The Governing Council of the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA) will hold its 19th session on 28 November 2024 in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Under the chairmanship of Tajijistan, seven SPECA participating States will discuss the outcomes of 2024 SPECA Economic Forum and adopt its conclusions and recommendations.
Nineteenth session of the SPECA Governing Council
Nineteenth session of the SPECA Governing Council
28 November 2024 9:00 - 17:00
Dushanbe, Tajikistan
please find all updated documents in the link: NINETEENTH SESSION OF THE SPECA GOVERNING COUNCIL | ESCAP (
66779 _ Information Note _ 397683 _ English _ 773 _ 429263 _ pdf
please find all updated documents in the link: NINETEENTH SESSION OF THE SPECA GOVERNING COUNCIL | ESCAP (
66779 _ Information Note _ 397683 _ Russian _ 864 _ 429264 _ pdf
please find all updated documents in the link: NINETEENTH SESSION OF THE SPECA GOVERNING COUNCIL | ESCAP (
66779 _ Annottaed Provisional Agenda _ 397684 _ English _ 773 _ 429266 _ pdf
please find all updated documents in the link: NINETEENTH SESSION OF THE SPECA GOVERNING COUNCIL | ESCAP (
66779 _ Annottaed Provisional Agenda _ 397684 _ Russian _ 864 _ 429267 _ pdf