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Download Documents for Pan-European Regional Preparatory Meeting for the UN 2023 Water Conference

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Report_paneuropean_regional_preparatory_meeeting_final.pdf Report_paneuropean_regional_preparatory_meeeting_final.pdf (application/pdf, 403.88 KB) English Report of the Pan-European Regional Preparatory Meeting for the United Nations 2023 Water Conference
ChairsSummary_ENG.pdf ChairsSummary_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 213.25 KB) English Chair's Summary
ChairsSummary_FRE.pdf ChairsSummary_FRE.pdf (application/pdf, 208 KB) French Chair's Summary
ChairsSummary_Rus.pdf ChairsSummary_Rus.pdf (application/pdf, 291.33 KB) Russian Chair's Summary
Information_Note_21Feb2022_ENG.pdf Information_Note_21Feb2022_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 214.06 KB) English Information Note
Information_Note_21Feb2022_FRE.pdf Information_Note_21Feb2022_FRE.pdf (application/pdf, 215.21 KB) French Information Note
Information_Note_21Feb2022_RUS.pdf Information_Note_21Feb2022_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 254.26 KB) Russian Information Note
Flyer.pdf Flyer.pdf (application/pdf, 170.91 KB) English Flyer
Programme_final_ENG.pdf Programme_final_ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 233.03 KB) English Programme
Programme_final_FRE.pdf Programme_final_FRE.pdf (application/pdf, 232.87 KB) French Programme
Programme_final_RUS.pdf Programme_final_RUS.pdf (application/pdf, 284.71 KB) Russian Programme
Opening_Statement_Olga Algayerova_UNECE.pdf Opening_Statement_Olga Algayerova_UNECE.pdf (application/pdf, 122.59 KB) English Statement of Ms. Olga Algayerova, Executive Secretary, UNECE
Opening_Statement_Gilbert_Houngbo_UNWater.pdf Opening_Statement_Gilbert_Houngbo_UNWater.pdf (application/pdf, 144.14 KB) English Statement of Mr. Gilbert F. Houngbo, UN-Water Chair
Opening_Presentation_Jamshed Khamidov+Nathalie Olijslager_Tajikistan+Netherlands_NEW.pdf Opening_Presentation_Jamshed Khamidov+Nathalie Olijslager_Tajikistan+Netherlands_NEW.pdf (application/pdf, 883.68 KB) English Joint presentation of H.E. Mr. Jamshed Khamidov, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Tajikistan and H.E. Ms. Nathalie Olijslager, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Netherlands
1.Session1_Presentation_Oliver Schmoll_WHO_NEW.pdf 1.Session1_Presentation_Oliver Schmoll_WHO_NEW.pdf (application/pdf, 2.57 MB) English Where do we stand with access to water and sanitation in the pan-European Region? Progress, gaps and opportunities, Mr. Oliver Schmoll, Programme Manager, WHO Regional Office for Europe
2.Session1_Presentation_Biljana Filipovic+Dragana Jovanovic_Serbia_NEW.pdf 2.Session1_Presentation_Biljana Filipovic+Dragana Jovanovic_Serbia_NEW.pdf (application/pdf, 630.58 KB) English Using the Protocol on Water and Health and its tools in achieving on the SDGs and the Water Action Decade: Serbia’s experience in target setting and equitable access, Ms. Biljana Filipovic Djusic, Ministry of Environmental Protection of Serbia
3. Session1_Presentation_ND.pdf 3. Session1_Presentation_ND.pdf (application/pdf, 1.98 MB) English Water and Sanitation Safety Plans in Communities in Western Balkans (Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia) and Romania, Ms. Natasha Dokovska, Journalists for Human Rights, North Macedonia
1.Session2_Presentation_A. Kovacs_ICPDR.pdf 1.Session2_Presentation_A. Kovacs_ICPDR.pdf (application/pdf, 2.7 MB) English Lessons learned from the work to reduce water pollution in the Danube River Basin and its acceleration potential for achievement of the objectives of the International Water Action Decade and the SDGs, Mr. Adam Kovacs, ICPDR
2.Session2_Presentation_Shamsiddin Kurbonov_Uzbekistan (eng)_REVISED_MORNING.pdf 2.Session2_Presentation_Shamsiddin Kurbonov_Uzbekistan (eng)_REVISED_MORNING.pdf (application/pdf, 3.5 MB) English Accelerating efforts to conserve and restore ecosystems in the Aral Sea Basin at regional and national levels, Mr. Shamsiddin Kurbonov, Director, Information Analytical and Resources Centre of the Ministry of Water Management of the Republic of Uzbekistan
2.Session2_Presentation_Shamsiddin Kurbonov_Uzbekistan (rus)_REVISED_MORNING.pdf 2.Session2_Presentation_Shamsiddin Kurbonov_Uzbekistan (rus)_REVISED_MORNING.pdf (application/pdf, 3.53 MB) Russian Accelerating efforts to conserve and restore ecosystems in the Aral Sea Basin at regional and national levels, Mr. Shamsiddin Kurbonov, Director, Information Analytical and Resources Centre of the Ministry of Water Management of the Republic of Uzbekistan
