Fifteenth meeting of the Implementation Committee of the Water Convention
Fifteenth meeting of the Implementation Committee of the Water Convention
16 - 17 February 2023
H-307-1, Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland
37064 _ ECE/MP.WAT/IC/2022/3 - Annotated provisional agenda for the fifteenth meeting _ 373989 _ English _ 773 _ 371694 _ pdf
37064 _ ECE/MP.WAT/IC/2022/3 - Annotated provisional agenda for the fifteenth meeting _ 373989 _ French _ 780 _ 371695 _ pdf
37064 _ ECE/MP.WAT/IC/2022/3 - Annotated provisional agenda for the fifteenth meeting _ 373989 _ Russian _ 864 _ 371696 _ pdf
37064 _ ECE/MP.WAT/IC/2022/4 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its fifteenth meeting _ 378212 _ English _ 773 _ 384529 _ pdf
37064 _ ECE/MP.WAT/IC/2022/4 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its fifteenth meeting _ 378212 _ French _ 780 _ 384530 _ pdf
37064 _ ECE/MP.WAT/IC/2022/4 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its fifteenth meeting _ 378212 _ Russian _ 864 _ 384531 _ pdf
37064 _ Provisional time schedule _ 375808 _ English _ 773 _ 374518 _ pdf
37064 _ List of participants _ 378213 _ English _ 773 _ 380294 _ pdf