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Implementation of effective Environmental Assessment System in the Republic of Kazakhstan in line with the Espoo Convention: Screening procedure

Implementation of effective Environmental Assessment System in the Republic of Kazakhstan in line with the Espoo Convention: Screening procedure

19 - 20 May 2021

Agenda and List of Participants

13284 _ Agenda _ 357470 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329574 _ pdf
13284 _ Agenda _ 357470 _ English _ 773 _ 329575 _ pdf
13284 _ List of participants _ 357972 _ Russian _ 864 _ 330858 _ pdf

Materials for group work

13307 _ Sample of documents - Kazakhstan _ 357476 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329588 _ doc
13307 _ Sample of documents - Kazakhstan _ 357476 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329590 _ docx
13307 _ Sample of documents - Kazakhstan _ 357476 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329591 _ docx
13307 _ Sample of documents - Poland _ 357480 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329592 _ docx
13307 _ Sample of documents - Poland _ 357480 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329595 _ docx
13307 _ Sample of documents - Poland _ 357480 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329597 _ docx
13307 _ Sample of documents - Poland _ 357480 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329598 _ docx
13307 _ Sample of documents - Poland _ 357480 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329600 _ docx
13307 _ Sample of documents - Poland _ 357480 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329603 _ docx
13307 _ Sample of documents - Poland _ 357480 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329604 _ docx
13307 _ Sample of documents - Poland _ 357480 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329605 _ docx
13307 _ Sample of documents - Poland _ 357480 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329606 _ docx
13307 _ Sample of documents - Poland _ 357480 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329607 _ docx
13307 _ Sample of documents - Ukraine _ 357483 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329614 _ docx
13307 _ Sample of documents - Ukraine _ 357483 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329615 _ docx
13307 _ Sample of documents - Ukraine _ 357483 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329616 _ docx
13307 _ Sample of documents - Ukraine _ 357483 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329618 _ docx
13307 _ Sample of documents - Ukraine _ 357483 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329619 _ docx