ECE_WG.1_2023_01_E.pdf |
ECE_WG.1_2023_01_E.pdf (application/pdf, 194.63 KB)
English |
Annotated provisional agenda for the sixteenth meeting |
ECE_WG.1_2023_01_F.pdf |
ECE_WG.1_2023_01_F.pdf (application/pdf, 253.7 KB)
French |
Annotated provisional agenda for the sixteenth meeting |
ECE_WG.1_2023_01_R.pdf |
ECE_WG.1_2023_01_R.pdf (application/pdf, 269.94 KB)
Russian |
Annotated provisional agenda for the sixteenth meeting |
ECE_WG.1_2023_03_E_1.pdf |
ECE_WG.1_2023_03_E_1.pdf (application/pdf, 197.03 KB)
English |
Report on the fifteenth meeting of the Bureau of the Standing Working Group on Ageing |
ECE_WG.1_2023_03_F.pdf |
ECE_WG.1_2023_03_F.pdf (application/pdf, 218.4 KB)
French |
Report on the fifteenth meeting of the Bureau of the Standing Working Group on Ageing |
ECE_WG.1_2023_03_R.pdf |
ECE_WG.1_2023_03_R.pdf (application/pdf, 232.09 KB)
Russian |
Report on the fifteenth meeting of the Bureau of the Standing Working Group on Ageing |
SWGA16-roomslides-Item 3.pdf |
SWGA16-roomslides-Item 3.pdf (application/pdf, 425.89 KB)
English |
Work of the Bureau, UNECE secretariat |
1_OEWG-A_Mollenkopf.pdf |
1_OEWG-A_Mollenkopf.pdf (application/pdf, 715.14 KB)
English |
United Nations Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing (UN-OEWGA), Heidrun Mollenkopf, AGE Platform Europe |
3_BAGSO_Voelcker.pdf |
3_BAGSO_Voelcker.pdf (application/pdf, 1.17 MB)
English |
The voice of older people at the United Nations conference series, Ina Voelcker, German National Association of Senior Citizens' Organisations (BAGSO) |
4_Austria_Schriebl.pdf |
4_Austria_Schriebl.pdf (application/pdf, 152.74 KB)
English |
International Conference on the Human Rights of Older Persons 2023, Verena Schriebl, Austria |
5_Türkiye_Ceceli.pdf |
5_Türkiye_Ceceli.pdf (application/pdf, 2.96 MB)
English |
International Workshop on the Welfare of Older Persons, Elmas Esra Ceceli, Türkiye |
6_UNECE_Jeffers.pdf |
6_UNECE_Jeffers.pdf (application/pdf, 802.64 KB)
English |
ICPD30 regional review and conference, Kristen Jeffers, UNECE |
7_UNECE_Kunz.pdf |
7_UNECE_Kunz.pdf (application/pdf, 568.19 KB)
English |
Regional and High-level Political Forums for Sustainable Development, Michael Kunz, UNECE |
9_WHO_UN Decade of Healthy Ageing.pdf |
9_WHO_UN Decade of Healthy Ageing.pdf (application/pdf, 5.87 MB)
English |
UN Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021-2030), Alana Officer and Thiago Hérick de Sá, WHO |
10_AARP_Iyengar.pdf |
10_AARP_Iyengar.pdf (application/pdf, 143.3 KB)
English |
Insights and perspectives from AARP’s 2023 Global Thought Leadership Conference: The Power of Global Aging in an Interdependent World, Vijeth Iyengar, AARP |
11_UNITAR.pdf |
11_UNITAR.pdf (application/pdf, 8.43 MB)
English |
United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) Mainstreaming Ageing Series, Analucia Jácome, UNITAR |
13_EU_LaMarca.pdf |
13_EU_LaMarca.pdf (application/pdf, 707.5 KB)
English |
Demography: latest updates, Marco La Marca, European Commission |
SWGA16-roomslides-Item 4.pdf |
