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210913 Draft Agenda.pdf 210913 Draft Agenda.pdf (application/pdf, 255.09 KB) English SEP 2021 Agenda
210913 Draft Agenda (PL).pdf 210913 Draft Agenda (PL).pdf (application/pdf, 256.11 KB) Polish SEP 2021 Agenda
2. ICE_CMM_SEP_2021_v2.pdf 2. ICE_CMM_SEP_2021_v2.pdf (application/pdf, 646.21 KB) English International Centre of Excellence on Coal Mine Methane in Poland, by Mr. Piotr Kasza, Board Member, ICE-CMM Poland
3. wplyw metanu_cmm_0.pdf 3. wplyw metanu_cmm_0.pdf (application/pdf, 1.12 MB) Polish Impact of methane emitted from coal seams on the atmosphere, by Mr. Nikodem Szlązak, Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management, AGH University of Science & Technology
4. EMBER_0.pdf 4. EMBER_0.pdf (application/pdf, 2.55 MB) English Why Coal Mine Methane needs urgent attention? by Ms. Małgorzata Kasprzak, Junior research Analyst, EMBER
5. EPP2040 EN_Pawel_Pikus_0.pdf 5. EPP2040 EN_Pawel_Pikus_0.pdf (application/pdf, 1.1 MB) English Polish Energy Policy 2040 – key goals and ambitions, by Mr. Paweł Pikus, Director, Electricity and Gas Department
6. Manfredi Coal-IMEO-UNECE Coal Transition workshop_0.pdf 6. Manfredi Coal-IMEO-UNECE Coal Transition workshop_0.pdf (application/pdf, 1.63 MB) English Presentation by International Methane Emission Observatory (IMEO), by Mr. Manfredi Caltagirone, Head, a.i. IMEO, United Nations Environment Programme
7. zastosowanie pomiarow lotniczych_swolkien.pdf 7. zastosowanie pomiarow lotniczych_swolkien.pdf (application/pdf, 1.46 MB) Polish Aerial methods of methane detection, by Ms. Justyna Swolkień, Professor, AGH University of Science & Technology
8. Lukasz Kroplewski - presentation for web.pdf 8. Lukasz Kroplewski - presentation for web.pdf (application/pdf, 4.86 MB) English New methods of detecting methane emissions and benefits from their application, by Mr. Łukasz Kroplewski, Vice-Chair, Group of Experts on CMM
9. Instrat UNECE Workshop - 2021 09 27_0.pdf 9. Instrat UNECE Workshop - 2021 09 27_0.pdf (application/pdf, 882.34 KB) English Poland's coal mining data landscape -, by Mr. Michał Hetmański, President of the Board, Instrat Foundation
10. SZEP -2021 Szlazak-1.pdf 10. SZEP -2021 Szlazak-1.pdf (application/pdf, 2.53 MB) Polish Real possibilities of capturing methane from deep hard coal deposits, by Mr. Nikodem Szlązak, Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management, AGH University of Science & Technology
11. Jureczka_Malczewski_Szkola_2021.pdf 11. Jureczka_Malczewski_Szkola_2021.pdf (application/pdf, 1.58 MB) English Orzesze-1 exploration well - new data on the presence of methane from coal beds in deep coal structures of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, by Mr. Janusz Jureczka, Director, Upper Silesian Branch, Polish Geological Institute, and Mr. Michał Malczewski PGNiG
12. Hildebrandt - Prezentacja- Szkoła Eksploatacji_GIG Profile.pdf 12. Hildebrandt - Prezentacja- Szkoła Eksploatacji_GIG Profile.pdf (application/pdf, 2.63 MB) Polish MARCO ventilation air methane utilisation technology - experience from the pilot project at the Barbara mine, by Mr. Robert Hildebrandt, GIG KD Barbara and Mr. Dariusz Świerczyński, PROFILE Warszawa
12. Hildebrandt - Prezentacja- Szkoła Eksploatacji_GIG Profile ENG.pdf 12. Hildebrandt - Prezentacja- Szkoła Eksploatacji_GIG Profile ENG.pdf (application/pdf, 2.95 MB) English MARCO ventilation air methane utilisation technology - experience from the pilot project at the Barbara mine, by Mr. Robert Hildebrandt, GIG KD Barbara and Mr. Dariusz Świerczyński, PROFILE Warszawa
14. RICKETTS-rev02.pdf 14. RICKETTS-rev02.pdf (application/pdf, 738.26 KB) English Expected impact of the EU Methane Strategy on the coal industry in Europe, by Mr. Brian Ricketts, Secretary-General, EURACOAL
15. SEP 2021 - JSW.pdf 15. SEP 2021 - JSW.pdf (application/pdf, 2.92 MB) English Activities of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. in the context of the upcoming European Commission's Methane Strategy, by Mr. Artur Badylak, Director, Office of Degassing and Energy Utilities Management, JSW S.A.
