ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_1e.pdf |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_1e.pdf (application/pdf, 130.96 KB)
English |
Annotated provisional agenda for the ninth session |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_1f.pdf |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_1f.pdf (application/pdf, 181.98 KB)
French |
Annotated provisional agenda for the ninth session |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_1r.pdf |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_1r.pdf (application/pdf, 229.29 KB)
Russian |
Annotated provisional agenda for the ninth session |
web_draft.timeline_GERE.9_v.5.pdf |
web_draft.timeline_GERE.9_v.5.pdf (application/pdf, 479.12 KB)
English |
Tentative timeline: Group of Experts on Renewable Energy Efficiency, ninth session, 6-7 October 2022 |
Draft Overview UNECE Energy Week 3-7 October 2022_web.pdf |
Draft Overview UNECE Energy Week 3-7 October 2022_web.pdf (application/pdf, 189.55 KB)
English |
Overview of the Sustainable Energy Expert Week, 3-7 October 2022 |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_2.E.pdf |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_2.E.pdf (application/pdf, 201.17 KB)
English |
Report of the Group of Experts on Renewable Energy at its Ninth Session |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_2_F.pdf |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_2_F.pdf (application/pdf, 196.79 KB)
French |
Report of the Group of Experts on Renewable Energy at its Ninth Session |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_2.R.pdf |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_2.R.pdf (application/pdf, 243.57 KB)
Russian |
Report of the Group of Experts on Renewable Energy at its Ninth Session |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_3e.pdf |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_3e.pdf (application/pdf, 267.52 KB)
English |
Renewable Energy Status Report 2022 - key findings |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_3f.pdf |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_3f.pdf (application/pdf, 243.72 KB)
French |
Renewable Energy Status Report 2022 - key findings |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_3r.pdf |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_3r.pdf (application/pdf, 296.11 KB)
Russian |
Renewable Energy Status Report 2022 - key findings |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_4e.pdf |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_4e.pdf (application/pdf, 286.7 KB)
English |
Status and perspectives for renewable energy in the ECE region |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_4f.pdf |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_4f.pdf (application/pdf, 355.4 KB)
French |
Status and perspectives for renewable energy in the ECE region |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_4r.pdf |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_4r.pdf (application/pdf, 390.73 KB)
Russian |
Status and perspectives for renewable energy in the ECE region |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_5e.pdf |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_5e.pdf (application/pdf, 202.12 KB)
English |
Energy Transition and the Post-COVID-19 Socioeconomic recovery: Role of women and impact on them |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_5f.pdf |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_5f.pdf (application/pdf, 263.11 KB)
French |
Energy Transition and the Post-COVID-19 Socioeconomic recovery: Role of women and impact on them |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_5r.pdf |
ECE_ENERGY_GE.7_2022_5r.pdf (application/pdf, 354.9 KB)
Russian |
Energy Transition and the Post-COVID-19 Socioeconomic recovery: Role of women and impact on them |
Post-session_GERE-9 INF.1 Draft C&Rs_as adopted.pdf |
Post-session_GERE-9 INF.1 Draft C&Rs_as adopted.pdf (application/pdf, 162.46 KB)
English |
Adopted Conclusions and Recommendations arising from the ninth session of the Group of Experts on Renewable Energy |
GERE SECRETARIAT_6-7.October.pdf |
GERE SECRETARIAT_6-7.October.pdf (application/pdf, 660.08 KB)
English |
Group of Experts on Renewable Energy Secretariat |