3.Session2_Presentation_Marijana Mance_EC.pdf 3.Session2_Presentation_Marijana Mance_EC.pdf (application/pdf, 885.57 KB) English European Green Deal and Water Policy for SDG 6 implementation in the European Union, Ms. Marijana Mance, International Relations Officer, European Commission, DG Environment
4.Session2_Presentation_Laurent Brunet_FP2E.pdf 4.Session2_Presentation_Laurent Brunet_FP2E.pdf (application/pdf, 793.67 KB) English Creating and implementing a circular scheme for sanitation, Mr. Laurent Brunet, Directeur Technique, Eau France, Suez and FP2E
1.Session3_Remarks_Serik Kozhaniyazov_Kazakhstan.pdf 1.Session3_Remarks_Serik Kozhaniyazov_Kazakhstan.pdf (application/pdf, 190.86 KB) Russian Remarks on progress in the water sector at national and transboundary levels in Kazakhstan, Mr. Serik Kozhaniyazov, Vice-Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan
2.Session3_Presentation_Lilit_Abrahamyan_Armenia.pdf 2.Session3_Presentation_Lilit_Abrahamyan_Armenia.pdf (application/pdf, 764.7 KB) Russian The role of the National Policy Dialogue in Armenia in advancing the SDGs, Ms. Lilit Abrhamyan, Ministry of Environment of Armenia
3.Session3_Presentation_Sonja Koeppel+Aurelien Dumont_UNECE+UNESCO_REV.pdf 3.Session3_Presentation_Sonja Koeppel+Aurelien Dumont_UNECE+UNESCO_REV.pdf (application/pdf, 1.32 MB) English Governance aspects of transboundary water cooperation based on the results of the SDG indicator 6.5.2, Mr. Aurélien Dumont, UNESCO and Ms. Sonja Koeppel, UNECE
4.Session3_Presentation_Jane Corwin_International Joint Commission_NEW.pdf 4.Session3_Presentation_Jane Corwin_International Joint Commission_NEW.pdf (application/pdf, 335.95 KB) English International Joint Commission – UNECE Regional Preparatory Presentation, Ms. Jane Corwin, U.S. Chair, International Joint Commission
5.Session3_Presentation_Ales Bizjak+Samo Grošelj_Slovenia+ISRBC_NEW.pdf 5.Session3_Presentation_Ales Bizjak+Samo Grošelj_Slovenia+ISRBC_NEW.pdf (application/pdf, 1.27 MB) English Major solutions achieved in transboundary water cooperation in the Sava River basin, Mr. Aleš Bizjak, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of Slovenia, and Mr. Samo Grošelj, International Sava River Basin Commission
1.Session4_Remarks_Octavian Bivol_UNDRR_NEW.pdf 1.Session4_Remarks_Octavian Bivol_UNDRR_NEW.pdf (application/pdf, 104.23 KB) English Introductory remarks to the session, Mr. Octavian Bivol, Regional Chief for UNDRR in Europe and Central Asia
2.Session4_Presentation_Indira Akbozova_Chu Talas Secretariat.pdf 2.Session4_Presentation_Indira Akbozova_Chu Talas Secretariat.pdf (application/pdf, 1.91 MB) Russian Mechanisms for strengthening climate resilience in transboundary cooperation in the Chu-Talas Basin, Ms. Indira Akbozova, Secretariat or the Chu Talas Water Management Commission
3.Session4_Presentation_Ylber Mirta_North Macedonia.pdf 3.Session4_Presentation_Ylber Mirta_North Macedonia.pdf (application/pdf, 462.19 KB) English The Nexus Assessment process in the transboundary Drin River basin, Mr. Ylber Mirta, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, North Macedonia
4.Session4_Presentation_Anna Smetanova_GWP_NEW.pdf 4.Session4_Presentation_Anna Smetanova_GWP_NEW.pdf (application/pdf, 808.32 KB) English Integrated Drought Management Programme contribution towards SDGs and water related goals in Central and East European Region, Dr. Anna Smetanova, Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe
1.Session5_Presentation_Zoran Stevanovic_University of Belgrade.pdf 1.Session5_Presentation_Zoran Stevanovic_University of Belgrade.pdf (application/pdf, 1.84 MB) English Dinaric Karst Transboundary Aquifer System (DIKTAS) project: achievements and its contribution to SDGs, Prof. Zoran Stevanovic, University of Belgrade, UNESCO expert
2.Session5_Presentation_Morgana Marku_Albania_NEW.pdf 2.Session5_Presentation_Morgana Marku_Albania_NEW.pdf (application/pdf, 2.26 MB) English Pilot Project “Design and testing of a multipurpose transboundary groundwater monitoring network in the Extended Drin River Basin”: Main outputs and contribution to SDGs, Ms. Morgana Marku, Water Resources Management Agency of Albania