SWGA16-roomslides-Item 4.pdf (application/pdf, 407.55 KB)
English |
International events and initiatives, UNECE secretariat |
1_Italy_Checcucci.pdf |
1_Italy_Checcucci.pdf (application/pdf, 824.46 KB)
English |
Italy policy developments responding to the goals of the 2022 Rome Ministerial Declaration, Pietro Checcucci, Italy |
2_Austria_Schriebl.pdf |
2_Austria_Schriebl.pdf (application/pdf, 150.8 KB)
English |
Combating violence against older people, Verena Schriebl, Austria |
3_UK_Bishop.pdf |
3_UK_Bishop.pdf (application/pdf, 286.22 KB)
English |
Menopause in the workplace, James Bishop, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
4_Norway_Strand.pdf |
4_Norway_Strand.pdf (application/pdf, 1.04 MB)
English |
“Live safely at home” – a comprehensive reform developed in cooperation, Aina Strand, Norway |
5_Ireland_Chantler.pdf |
5_Ireland_Chantler.pdf (application/pdf, 240.64 KB)
English |
Commission on care for older persons, Abigail Chantler, Ireland |
6_Spain_Montero.pdf |
6_Spain_Montero.pdf (application/pdf, 219.56 KB)
English |
Spain participation in InCARE Project, Manuel Montero Rey, Spain |
7_Canada_Therriault.pdf |
7_Canada_Therriault.pdf (application/pdf, 227.03 KB)
English |
Safe Long-Term Care Act, Manon Therriault, Canada |
8_Slovenia_Kenda.pdf |
8_Slovenia_Kenda.pdf (application/pdf, 111.66 KB)
English |
Act on long-term care adopted in Slovenia, Aleš Kenda, Slovenia |
10_Serbia_Knezevic.pdf |
10_Serbia_Knezevic.pdf (application/pdf, 215.33 KB)
English |
Strategy for active and healthy ageing in the Republic of Serbia, Dragomir Knezevic, Serbia |
11_Türkiye_Ceceli.pdf |
11_Türkiye_Ceceli.pdf (application/pdf, 2.82 MB)
English |
Goal III: Mainstreaming ageing to advance a society for all ages, Elmas Esra Ceceli, Türkiye |
12_RepublicofMoldova_Cretu.pdf |
12_RepublicofMoldova_Cretu.pdf (application/pdf, 982.86 KB)
English |
Program on Active and Health Ageing for the years 2023-2027, Aliona Cretu, Republic of Moldova |
SWGA16-roomslides-Item 5.pdf |
SWGA16-roomslides-Item 5.pdf (application/pdf, 137.32 KB)
English |
Implementing the goals of the 2022 Rome Ministerial Declaration, UNECE secretariat |
ECE_WG.1_2023_INF.1.pdf |
ECE_WG.1_2023_INF.1.pdf (application/pdf, 162.88 KB)
English |
Draft Programme of Work of the Standing Working Group on Ageing 2023–2027 |
SWGA16-roomslides-Item 6.pdf |
SWGA16-roomslides-Item 6.pdf (application/pdf, 136.67 KB)
English |
Programme of Work 2023–2027, UNECE secretariat |
ECE_WG.1_2023_04_E.pdf |
ECE_WG.1_2023_04_E.pdf (application/pdf, 181.63 KB)
English |
Implementation of the programme of work of the Standing Working Group on Ageing in 2023 |
ECE_WG.1_2023_04_F.pdf |
ECE_WG.1_2023_04_F.pdf (application/pdf, 200.93 KB)
French |
Implementation of the programme of work of the Standing Working Group on Ageing in 2023 |
ECE_WG.1_2023_04_R.pdf |
ECE_WG.1_2023_04_R.pdf (application/pdf, 223.72 KB)
Russian |
Implementation of the programme of work of the Standing Working Group on Ageing in 2023 |
ECE-WG.1-42-PB28.pdf |
ECE-WG.1-42-PB28.pdf (application/pdf, 960.38 KB)
