 11.2_ALBANIA_Arduen Karagjozi.pdf (application/pdf, 805.31 KB)
English |
Albania Self-Assessment for Equal Access to Water and Sanitation - Arduen Karagjozi, Director of Strategic Management WRMA, Albania |
Item 12.1_De Roda Husman + Fuscoletti_Climate change_PA7.pdf |
Item 12.1_De Roda Husman + Fuscoletti_Climate change_PA7.pdf (application/pdf, 256.34 KB)
English |
Increase climate resilience / Work area 7 - Ana Maria de Roda Husman RIVM, The Netherlands, Valentina Fuscoletti ,National Institute of Health, Italy |
Item 12.3_Montenegro_Update on climate-sensitive targets.pdf |
Item 12.3_Montenegro_Update on climate-sensitive targets.pdf (application/pdf, 490.4 KB)
English |
Setting and revising targets in Montenegro - Dijana Djurovic, Borko Bajic, Ministry of Health, Institute for Public Health, Montenegro |
Item 12.4_Verdiyev_COP29 (FINAL) 17.04.2024.pdf |
Item 12.4_Verdiyev_COP29 (FINAL) 17.04.2024.pdf (application/pdf, 757.83 KB)
English |
Increasing resilience to climate change -Asif Verdiyev, National Hydrometeorological Service under the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan |
Financial resources to support the implementation of the Protocol - - Marta Vargha, National Center for Public Health, Hungary .pdf |
Financial resources to support the implementation of the Protocol - - Marta Vargha, National Center for Public Health, Hungary .pdf (application/pdf, 80.37 KB)
English |
Proposal for a system of financial targets under the Protocol - Marta Vargha, National Center for Public Health, Hungary |
Statement by Ukraine.pdf |
Statement by Ukraine.pdf (application/pdf, 86.26 KB)
English |
Statement by Ukraine |
2024-04-16 Statement right of reply Russian Federation-EN.pdf |
2024-04-16 Statement right of reply Russian Federation-EN.pdf (application/pdf, 342.68 KB)
English |
Statement by the Russian Federation” |
2024-04-16 Statement right of reply Russian Federation-RU.pdf |
2024-04-16 Statement right of reply Russian Federation-RU.pdf (application/pdf, 357.85 KB)
Russian |
Statement by the Russian Federation” |