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High-level roundtable discussion on National Action Plan (Kazakhstan)

High-level roundtable discussion on National Action Plan (Kazakhstan)

12 July 2021

High-level roundtable discussion on the analysis of national air quality legislation and National Action Plan for ratification of the Convention’s key protocols
12 July 2021
Objectives of the meeting:
•    To work with the country to raise the profile and awareness on the UNECE Air Convention and the benefits of joining the protocols;
•    To promote activities under the Air Convention’s assistance programme;
•    To increase the visibility of the country’s progress made in implementing the Air Convention;
•    To discuss aligning the country’s national legislation with the provisions of the protocols and to determine next steps for ratification.

Agenda EN

Agenda RU

List of participants RU

Press release EN


The UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution –  a tool to combat air pollution EN  RU
Mr. Richard Ballaman, Head of Air Quality Management Section, Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), Switzerland and Vice-Chair of Executive Body and Member of the Bureau to the Air Convention

Cost benefit analysis of ratification of the Air Convention's key protocols EN RU
Ms. Julija Doktorova, SIA ELLE

Discussion on further steps and National Action Plan for ratification of the Conventions’ key protocols EN RU
Ms. Olga Meļņičenko, SIA ELLE

WECOOP project EN RU
Mr. Valts Vilnitis, Team Leader

Cost-effective Air Quality Management measures in Kazakhstan and their Impact on GHG emissions EN RU
Mr. Markus Amann, World Bank