3.Session5_Presentation_Marco Petitta_IAH.pdf 3.Session5_Presentation_Marco Petitta_IAH.pdf (application/pdf, 1.12 MB) English Catalyst action of International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) for SDG6 implementation at scientific, professional and societal levels, Mr. Marco Petitta, IAH
4.Session5_Presentation_Dominique Darmendrail_French Geological Survey.pdf 4.Session5_Presentation_Dominique Darmendrail_French Geological Survey.pdf (application/pdf, 2.35 MB) English Mapping groundwater data and indicators at EU-scale in support to the evaluation of the European WFD and of the UN SDGs implementation assessment, Ms. Dominique Darmendrail, French Geological Survey
1.Session6_Presentation_Janine Muzau_Germany_NEW.pdf 1.Session6_Presentation_Janine Muzau_Germany_NEW.pdf (application/pdf, 1.24 MB) English Together for a water-secure world – Accelerating cross-sectoral action towards 2030, Ms. Janine Muzau, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection of Germany
2.Session6_Presentation_Igor Palandzic_WB.pdf 2.Session6_Presentation_Igor Palandzic_WB.pdf (application/pdf, 337.95 KB) English Bosnia and Herzegovina: International partnership on the supporting reform of the water supply and sanitation sector, Mr. Igor Palandzic, World Bank, Senior Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist, Europe and Central Asia
3.Session6_Presentation_Durk Krol_Water Europe.pdf 3.Session6_Presentation_Durk Krol_Water Europe.pdf (application/pdf, 583 KB) English Water-oriented Living Labs for a Water-Smart Society, Mr. Durk Krol, Executive Director, Water Europe
Statement by Austria, Mr. Gunter Liebel.pdf Statement by Austria, Mr. Gunter Liebel.pdf (application/pdf, 101.42 KB) English Statement by Austria, Mr. Gunter Liebel
Statements by Azerbaijan, Ms. Farida Alakbarova.pdf Statements by Azerbaijan, Ms. Farida Alakbarova.pdf (application/pdf, 110.67 KB) English Statements by Azerbaijan, Ms. Farida Alakbarova
Statement by Finland, Ms. Anna Stiina Heiskanen_0.pdf Statement by Finland, Ms. Anna Stiina Heiskanen_0.pdf (application/pdf, 131.51 KB) English Statement by Finland, Ms. Anna-Stiina Heiskanen
Statement by Greece, Ms. Maria Papaioannou.pdf Statement by Greece, Ms. Maria Papaioannou.pdf (application/pdf, 78.86 KB) English Statement by Greece, Ms. Maria Papaioannou
Statement by RussianFederation, Mr. Mikhail Evdokimov.pdf Statement by RussianFederation, Mr. Mikhail Evdokimov.pdf (application/pdf, 2.38 MB) Russian Statement by the RussianFederation, Mr. Mikhail Evdokimov
Statement by San Marino, Mr. Stefano Canti.pdf Statement by San Marino, Mr. Stefano Canti.pdf (application/pdf, 45.44 KB) English Statement by San Marino, Mr. Stefano Canti
UA_Statement on the war-04.2022.pdf UA_Statement on the war-04.2022.pdf (application/pdf, 95.13 KB) English Statement by Ukraine, Mr. Oleksandr Bon
Statement by Spain, Ms. Concepción Marcuello Olona.pdf Statement by Spain, Ms. Concepción Marcuello Olona.pdf (application/pdf, 92.51 KB) English Statement by Spain, Ms. Concepción Marcuello Olona
Statements by Slovenia, Mr. Ales Bizjak.pdf Statements by Slovenia, Mr. Ales Bizjak.pdf (application/pdf, 283.16 KB) English Statements by Slovenia, Mr. Ales Bizjak
Statements by the European Commission, Ms. Marijana Mance.pdf Statements by the European Commission, Ms. Marijana Mance.pdf (application/pdf, 133.21 KB) English Statements by the European Commission, Ms. Marijana Mance
Statement by GWP CEE, Ms. Darja Istenic_0.pdf Statement by GWP CEE, Ms. Darja Istenic_0.pdf (application/pdf, 97.63 KB) English Statement by GWP CEE, Ms. Darja Istenič
Statement by IGRAC, Mr. Neno Kukuric.pdf Statement by IGRAC, Mr. Neno Kukuric.pdf (application/pdf, 80.87 KB) English Statement by IGRAC, Mr. Neno Kukuric
Statement by INLW, Ms. Ruth A Richardson.pdf Statement by INLW, Ms. Ruth A Richardson.pdf (application/pdf, 45.86 KB) English Statement by INLW, Ms. Ruth A Richardson
Statement by Join For Water, Mr. Dirk Glas.pdf Statement by Join For Water, Mr. Dirk Glas.pdf (application/pdf, 79.41 KB) English Statement by Join For Water, Mr. Dirk Glas
Statements by SIWI, Ms. Tove_Lexen.pdf Statements by SIWI, Ms. Tove_Lexen.pdf (application/pdf, 106.4 KB) English Statements by SIWI, Ms. Tove Lexen
Statement by UNCDF, Ms. Rukan Manaz.pdf Statement by UNCDF, Ms. Rukan Manaz.pdf (application/pdf, 129.08 KB) English Statement by UNCDF, Ms. Rukan Manaz
LoP_Final_web_15.12.2022.pdf LoP_Final_web_15.12.2022.pdf (application/pdf, 836.65 KB) English List of Participants
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