REN21 UNECE Renewable Energy Status Report 2022.pdf |
REN21 UNECE Renewable Energy Status Report 2022.pdf (application/pdf, 2.9 MB)
English |
UNECE Renewable Energy Status Report 2022, Rana Adib, Executive Director, REN21 |
GERE-9_session_RegionalAdvisoryServices.pdf |
GERE-9_session_RegionalAdvisoryServices.pdf (application/pdf, 309.03 KB)
English |
Regional Advisory Services in support of renewable energy in the UNECE region, Oleg Dzioubinski, Regional Adviser, Sustainable Energy Division |
Mulholland CSE31 Overview for GERE 06 October 2022.pdf |
Mulholland CSE31 Overview for GERE 06 October 2022.pdf (application/pdf, 744.98 KB)
English |
Energy Security, Resilience and Net Zero, Denise Mulholland Secretary, Committee on Sustainable Energy |
Transition to sustainable energy - challenges and opportunities - Kankana Dubey.pdf |
Transition to sustainable energy - challenges and opportunities - Kankana Dubey.pdf (application/pdf, 397.96 KB)
English |
Energy Transition and Post-Covid-19 Socioeconomic Recovery: Role of Women and Impact on Them, Kankana Dubey, UNECE Consultant |
1PM_Artan_Presentation-AKBN.pdf |
1PM_Artan_Presentation-AKBN.pdf (application/pdf, 249.81 KB)
English |
Renewable energy Hard Talk in Albania, Adrian Bylyku, Vice-Chair, Group of Experts on Renewable Energy, and Mr. Artan Leskoviku, Director of RES, Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy |
6th of Ocotber RE Hard Talks in Georgia.pdf |
6th of Ocotber RE Hard Talks in Georgia.pdf (application/pdf, 240.25 KB)
English |
Renewable Energy Hard Talk in Georgia, Margalita Arabidze. Vice-Chair, Group of Experts on Renewable Energy |
Invest in Serbia - Focus on Renewables.pdf |
Invest in Serbia - Focus on Renewables.pdf (application/pdf, 6.13 MB)
English |
Renewable Energy Hard Talk in Serbia, Natalija Lukovic, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Mining and Energy, Serbia |
PPT SER Magdil.pdf |
PPT SER Magdil.pdf (application/pdf, 1.23 MB)
English |
Renewable Energy Hard Talk in Moldova, Nicolae Magdil, Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Moldova |
IRENA_Presentation.pdf |
IRENA_Presentation.pdf (application/pdf, 1.83 MB)
English |
Energy transition has become even more urgent in 2022, Petya Icheva, IRENA |
V. Kotsiuba UNECE - RES, Biofuels Ukraine (1).pdf |
V. Kotsiuba UNECE - RES, Biofuels Ukraine (1).pdf (application/pdf, 1008.31 KB)
English |
RPTC Study: Designing a carbon neutral energy system of Ukraine: increasing the uptake of biofuels and biomass in Ukraine, Valerii Kotsiuba, UNECE Consultant |
Global 100 RE UA 07 10 final.pdf |
Global 100 RE UA 07 10 final.pdf (application/pdf, 1.06 MB)
English |
RENpowerUA: green instruments for recovery and development of Ukraine, Oleksandr Dombrovskyi, Head of the Board of Global 100 RE Ukraine |
Tsyganok.pdf |
Tsyganok.pdf (application/pdf, 1.02 MB)
English |
Environmental damage in Ukraine as result of the invasion: the need for more renewable energy development, Lyudmyla Tsyganok, President of Professional Association of Ecologists of Ukraine |
Riepkin.pdf |
Riepkin.pdf (application/pdf, 1.18 MB)
English |
Development of hydrogen economy in Ukraine, Oleksandr Riepkin, Special Representative of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on the Economic Diplomacy; President of the Energy Association «Ukrainian Hydrogen Council |
Transition to sustainable energy - challenges and opportunities - Kankana Dubey_0.pdf |
Transition to sustainable energy - challenges and opportunities - Kankana Dubey_0.pdf (application/pdf, 397.95 KB)
English |
Energy transition, the PostCovid-19 socioeconomic recovery, and the role of women, Kankana Dubey, UNECE Consultant |
7 Oct_SDG_UN_JP_Motorniy.pdf |
7 Oct_SDG_UN_JP_Motorniy.pdf (application/pdf, 880.09 KB)
English |
Joint project of UN agencies: Analysis of feedstock availability and biofuels production potential to identify sustainable production opportunities and address fuel crisis in Ukraine and Europe, Denys Motorniy, FAO |
Khamrakulova_Ukrainian project.pdf |
Khamrakulova_Ukrainian project.pdf (application/pdf, 288.47 KB)
English |
Addressing the compounded food and energy crisis in Ukraine through innovative technologies and adaptive agricultural practices, Nadejda Khamrakulova, Project Officer, Sustainable Energy Division |