Co-Chairs Conclusions of the seminar ENG RUS
Session 1
- Land-use planning, siting decisions and industrial safety - Key Tools for managing disaster risks Under the UNECE Industrial Accidents Convention and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, Ms. Jasmina Karba, Slovenia, Chair of the Conference of the Parties, UNECE Industrial Accidents Convention
- Setting the scene: Objectives of the seminar and conclusions from previous seminars on land-use planning and industrial safety, Ms. Franziska Hirsch, Secretary to the UNECE Industrial Accidents Convention
- Introductory video: "the Benefits of Coordination between Land-Use Planning and Industrial Safety", Ms. Rebecca Wardle, Consultant to UNECE and the European Investment Bank
- The challenges for housing and land management in the context of industrial safety, Ms. Amie Fiegueiredo, Secretary to the UNECE Working Party on Land Administration
- Financing mitigation and adaptation to natural disasters and accidents, Mr. Batholomew Judd, European Investment Bank
- Key topics and recommendations from the UNECE publication: "Guidance on Land-Use Planning, the Siting of Hazardous Activities, and related Safety Aspects":
Part A - General Guidance, Ms. Vesna Kolar Planinšic, Slovenia, Chair of the Working Group on EIA & SEA
Part B - Technical Guidance, Mr. Lorenzo van Wijk, consultant, Risk Integrated Solutions And Technology Ltd
- The impacts of shocks and stresses on the sustainability of settlements, and the "New Urban Agenda", Mr. Esteban Leon, Risk Reduction Unit, UN-HABITAT
- Comparison of spatial planning in different countries, Ms. Katrien Debeuckelaere, Department of Environment, Government of Flanders (Belgium)
Session 2
- Major accident prevention coordination and spatial planning, Switzerland, Mr. Pascal Stofer, State of Geneva Major Accidents Sector
- How to deal with residential areas and areas of public use in the vicinity of Seveso establishments, Belgium, Ms. Lina Grooten, Department of Environment, Government of Flanders (Belgium)
- Urban regeneration in the aftermath of the Baia Mare cyanide Spill - the C-BREATH project as an idea for an EU promoted urban innovative Action, Urbasofia Romania, Mr. Pietro Elisei, URBASOFIA
- Land-use planning around existing hazardous facilities, communicating the risks to the public, and coordination between the local planner, the national authority and the operator, Norway, Mr. Jan G. Roed, Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB)
Session 3
- Making risk related technical data more accessible to planners, United Kingdom, Ms. Rachel McCann, Health & Safety Exceutive (HSE), United Kingdom
- Cooperating with Spatial Planners - A simple societal risk tool, Denmark, Mr. Peter Wade, Municipality of Veijle
- PPRT (Plans de Prévention des Risques Technologiques) land use planning tool for managing disaster risks associatedj with upper threshold Seveso facilities, France, Ms. Marie Gennesseaux, Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition
Session 4
- Decision-making processes and the challenges of cross-border land-use planning, Germany, Mr. Klaus Eberhardt, Lord Mayor - City of Rheinfelden (Baden)
- Challenges and opportunities for planning and industrial safety of large-scale port operations, including coordination across borders, Republic of Moldova, Ms. Svetlana Stribu, ICS Danube Logistics SRL, Giurgiulesti International Free Port
- Interventions to spatial plans regarding industrial safety measures for planned future developments in areas with hazardous industrial facilities, Serbia, Mr. Bojan Srdic, Ministry of Environmentatl Protection
- Land-use planning decisions influenced by safety concerns, Hungary, Mr. Balázs Kovács, National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior
Session 5
- Explanation of the role play and groups, Mr. Chris Dijkens, expert from the Netherlands, former Chair of the UNECE Industrial Accidents Convention