English |
UNECE Policy Brief on Ageing No. 28 - Older Persons in Vulnerable Situations |
Facilitators-Guide-National-vJune2023.pdf |
Facilitators-Guide-National-vJune2023.pdf (application/pdf, 541.81 KB)
English |
Facilitator's guide for training workshop on age-sensitive analysis and age-responsive policy formulation (National) |
Facilitators-Guide-Local-vAugust2023.pdf |
Facilitators-Guide-Local-vAugust2023.pdf (application/pdf, 549.58 KB)
English |
Facilitator's guide for training workshops on age-sensitive analysis and age-responsive policy formulation (Local) |
Reference-Guide-vJune2023.pdf |
Reference-Guide-vJune2023.pdf (application/pdf, 359.12 KB)
English |
Reference guide for training workshops on age-sensitive analysis and age-responsive policy formulation |
7a-1_Ireland_Chantler.pdf |
7a-1_Ireland_Chantler.pdf (application/pdf, 640.74 KB)
English |
'Hello Again World’ Media Campaign, Abigail Chantler, Ireland |
7d-Eurostat.pdf |
7d-Eurostat.pdf (application/pdf, 276.16 KB)
English |
Task Force on Long-Term Care statistics, Giampaolo Lanzieri, Eurostat |
7d-Nidi_GGP.pdf |
7d-Nidi_GGP.pdf (application/pdf, 638.4 KB)
English |
A Social Science Infrastructure for Research on Population and Family Dynamics, Olga Grunwald, NIDI |
SWGA16-roomslides-Item 7.pdf |
SWGA16-roomslides-Item 7.pdf (application/pdf, 1.78 MB)
English |
Activities in 2023 & plans for 2024, UNECE secretariat |
ECE_WG.1_2023_INF.2.pdf |
ECE_WG.1_2023_INF.2.pdf (application/pdf, 169.88 KB)
English |
Evaluation outcomes and follow-up |
E345_Evaluation Report final_website .pdf |
E345_Evaluation Report final_website .pdf (application/pdf, 825.82 KB)
English |
EVAL_E345_ReportEvaluation |
E345_Evaluation Brief final_website.pdf |
E345_Evaluation Brief final_website.pdf (application/pdf, 182.39 KB)
English |
EVAL_E345 Evaluation Brief |
E345_ToRs Evaluation_final 24.3.2023.pdf |
E345_ToRs Evaluation_final 24.3.2023.pdf (application/pdf, 159.56 KB)
English |
EVAL_E345_TORs |
SWGA16-roomslides-Item 8.pdf |
SWGA16-roomslides-Item 8.pdf (application/pdf, 158.47 KB)
English |
Evaluation of the Ageing –Phase III project, UNECE secretariat |
ECE_WG.1_2023_INF.3.pdf |
ECE_WG.1_2023_INF.3.pdf (application/pdf, 136.91 KB)
English |
Terms of reference for the task force for the follow up on paragraph 47 of the Rome Ministerial Declaration |
ECE_WG.1_2023_INF.4.pdf |
ECE_WG.1_2023_INF.4.pdf (application/pdf, 147.5 KB)
English |
Proposed modalities for updating the Regional Implementation Strategy |
SWGA16-roomslides-Item 9.pdf |
SWGA16-roomslides-Item 9.pdf (application/pdf, 146.31 KB)
English |
Updating MIPAA/RIS, UNECE secretariat |
ECE_WG.1_2023_05_E.pdf |
ECE_WG.1_2023_05_E.pdf (application/pdf, 193.43 KB)
English |
Draft programme of work of the population component of the housing, land management and population subprogramme for 2024 |
ECE_WG.1_2023_05_F.pdf |
ECE_WG.1_2023_05_F.pdf (application/pdf, 299.02 KB)
French |
Draft programme of work of the population component of the housing, land management and population subprogramme for 2024 |
