The Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies (WP.6) promotes regulatory cooperation, standardization policies and activities which contribute towards reducing technical barriers to trade, while lowering efficiently managing risk, promoting sustainable development in its all dimensions including gender equality, climate and environmental protection and adaptation to new technologies.
WP.6 has several subgroups and initiatives that meet at least annually. The official annual meetings of these groups have all been brought together during the same week to form a WP.6 Forum and will be launched by an event to mark the end of an extrabudgetary project conducted by the WP.6 secretariat.
22 May from 13:00: Conference: Back to basics of Quality infrastructure
Quality infrastructure is one of the foundations of international trade, but it is often invisible. It can be a vector to influence change and help to transition to a more sustainable economy by defining the standards and regulations on the products on a market. This virtual webinar aims to outline the key aspects of quality infrastructure, in order to explain to economic operators, member States and international organizations the basic principles of quality infrastructure.
23 May from 10:00: Annual meeting of the Ad-Hoc Team of Specialists (START) and its initiatives
This annual meeting shall take stock of the progress and impact of each of the initiatives since the inception of the START and assess if the Team of Specialists should be renewed for a further two-year mandate.
24 May from 11:00: Annual meeting of the Team of Specialists on Gender-Responsive Standards (GRS)
The Team of Specialists on Gender-Responsive Standards (GRS) aims at providing a practical way forward for standards bodies wishing to take a step towards gender equality through the standards they develop and their standards development process. During this meeting, we will take stock of work achieved and future activities as well as provide updates and share experience of work on gender-responsive standards, inclusivity in standards development and related gender action plans.
25 May from 10:00: Annual meeting of the Group of Experts on Risk Management in Regulatory Systems (GRM)
The Group of Experts on Risk Management in Regulatory Systems (GRM) aims to contribute to the safeguard against hazards that stem from the quality of products and services – or lack thereof – that have the potential to cause harm or damage the health and safety of consumers and the environment. During this meeting, experts will present their current practices in risk management and we will explore what is already covered by WP.6 deliverables and what future work we may consider.
26 May from 11:00 to 13:00: Annual meeting of the Advisory Group on Market Surveillance (MARS)
The Advisory Group on Market Surveillance (MARS) is a unique forum where market surveillance agencies and conformity assessment bodies can exchange on best practices and improved coordination internationally. During this meeting, we will take stock of work achieved and future activities and feature a panel discussion on exchanges of best practices in market surveillance.
26 May from 15:00 to 17:00: Annual meeting of Academia Experts Focal Point Network of Education on Standardization
The initiative on education of standardization aims to support efforts by schools, universities, vocational training institutions and other training and research establishments to integrate standards and standards-related issues in their curricula. During this meeting, we will further enhance the focal point network of academia experts and exchange experiences on best practices in education on standardization.