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(AC.10) ECOSOC Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (11 (pm) December 2020) (10th session)

(AC.10) ECOSOC Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (11 (pm) December 2020) (10th session)

11 December 2020

Deadline for the submission of official documents: 11 September 2020.


ST/SG/AC.10/47 - (Secretariat) Provisional agenda for the tenth session
  English DOC PDF
  French DOC PDF


5773 _ List of Participants _ 351738 _ English _ 773 _ 317760 _ pdf
5773 _ ST/SG/AC.10/48/Add.2 - Amendments to the 7th revised edition of the Manual of Tests and Criteria (ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.7) _ 354346 _ English _ 773 _ 322631 _ docx ST-SG-AC10-48a2e.pdf (application/pdf, 731.37 KB) pdf
5773 _ ST/SG/AC.10/48/Add.2 - Amendments to the 7th revised edition of the Manual of Tests and Criteria (ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.7) _ 354346 _ French _ 780 _ 322633 _ docx ST-SG-AC10-48a2f.pdf (application/pdf, 845.42 KB) pdf
5773 _ ST/SG/AC.10/48/Add.2 - Amendments to the 7th revised edition of the Manual of Tests and Criteria (ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.7) _ 354346 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 331670 _ docx ST-SG-AC10-48a2s.pdf (application/pdf, 693.66 KB) pdf
5773 _ ST/SG/AC.10/48/Add.2 - Amendments to the 7th revised edition of the Manual of Tests and Criteria (ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.7) _ 354346 _ Russian _ 864 _ 331672 _ docx ST-SG-AC10-48a2r.pdf (application/pdf, 868.21 KB) pdf
5773 _ ST/SG/AC.10/48/Add.2 - Amendments to the 7th revised edition of the Manual of Tests and Criteria (ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.7) _ 354346 _ Chinese _ 761 _ 331674 _ docx ST-SG-AC10-48a2c.pdf (application/pdf, 1 MB) pdf
5773 _ ST/SG/AC.10/48/Add.2 - Amendments to the 7th revised edition of the Manual of Tests and Criteria (ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.7) _ 354346 _ Arabic _ 737 _ 331676 _ docx ST-SG-AC10-48a2a.pdf (application/pdf, 1.02 MB) pdf

Informal Documents

3503 _ UN/CE/TDG-GHS/10/INF.2 - Working arrangements for the tenth session and registration procedures _ 353601 _ English _ 773 _ 321166 _ pdf
3503 _ UN/CE/TDG-GHS/10/INF.1 - Programme of work for 2021-2022 _ 353602 _ English _ 773 _ 321167 _ pdf