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(GE.3) Group of Experts on drafting a new legal instrument on the use of automated vehicles in traffic 9th session)

(GE.3) Group of Experts on drafting a new legal instrument on the use of automated vehicles in traffic 9th session)

02 - 05 December 2024
Geneva Switzerland


66054 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.1/GE.3/2024/4 - Annotated provisional agenda for the ninth session _ 394443 _ English _ 773 _ 420875 _ pdf
66054 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.1/GE.3/2024/4 - Annotated provisional agenda for the ninth session _ 394443 _ French _ 780 _ 423860 _ pdf
66054 _ ECE/TRANS/WP.1/GE.3/2024/4 - Annotated provisional agenda for the ninth session _ 394443 _ Russian _ 864 _ 423861 _ pdf

Report - Forthcoming

Informal documents

66057 _ GE.3-09-01, Informal document No.1 - Tentative timetable (Secretariat) _ 396617 _ English _ 773 _ 426913 _ pdf
66057 _ GE.3-09-07, Informal document No. 3 - GE.3 activities to assess the need for an international legal instrument on the deployment of Automated Vehicles (AVs) in road traffic _ 397384 _ English _ 773 _ 428693 _ docx Informal document 3e.pdf (application/pdf, 172.04 KB) pdf
66057 _ GE.3-09-04, Informal document No. 4 - Legal analysis of the notion of driver under the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic - (France) _ 397497 _ English _ 773 _ 428860 _ pdf
66057 _ GE.3-09-15, Informal document 5 - Proposal for a roadmap for the Group of Experts _ 397507 _ English _ 773 _ 428879 _ docx Informal document 5e_.pdf (application/pdf, 116.26 KB) pdf


66058 _ GE.3-09-04, Presentation 2 - The line-by-line review of 1949- and 1968 conventions on Road Traffic (Sweden and UK) _ 397167 _ English _ 773 _ 428226 _ pdf
66058 _ GE.3-09-05, Presentation 3 - " Drivers" of automated driving systems confronted with the 1968 Vienna Convention (IDIT, Academia, France) _ 397272 _ English _ 773 _ 428322 _ pdf
66058 _ GE.3-09-06, Presentation 4 - Legal improvement direction in the era of autonomous driving in South Korea (South Korea) _ 397273 _ English _ 773 _ 428323 _ pdf
66058 _ GE.3-09-08, Presentation 5 - OICA/CLEPA considerations on GE3 activities _ 397421 _ English _ 773 _ 428656 _ pdf
66058 _ GE.3-09-11, Presentation 8 - Presentation of IRU's work on Automated Driving Systems (IRU) _ 397438 _ English _ 773 _ 428676 _ pdf
66058 _ GE.3-09-12, Presentation 9 - German Framework for Autonomous Driving - (Germany) _ 397504 _ English _ 773 _ 428874 _ pdf
66058 _ GE.3-09-13, Presentation 10 - Update on the Framework for Automated Vehicles in the UK (United Kingdom) _ 397505 _ English _ 773 _ 428877 _ pdf
66058 _ GE.3-09-14, Presentation 11 - WP.1/GE.3 Assessment (United Kingdom) _ 397506 _ English _ 773 _ 428878 _ pdf