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(ITC) Inland Transport Committee (85th session)

(ITC) Inland Transport Committee (85th session)

21 - 24 February 2023
Geneva Switzerland


36187 _ ECE/TRANS/327 - Provisional Agenda for the Eighty-Fifth Session _ 374209 _ English _ 773 _ 370998 _ docx ECE_TRANS_327E.pdf (application/pdf, 144.96 KB) pdf
36187 _ ECE/TRANS/327 - Provisional Agenda for the Eighty-Fifth Session _ 374209 _ French _ 780 _ 371000 _ docx ECE_TRANS_327F.pdf (application/pdf, 153.83 KB) pdf
36187 _ ECE/TRANS/327 - Provisional Agenda for the Eighty-Fifth Session _ 374209 _ Russian _ 864 _ 371002 _ docx ECE_TRANS_327R.pdf (application/pdf, 174.95 KB) pdf
36187 _ ECE/TRANS/327/Add.1 - Annotated Provisional Agenda for the Eighty-Fifth Session _ 374211 _ English _ 773 _ 371455 _ docx ECE_TRANS_327_Add1E.pdf (application/pdf, 273.76 KB) pdf
36187 _ ECE/TRANS/327/Add.1 - Annotated Provisional Agenda for the Eighty-Fifth Session _ 374211 _ French _ 780 _ 371457 _ pdf
36187 _ ECE/TRANS/327/Add.1 - Annotated Provisional Agenda for the Eighty-Fifth Session _ 374211 _ Russian _ 864 _ 371458 _ docx ECE_TRANS_327_Add1R.pdf (application/pdf, 392.24 KB) pdf


39999 _ Informal document No. 6/Rev.5 - List of decisions _ 376164 _ English _ 773 _ 375840 _ pdf
39999 _ Informal document No. 6/Rev.5 - List of decisions _ 376164 _ French _ 780 _ 375841 _ pdf
39999 _ Informal document No. 6/Rev.5 - List of decisions _ 376164 _ Russian _ 864 _ 375842 _ pdf
39999 _ ECE/TRANS/328 - Report of the Inland Transport Committee on its eighty-fifth session _ 378033 _ English _ 773 _ 379717 _ docx ECE_TRANS_328e.pdf (application/pdf, 390.92 KB) pdf
39999 _ ECE/TRANS/328 - Report of the Inland Transport Committee on its eighty-fifth session _ 378033 _ French _ 780 _ 404453 _ doc ECE_TRANS_328f.pdf (application/pdf, 509.47 KB) pdf
39999 _ ECE/TRANS/328 - Report of the Inland Transport Committee on its eighty-fifth session _ 378033 _ Russian _ 864 _ 404455 _ doc ECE_TRANS_328r.pdf (application/pdf, 538.82 KB) pdf
39999 _ ECE/TRANS/328/Add.1 - Report of the Inland Transport Committee on its eighty-fifth session - Addendum _ 378034 _ English _ 773 _ 383780 _ docx ECE_TRANS_328_Add.1E.pdf (application/pdf, 317.82 KB) pdf
39999 _ ECE/TRANS/328/Add.1 - Report of the Inland Transport Committee on its eighty-fifth session - Addendum _ 378034 _ French _ 780 _ 383782 _ docx ECE_TRANS_328_Add.1F.pdf (application/pdf, 395.48 KB) pdf
39999 _ ECE/TRANS/328/Add.1 - Report of the Inland Transport Committee on its eighty-fifth session - Addendum _ 378034 _ Russian _ 864 _ 383784 _ docx ECE_TRANS_328_Add.1R.pdf (application/pdf, 410.99 KB) pdf