ECE_WG.1_2023_05_R.pdf |
ECE_WG.1_2023_05_R.pdf (application/pdf, 312.8 KB)
Russian |
Draft programme of work of the population component of the housing, land management and population subprogramme for 2024 |
ECE_WG.1_2023_INF.5.pdf |
ECE_WG.1_2023_INF.5.pdf (application/pdf, 185.44 KB)
English |
Outline of the key components of the programme of work of the population component of the housing, land management and population subprogramme for 2025 |
InDephPolicyDiscussion_programme.pdf |
InDephPolicyDiscussion_programme.pdf (application/pdf, 126.18 KB)
English |
Programme of the in-depth policy discussion |
01_01_Secretariat_Inequalities_Trends.pdf |
01_01_Secretariat_Inequalities_Trends.pdf (application/pdf, 871.78 KB)
English |
Combating Inequalities in Older Age, Philipp Hessel, UNECE |
Czech_Republic_Action_Plan-2023-2025.pdf |
Czech_Republic_Action_Plan-2023-2025.pdf (application/pdf, 200.9 KB)
English |
Action Plan for Implementation of Strategic Framework for Preparing for an Ageing Society 2023-2025, Kateřina Linková, Czech Republic |
01-UK Midlife MOT.pdf |
01-UK Midlife MOT.pdf (application/pdf, 754.37 KB)
English |
The Midlife MOT: helping citizens plan for later life, James Bishop, United Kingdom |
03-AARP.pdf |
03-AARP.pdf (application/pdf, 2.65 MB)
English |
Achieving Equity in Healthy Aging: Global Insights from AARP’s Aging Readiness & Competitiveness (ARC) Initiative, Vijeth Iyengar, AARP |
04-ILO_Decent work.pdf |
04-ILO_Decent work.pdf (application/pdf, 1.04 MB)
English |
Overcoming old-age inequalities through decent work for all, Dorothea Schmidt-Klau, ILO |
05-Slovak_Republic_Parental_Pension.pdf |
05-Slovak_Republic_Parental_Pension.pdf (application/pdf, 234.38 KB)
English |
Parental pension in Slovakia, Miroslava Klempová, Slovakia |
02_02_Social Cohesion Plan.pdf |
02_02_Social Cohesion Plan.pdf (application/pdf, 2.1 MB)
French |
Social Protection in Wallonia and AVIQ, Sandrine Boyals and Kevin Van Houter, Belgium |
07_Active Ageing_Portugal.pdf |
07_Active Ageing_Portugal.pdf (application/pdf, 1.08 MB)
English |
Action Plan on Active and Healthy Ageing 2023-2026, Nuno Silva Marques, Portugal |
02_04_Ukraine_Seniors in the hostility zone.pdf |
02_04_Ukraine_Seniors in the hostility zone.pdf (application/pdf, 2.2 MB)
English |
People 70+ living in the zone of hostilities in Ukraine, Galina Poliakova, NGO Turbota pro Litnih v Ukraini |
Italy_Checcucci.pdf |
Italy_Checcucci.pdf (application/pdf, 413.47 KB)
English |
Italian measures for the protection from poverty in older age, Pietro Checcucci, Italy |
ECE_WG.1_2023_02_E.pdf |
ECE_WG.1_2023_02_E.pdf (application/pdf, 256.27 KB)
English |
Report of the Standing Working Group on Ageing on its sixteenth meeting |
ECE_WG.1_2023_02_F.pdf |
ECE_WG.1_2023_02_F.pdf (application/pdf, 319.4 KB)
French |
Report of the Standing Working Group on Ageing on its sixteenth meeting |
ECE_WG.1_2023_02_R.pdf |
ECE_WG.1_2023_02_R.pdf (application/pdf, 312.6 KB)
Russian |
Report of the Standing Working Group on Ageing on its sixteenth meeting |