Today it is largely taken for granted that citizens have a say in public decisions, that they have access to public goods and services and can exercise their right to vote. At the same time, older people in many countries face obstacles to exercising their civil and political rights. Age discrimination also plays a role.
With the adoption of the United Nations Madrid International Plan of Action on Aging (MIPAA) in 2002, governments committed themselves to ensuring that older people have the full enjoyment of their civil and political rights. In 2022, UNECE member States reaffirmed this commitment in the Rome ministerial declaration.
But how are the guaranteed rights of older people implemented at national and local levels? The online event presents examples of how older people exercise their right to civil and political participation and take part in public decision-making processes in their immediate living environment.
The online event is part of the series “An engaged civil society as a driver for an age-friendly society: an international excahange”. The opening event was about the voice of older people at the United Nations. The series of events, which includes a total of six online events until the end of 2026, gives representatives of civil society the opportunity to exchange ideas with non-governmental organizations from countries in the UNECE region and to find out about the international framework.
The event series is organised by BAGSO, the German National Association of Senior Citizens‘ Organisations, in cooperation with UNECE, the NGO Committee on Ageing Geneva and AGE Platform Europe and with the support of the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) of Germany. The event languages are English and German. Simultaneous translation will be provided.