Working documents

36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/3 - Implementation of the ITC Strategy until 2030 _ 374213 _ English _ 773 _ 374108 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_03E.pdf (application/pdf, 407.01 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/3 - Implementation of the ITC Strategy until 2030 _ 374213 _ French _ 780 _ 374110 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_03F.pdf (application/pdf, 555.86 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/3 - Implementation of the ITC Strategy until 2030 _ 374213 _ Russian _ 864 _ 374112 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_03R.pdf (application/pdf, 567.04 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/5 - Circular Economy and Sustainable Inland Transport: Stocktaking of the Committee’s Actions and Accomplishments _ 374300 _ English _ 773 _ 371460 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_05E.pdf (application/pdf, 231.49 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/5 - Circular Economy and Sustainable Inland Transport: Stocktaking of the Committee’s Actions and Accomplishments _ 374300 _ French _ 780 _ 371462 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_05F.pdf (application/pdf, 161.59 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/5 - Circular Economy and Sustainable Inland Transport: Stocktaking of the Committee’s Actions and Accomplishments _ 374300 _ Russian _ 864 _ 371464 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_05R.pdf (application/pdf, 305.3 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/7 - Draft Economic Commission for Europe Road Safety Action Plan 2023 – 2030 _ 374701 _ English _ 773 _ 372240 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_07E.pdf (application/pdf, 204.31 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/7 - Draft Economic Commission for Europe Road Safety Action Plan 2023 – 2030 _ 374701 _ French _ 780 _ 372242 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_07F.pdf (application/pdf, 225.9 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/7 - Draft Economic Commission for Europe Road Safety Action Plan 2023 – 2030 _ 374701 _ Russian _ 864 _ 372244 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_07R.pdf (application/pdf, 269.52 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/8 - Decisions under silence procedures during official meetings with remote participation of ITC subsidiary bodies _ 374812 _ English _ 773 _ 372797 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_08E.pdf (application/pdf, 99.05 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/8 - Decisions under silence procedures during official meetings with remote participation of ITC subsidiary bodies _ 374812 _ French _ 780 _ 372799 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_08F.pdf (application/pdf, 200.08 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/8 - Decisions under silence procedures during official meetings with remote participation of ITC subsidiary bodies _ 374812 _ Russian _ 864 _ 372801 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_08R.pdf (application/pdf, 259.42 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/9 - Decisions on the Committee’s Subsidiary Bodies and on its Structure _ 374215 _ English _ 773 _ 373751 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_09E.pdf (application/pdf, 313.77 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/9 - Decisions on the Committee’s Subsidiary Bodies and on its Structure _ 374215 _ French _ 780 _ 373753 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_09F.pdf (application/pdf, 336.27 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/9 - Decisions on the Committee’s Subsidiary Bodies and on its Structure _ 374215 _ Russian _ 864 _ 373755 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_09R.pdf (application/pdf, 410.84 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/10 - Results of the meetings of the Bureau of the Inland Transport Committee in 2022 _ 374216 _ English _ 773 _ 371719 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_10E.pdf (application/pdf, 235.82 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/10 - Results of the meetings of the Bureau of the Inland Transport Committee in 2022 _ 374216 _ French _ 780 _ 371721 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_10F.pdf (application/pdf, 270.7 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/10 - Results of the meetings of the Bureau of the Inland Transport Committee in 2022 _ 374216 _ Russian _ 864 _ 371723 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_10R.pdf (application/pdf, 295.55 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/11 - Draft programme of work of the Transport subprogramme for 2023 _ 374217 _ English _ 773 _ 373763 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_11E.pdf (application/pdf, 406.16 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/11 - Draft programme of work of the Transport subprogramme for 2023 _ 374217 _ French _ 780 _ 373765 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_11F.pdf (application/pdf, 381.72 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/11 - Draft programme of work of the Transport subprogramme for 2023 _ 374217 _ Russian _ 864 _ 373767 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_11R.pdf (application/pdf, 402.86 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/12 - Programme Plan for 2024 _ 374218 _ English _ 773 _ 373462 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_12E.pdf (application/pdf, 327.94 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/12 - Programme Plan for 2024 _ 374218 _ French _ 780 _ 373464 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_12F.pdf (application/pdf, 337.08 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/12 - Programme Plan for 2024 _ 374218 _ Russian _ 864 _ 373466 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_12R.pdf (application/pdf, 350.76 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/13/Rev.1 - Publications programme for 2024 - Revision _ 374989 _ English _ 773 _ 372127 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_13_Rev1E.pdf (application/pdf, 52.68 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/13/Rev.1 - Publications programme for 2024 - Revision _ 374989 _ French _ 780 _ 372129 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_13_Rev1F.pdf (application/pdf, 148.7 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/13/Rev.1 - Publications programme for 2024 - Revision _ 374989 _ Russian _ 864 _ 372131 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_13_Rev1R.pdf (application/pdf, 205.07 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/15 - Status of accession to international United Nations inland transport conventions and agreements _ 374594 _ English _ 773 _ 372544 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_15E.pdf (application/pdf, 156.24 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/15 - Status of accession to international United Nations inland transport conventions and agreements _ 374594 _ French _ 780 _ 372546 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_15F.pdf (application/pdf, 246.94 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/15 - Status of accession to international United Nations inland transport conventions and agreements _ 374594 _ Russian _ 864 _ 372548 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_15R.pdf (application/pdf, 302.01 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/17 - Overview of post-COVID-19 recovery trends and challenges for inland transport at a time of multiple global crises _ 375669 _ English _ 773 _ 374134 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_17e.pdf (application/pdf, 293.92 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/18 - Impact of the war on regional connectivity _ 375047 _ English _ 773 _ 374079 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_18E.pdf (application/pdf, 100.87 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/18 - Impact of the war on regional connectivity _ 375047 _ French _ 780 _ 374081 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_18F.pdf (application/pdf, 175.46 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/18 - Impact of the war on regional connectivity _ 375047 _ Russian _ 864 _ 374083 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_18R.pdf (application/pdf, 194.04 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/19/Rev.1 - Status of the Implementation of the Road Map on Intelligent Transport Systems _ 374958 _ English _ 773 _ 372018 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_19_Rev1E.pdf (application/pdf, 231.12 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/19/Rev.1 - Status of the Implementation of the Road Map on Intelligent Transport Systems _ 374958 _ French _ 780 _ 372020 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_19_Rev1F.pdf (application/pdf, 289.56 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/19/Rev.1 - Status of the Implementation of the Road Map on Intelligent Transport Systems _ 374958 _ Russian _ 864 _ 372022 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_19_Rev1R.pdf (application/pdf, 323.18 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/20 - Information and computerization technologies _ 374222 _ English _ 773 _ 371478 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_20E.pdf (application/pdf, 504.85 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/20 - Information and computerization technologies _ 374222 _ French _ 780 _ 371480 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_20F.pdf (application/pdf, 632.67 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/20 - Information and computerization technologies _ 374222 _ Russian _ 864 _ 371482 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_20R.pdf (application/pdf, 540.71 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/21 - Climate change mitigation in inland transport at an inflection point: the way forward _ 374223 _ English _ 773 _ 374085 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_21E.pdf (application/pdf, 708.09 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/21 - Climate change mitigation in inland transport at an inflection point: the way forward _ 374223 _ French _ 780 _ 374087 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_21F.pdf (application/pdf, 842.87 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/21 - Climate change mitigation in inland transport at an inflection point: the way forward _ 374223 _ Russian _ 864 _ 374089 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_21R.pdf (application/pdf, 853.19 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/22 - Analytical work of the Sustainable Transport Division _ 374224 _ English _ 773 _ 371484 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_22E.pdf (application/pdf, 1.36 MB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/22 - Analytical work of the Sustainable Transport Division _ 374224 _ French _ 780 _ 371486 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_22F.pdf (application/pdf, 1.37 MB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/22 - Analytical work of the Sustainable Transport Division _ 374224 _ Russian _ 864 _ 371488 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_22R.pdf (application/pdf, 1.4 MB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/23 - Taking stock of new trends towards electric vehicle charging infrastructure _ 374225 _ English _ 773 _ 371004 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_23E.pdf (application/pdf, 472.25 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/23 - Taking stock of new trends towards electric vehicle charging infrastructure _ 374225 _ French _ 780 _ 371006 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_23F.pdf (application/pdf, 568.5 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/23 - Taking stock of new trends towards electric vehicle charging infrastructure _ 374225 _ Russian _ 864 _ 371008 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_23R.pdf (application/pdf, 586.02 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/24 - Inland Transport Committee Capacity Development Action Plan 2020-2025 – third year of implementation _ 374226 _ English _ 773 _ 371559 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_24E.pdf (application/pdf, 198.59 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/24 - Inland Transport Committee Capacity Development Action Plan 2020-2025 – third year of implementation _ 374226 _ French _ 780 _ 371561 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_24F.pdf (application/pdf, 212.4 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/24 - Inland Transport Committee Capacity Development Action Plan 2020-2025 – third year of implementation _ 374226 _ Russian _ 864 _ 371563 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_24R.pdf (application/pdf, 270.02 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/25 - The latest developments in Vehicle Regulations _ 374227 _ English _ 773 _ 371688 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_25E.pdf (application/pdf, 124.5 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/25 - The latest developments in Vehicle Regulations _ 374227 _ French _ 780 _ 371690 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_25F.pdf (application/pdf, 168.02 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/25 - The latest developments in Vehicle Regulations _ 374227 _ Russian _ 864 _ 371692 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_25R.pdf (application/pdf, 205.59 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/26 - 2022 progress report of the United Nations Road Safety Fund _ 374228 _ English _ 773 _ 371725 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_26E.pdf (application/pdf, 167.4 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/26 - 2022 progress report of the United Nations Road Safety Fund _ 374228 _ French _ 780 _ 371727 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_26F.pdf (application/pdf, 175.67 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/26 - 2022 progress report of the United Nations Road Safety Fund _ 374228 _ Russian _ 864 _ 371729 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_26R.pdf (application/pdf, 219.04 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/27 - Activities of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety _ 374229 _ English _ 773 _ 371010 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_27E.pdf (application/pdf, 205.17 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/27 - Activities of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety _ 374229 _ French _ 780 _ 371012 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_27F.pdf (application/pdf, 227.75 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/27 - Activities of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety _ 374229 _ Russian _ 864 _ 371014 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_27R.pdf (application/pdf, 266.49 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/29 - The eTIR International System _ 374231 _ English _ 773 _ 371628 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_29E.pdf (application/pdf, 337.56 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/29 - The eTIR International System _ 374231 _ French _ 780 _ 371631 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_29F.pdf (application/pdf, 289.71 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/29 - The eTIR International System _ 374231 _ Russian _ 864 _ 371634 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_29R.pdf (application/pdf, 290.65 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/30 - Operationalization of the electronic CMR consignment note (eCMR) _ 374232 _ English _ 773 _ 371165 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_30E.pdf (application/pdf, 127.9 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/30 - Operationalization of the electronic CMR consignment note (eCMR) _ 374232 _ French _ 780 _ 371167 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_30F.pdf (application/pdf, 180.42 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/30 - Operationalization of the electronic CMR consignment note (eCMR) _ 374232 _ Russian _ 864 _ 371169 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_30R.pdf (application/pdf, 215.72 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/32 - Transport Statistics Dissemination: Data Stories _ 374234 _ English _ 773 _ 371490 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_32E.pdf (application/pdf, 289.35 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/32 - Transport Statistics Dissemination: Data Stories _ 374234 _ French _ 780 _ 371492 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_32F.pdf (application/pdf, 341.53 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/32 - Transport Statistics Dissemination: Data Stories _ 374234 _ Russian _ 864 _ 371494 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_32R.pdf (application/pdf, 384.19 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/34 - Transport developments in the European Union in 2022 _ 376066 _ English _ 773 _ 375160 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_34e.pdf (application/pdf, 261.07 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/36 - Inland Transport Committee Road Safety Forum – High-level Side Event _ 374237 _ English _ 773 _ 371621 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_36E.pdf (application/pdf, 128.99 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/36 - Inland Transport Committee Road Safety Forum – High-level Side Event _ 374237 _ French _ 780 _ 371623 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_36F.pdf (application/pdf, 130.5 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/36 - Inland Transport Committee Road Safety Forum – High-level Side Event _ 374237 _ Russian _ 864 _ 371625 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_36R.pdf (application/pdf, 155.13 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/37 - Proposed Model Rules on Permanent Identification of Railway Rolling Stock _ 374238 _ English _ 773 _ 371496 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_37E.pdf (application/pdf, 146.81 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/37 - Proposed Model Rules on Permanent Identification of Railway Rolling Stock _ 374238 _ French _ 780 _ 371498 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_37F.pdf (application/pdf, 207.43 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/37 - Proposed Model Rules on Permanent Identification of Railway Rolling Stock _ 374238 _ Russian _ 864 _ 371500 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_37R.pdf (application/pdf, 252.04 KB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/38 - Draft Guidance Note on the Model Rules for the Permanent Identification of Railway Rolling Stock _ 374239 _ English _ 773 _ 371024 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_38E.pdf (application/pdf, 3.08 MB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/38 - Draft Guidance Note on the Model Rules for the Permanent Identification of Railway Rolling Stock _ 374239 _ French _ 780 _ 371026 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_38F.pdf (application/pdf, 3 MB) pdf
36188 _ ECE/TRANS/2023/38 - Draft Guidance Note on the Model Rules for the Permanent Identification of Railway Rolling Stock _ 374239 _ Russian _ 864 _ 371028 _ docx ECE_TRANS_2023_38R.pdf (application/pdf, 3.11 MB) pdf

