Innovative products and business models, which are profitable but also socially and environmentally responsible, are a cornerstone of the circular transition. This is doubly true for the many economies in the UNECE region (including the participating countries of the UN Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia - SPECA) that are dependent on exports of natural resources. Governments and business support institutions (such as business incubators and accelerators) in the region have made progress in promoting this type of innovation, but much more needs to be done.
This virtual policy dialogue on Fostering Circular Solutions through Innovation will be dedicated to the empowerment of start-ups, micro-, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to innovate for the green and circular transition in the UNECE region. During the event, policy makers and business support institutions will exchange best practices and lessons learnt in integrating circular and green principles in innovation infrastructures, and specifically entrepreneurship support programmes and related policy frameworks. Considering that the MSME sector is an engine of the economy in the UNECE region, it is critical to ensure that it becomes an active player of the green and circular transition.
Objectives: The session aims to determine major trends in government incentives and policy actions designed for the private sector to embark on green and circular business activity, highlight the role of business support institutions in promoting innovative circular solutions, showcase successful examples, and determine challenges in this area to chart a path forward. Participants are invited to consider the SPECA Network of Business Incubators and Accelerators for Sustainable Development as a pilot initiative in supporting the efforts of member States in transitioning to a green and circular business agenda.
Expected outcome: The session will provide expertise, knowledge, best practices and recommendations for governments of SPECA participating countries and other economies in transition in the UNECE region to empower innovative start-ups and MSMEs to design circular business models as well as create circular and green jobs. The dialogue will also support the formulation of additional UNECE activities in this field.
This session is part of the side events of the seventieth session of UNECE.
Simultaneous interpretation will be provided into English, French and Russian.
Participants are invited to register here.