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Kyrgyzstan recognizes need for enabling policies and frameworks for adaptation in mountainous and climate-vulnerable areas in UNECE Environmental Performance Review

Kyrgyzstan recognizes need for enabling policies and frameworks for adaptation in mountainous and climate-vulnerable areas in UNECE Environmental Performance Review

Mountains and lake in Kyrgyzstan

The third Environmental Performance Review (EPR) of Kyrgyzstan, undertaken by UNECE, will support the government to strengthen climate action and address pressing environmental challenges, including in mountainous areas. 

The main findings of the EPR were presented by UNECE and the Kyrgyz authorities on 15 November 2024 in Baku at COP29. The Review provides recommendations to guide the country in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as well as national commitments to advance sustainable development and environmental management. 

In this regard, during COP29, Kyrgyzstan is actively promoting the sustainable mountain development agenda.  The Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision is working to continue the global dialogue “Mountains and Climate”, which recognizes the unique role of mountain ecosystems in the global climate system.  

This third EPR evaluated progress since the second EPR in 2009 and comprises 18 chapters covering a broad range of themes and contains 89 recommendations and 257 sub-recommendations addressing pressing environmental concerns in Kyrgyzstan. In addition, the EPR covers 14 Sustainable Development Goals and contains assessments related to 61 SDG targets.   

UNECE Executive Secretary Tatiana Molcean commented: “By carrying out an EPR for the third time, Kyrgyzstan demonstrates its sustained commitment to addressing environmental challenges and working towards a more sustainable future. The Review highlights the country’s advances in preserving its natural resources and adapting to climate change impacts. UNECE stands ready to support Kyrgyzstan’s response to the urgent need to build stronger climate adaptation mechanisms for remote mountainous and climate-vulnerable areas.” 

Achievements in sustainable development and environmental governance 

The third EPR highlighted that Kyrgyzstan has developed several sectoral adaptation strategies and plans of action for key climate-sensitive socioeconomic sectors. The Government has revised utility tariffs and introduced subsidies for green energy production. It also established the Climate Finance Centre to improve the implementation of Kyrgyzstan’s climate change policy and related international obligations.  

The Government took significant steps to strengthen legal and policy frameworks for forest resources management and for the greening of industry through the adoption of a road map on green economy in 2018 and a green economy development programme in 2020. 

Environmental priorities for the next 5–10 years 

Monitoring, Partnerships, and Policy and Regulatory Frameworks  

Several priority issues that require further attention by Kyrgyzstan were identified by the third EPR, including the development a roadmap for the achievement of the SDGs and establishment of a centralized system for monitoring progress, the promotion of private-public partnerships for green infrastructure development, the development of strategic documents and legislation on climate change mitigation and adaptation, and the provision of clean and affordable energy sources and enabling policy and regulatory frameworks for community-based forest management. 

Improvements in the legal and policy frameworks were recommended, such as the preparation or the completion of the legislation on waste management licencing, the import of wastes, emissions accounting, water basin management, the prohibition of harmful activities in all glaciers, updated emissions norms, the implementation of strategic environmental assessment within the legislative framework, and the development and adoption of a long-term strategy for low-carbon development with a view to achieve carbon neutrality, as well as legislation on climate change mitigation and adaption.  

In addition, the Review highlighted the need to finalize the elaboration of the national climate adaptation plan and start the preparation of regional and local adaptation plans. It also highlighted the need to develop and implement public awareness campaigns and raise awareness among the public about climate change to increase the country’s resilience to climate change. 

Note to editors 

The review was supported financially by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection and the German Federal Environment Agency through the Advisory Assistance Programme. France, Hungary, Italy and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) provided their experts to this review.  

In addition, Austria, Germany and Switzerland financially support the EPR Programme and Estonia, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Montenegro and Switzerland provided their experts for the UNECE Expert Group on Environmental Performance Reviews, which undertook the expert review of this report.  

Countries: Kyrgyzstan

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