Presentations of the plenary session

40014 _ ITC 85th session - 7 (a) - Status of accessions _ 376175 _ English _ 773 _ 375421 _ pdf
40014 _ ITC 85th session - 7 (b) - Regional accession dynamics _ 376176 _ English _ 773 _ 375422 _ pdf
40014 _ ITC 85th session - 7 (d) - Intelligent Transport Systems _ 376178 _ English _ 773 _ 375424 _ pdf
40014 _ ITC 85th session - 7 (h) - LearnITC platform _ 376188 _ English _ 773 _ 375434 _ pdf
40014 _ ITC 85th session - 7 (h) - ITC Capacity Development Action Plan _ 376189 _ English _ 773 _ 375435 _ pdf
40014 _ ITC 85th session - 7 (q) - Road transport _ 376200 _ English _ 773 _ 375446 _ pdf
40014 _ ITC 85th session - 7 (r) - Rail transport at UNECE _ 376202 _ English _ 773 _ 375448 _ pdf
40014 _ ITC 85th session - 7 (s) - Intermodal transport and logistics _ 376203 _ English _ 773 _ 375449 _ pdf
40014 _ ITC 85th session - 7 (t) - Trans European Motorway _ 376204 _ English _ 773 _ 375450 _ pdf
40014 _ ITC 85th session - 7 (t) - Trans European Railway _ 376205 _ English _ 773 _ 375451 _ pdf
40014 _ ITC 85th session - 9 (c) - Transport Community _ 376208 _ English _ 773 _ 375454 _ pdf