16. PICTO - szkoła eksploatacji_PL.pdf 16. PICTO - szkoła eksploatacji_PL.pdf (application/pdf, 1.24 MB) Polish The ways of improving the efficiency of degasification of the JSW S.A.'s mines, by Mr. Eugeniusz Krause, Professor, Department of Mining Aerology, GIG
16. PICTO - szkoła eksploatacji_EN.pdf 16. PICTO - szkoła eksploatacji_EN.pdf (application/pdf, 1.13 MB) English The ways of improving the efficiency of degasification of the JSW S.A.'s mines, by Mr. Eugeniusz Krause, Professor, Department of Mining Aerology, GIG
17. ICE-CMM_PGG.pdf 17. ICE-CMM_PGG.pdf (application/pdf, 1.63 MB) English Methane intake trough directional wells – a case study of PGG, by Mr. Grzegorz Plonka, Chief Specialist - Coordinator, Natural Hazards Bureau, PGG
18. Borowski - Methane in the Context of the v2 Transition of the Coal Sector_prezentacja.pdf 18. Borowski - Methane in the Context of the v2 Transition of the Coal Sector_prezentacja.pdf (application/pdf, 2.82 MB) English Electricity production from CMM; a case study of JSW, by Mr. Marek Borowski, Vice Dean, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management, AGH University of Science and Technology
19. DDMET SEP2021_18092021.pdf 19. DDMET SEP2021_18092021.pdf (application/pdf, 3.89 MB) English DDMet project, by Ms. Renata Cicha-Szot, Oil and Gas Institute, National Research Institute (INiG-PIB), Mr. Tomasz Topór, INiG-PIB, Mr. Bartłomiej Jura, Central Mining Institute (GIG), and Mr. Jacek Skiba, GIG
20. VAMPIRE - Kraków2021.pdf 20. VAMPIRE - Kraków2021.pdf (application/pdf, 1.97 MB) English New solutions for the utilization of ventilation air methane from VAMPIRE mines, by Ms. Joanna Paczkowska, Jagielonian University / CTiPT sp z o.o.
22. ICE China - Workshop Poland.pdf 22. ICE China - Workshop Poland.pdf (application/pdf, 1.6 MB) English Technical presentation on a selected aspect of CMM in China, by International Centre of Excellence on Coal Mine Methane in China
23. Usmonov - Trends of coal sector of Tajikistan.pdf 23. Usmonov - Trends of coal sector of Tajikistan.pdf (application/pdf, 153.87 KB) English Technical presentation on a selected aspect of CMM in Tajikistan, by Mr. Furugzod Usmonov, Ministry of Energy and Water Resource, Tajikistan
24. Kazakhstan-Cracow_Sept27-28-2021.pdf 24. Kazakhstan-Cracow_Sept27-28-2021.pdf (application/pdf, 547.21 KB) English Technical presentation on a selected aspect of CMM in Kazakhstan, by Mr. Evgeny Alekseyeev, Deputy Director, Methane Center PA
25. Hadro-Jureczka_A New Approach to AMM Reserves Estimation_Final.pdf 25. Hadro-Jureczka_A New Approach to AMM Reserves Estimation_Final.pdf (application/pdf, 1.76 MB) English New approach to methodology for estimating methane resources in closed mines of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, by Mr. Jerzy Hadro, and Mr. Janusz Jureczka, Upper Silesian Branch, Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute (PIG-PIB)
26. Prezentacja Zwalczanie Zagrożenia Metanowego w SRK S.A. Oddział KWK Jas-Mos-Rydułtowy I Ruch Jas - Mos 2021.pdf 26. Prezentacja Zwalczanie Zagrożenia Metanowego w SRK S.A. Oddział KWK Jas-Mos-Rydułtowy I Ruch Jas - Mos 2021.pdf (application/pdf, 1.75 MB) Polish Combating methane hazard from goafs of the liquidated "Moszczenica" mine, conducted in SRK S.A. KWK "Jas-Mos - Rydułtowy I" Ruch "Jas-Mos", by Mr. Mieczysław Lubryka, and Mr. Janusz Smoliło, Mine Restructuring Company (SRK)
27. Mr. Moiseenkov GURSH presentation.pdf 27. Mr. Moiseenkov GURSH presentation.pdf (application/pdf, 2.78 MB) English Experience of GURSH in implementation of measures to prevent harmful effects of methane emissions to the surface from mines liquidated during restructuring of the coal industry in Russia, by Mr. Andrey Moiseenkov, Director, GURSH
28. Moellerherm_UNECE Cracow 2021.pdf
28. Moellerherm_UNECE Cracow 2021.pptx
28. Moellerherm_UNECE Cracow 2021.pdf (application/pdf, 2.08 MB)
28. Moellerherm_UNECE Cracow 2021.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, 14.46 MB)
English AMM project in Germany, by Mr. Stefan Möllerherm, Research Administrator, Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola
29. Slaskie - Kraków_28_09_2021.pdf 29. Slaskie - Kraków_28_09_2021.pdf (application/pdf, 769.92 KB) Polish Development strategy of the Śląskie Voivodeship in the context of the socio-economic transformation of the region, by Mr. Dariusz Stankiewicz, Head of the Regional Transformation Department, Regional Development Department, Silesian Marshal's Office
31. WB approach to JT_UNECE CMMJT GoE_September21_rev02.pdf 31. WB approach to JT_UNECE CMMJT GoE_September21_rev02.pdf (application/pdf, 1.69 MB) English The World Bank's approach to Just Transition for All, by Magdalena Chawuła-Kosuri, Energy & Extractives Consultant, World Bank
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