Seminar on measurement of wellbeing
Seminar on measurement of wellbeing
08 - 09 July 2024
Geneva Switzerland
Agenda, logistics, and report
62808 _ Provisional agenda _ 391823 _ English _ 773 _ 416356 _ pdf
62808 _ Information note _ 392445 _ English _ 773 _ 416105 _ pdf
Session 1: Conference of European Statisticians initiative on measuring wellbeing ‘here and now’
63091 _ Presentation - UNECE In-depth review of measurement of current well-being _ 392419 _ English _ 773 _ 416012 _ pdf
63091 _ Presentation - Task Force on measurement of well-being – background, purpose and workplan _ 392420 _ English _ 773 _ 416013 _ pdf
Session 2: Country reports and case studies
63092 _ Presentation - UK measures of national well-being, Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom _ 392319 _ English _ 773 _ 415706 _ pdf
63092 _ Presentation - Development of a well-being dashboard for Ireland, Central Statistics Office, Ireland _ 392091 _ English _ 773 _ 415247 _ pdf
63092 _ Presentation - Quality of life Indicators in South Korea: challenges and opportunities, Statistics Korea, Korea _ 392168 _ English _ 773 _ 415350 _ pdf
63092 _ Presentation - Monitoring inclusive and sustainable well-being in the Netherlands, Statistics Netherlands, Netherlands _ 392520 _ English _ 773 _ 416281 _ pdf
63092 _ Presentation - Building a stronger evidence/policy feedback loop through regular and frequent social data time series, Statistics Canada, Canada _ 392561 _ English _ 773 _ 416347 _ pdf
63092 _ Presentation - Convergence and regional multidimensional disparities under the prism of social wellbeing, NISAE, Morocco _ 392217 _ English _ 773 _ 415471 _ pdf
63092 _ Presentation - Highlighting sustainability in the Irish well-being framework: an NSI perspective, Central Statistics Office, Ireland _ 392092 _ English _ 773 _ 415248 _ pdf
63092 _ Presentation - Developing a common language for sustainable and inclusive well-being in the Netherlands, Statistics Netherlands, Netherlands _ 392565 _ English _ 773 _ 416351 _ pdf
63092 _ Presentation - Developing and reviewing a well-being framework and the use of qualitative research, Office for National Statistics, United Kingdom _ 392321 _ English _ 773 _ 415708 _ pdf
63092 _ Presentation - Unpaid care work and wellbeing: Harnessing the LFS for modular time-use measurement, ILO _ 392577 _ English _ 773 _ 416504 _ pdf
63092 _ Presentation - EU’s Quality of life framework, Eurostat _ 392545 _ English _ 773 _ 416324 _ pdf
Session 3: Guidelines on measurement of wellbeing – presentation and discussion of draft chapters
63093 _ Draft Chapter 2 - Key common principles of wellbeing measurement frameworks _ 392071 _ English _ 773 _ 415228 _ pdf
63093 _ Draft Chapter 3 - Measurement frameworks related to wellbeing _ 392070 _ English _ 773 _ 415226 _ pdf
63093 _ Draft Chapter 4 - Dimensions and indicators _ 392442 _ English _ 773 _ 416102 _ pdf
63093 _ Draft Chapter 6 - Composite indices and dashboards _ 392441 _ English _ 773 _ 416101 _ pdf
63093 _ Draft Chapter 7 - Communication of wellbeing indicators _ 392192 _ English _ 773 _ 415414 _ pdf
63093 _ Draft Chapter 8 - Developing a national well-being measurement framework _ 392167 _ English _ 773 _ 415349 _ pdf
63093 _ Presentation - Chapter 2 – Key common principles of wellbeing measurement frameworks _ 392579 _ English _ 773 _ 416433 _ pdf
63093 _ Presentation - Chapter 3 - Measurement frameworks related to Well-being _ 392438 _ English _ 773 _ 416059 _ pdf
63093 _ Presentation - Chapter 4 - Dimensions and indicators _ 392521 _ English _ 773 _ 416282 _ pdf
63093 _ Presentation - Chapter 5 - Data sources _ 392656 _ English _ 773 _ 416505 _ pdf
63093 _ Presentation - Chapter 6 - Composite indexes and dashboards _ 392522 _ English _ 773 _ 416283 _ pdf
63093 _ Presentation - Chapter 7 - Communications _ 392581 _ English _ 773 _ 416434 _ pdf
63093 _ Presentation - Chapter 8 - Developing a national well-being measurement framework _ 392322 _ English _ 773 _ 415709 _ pdf