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UNECE Ministerial Conference on Ageing

UNECE Ministerial Conference on Ageing

15 - 17 June 2022
Rome Italy
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The UNECE Ministerial Conference on Ageing 2022, which took place in Rome, Italy, from 16 to 17 June 2022, completed the fourth review and appraisal cycle (2017-2022) and marked the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing and its Regional Implementation Strategy (MIPAA/RIS).

Under the broad theme of  "Joining forces for solidarity and equal opportunities throughout life", expert panels and ministerial round tables focused on:

1) Promoting active and healthy ageing throughout life
2) Ensuring access to long-term care and support for carers and families
3) Mainstreaming ageing to advance a society for all ages

The Ministerial Conference on Ageing was organized by UNECE in collaboration with the UNECE Standing Working Group on Ageing and the Government of Italy.

A joint Forum of Civil Society and Scientific Research preceded the Ministerial Conference on 15 June 2022.

The 2022 Rome Ministerial Declaration, adopted at the Conference, set the policy agenda for MIPAA/RIS implementation between 2022-2027.



Official documents

26412 _ ECE/AC.30/2022/1 - Annotated provisional agenda _ 366628 _ English _ 773 _ 352442 _ pdf
26412 _ ECE/AC.30/2022/1 - Annotated provisional agenda _ 366628 _ French _ 780 _ 352443 _ pdf
26412 _ ECE/AC.30/2022/1 - Annotated provisional agenda _ 366628 _ Russian _ 864 _ 352444 _ pdf
26412 _ ECE/AC.30/2022/2 - Report of the Ministerial Conference on Ageing _ 369570 _ English _ 773 _ 365494 _ pdf
26412 _ ECE/AC.30/2022/2 - Report of the Ministerial Conference on Ageing _ 369570 _ French _ 780 _ 365496 _ pdf
26412 _ ECE/AC.30/2022/2 - Report of the Ministerial Conference on Ageing _ 369570 _ Russian _ 864 _ 365497 _ pdf

Ministerial Declaration

29215 _ Rome Ministerial Declaration _ 368584 _ English _ 773 _ 356774 _ pdf
29215 _ Rome Ministerial Declaration _ 368584 _ German _ 786 _ 370890 _ pdf
29215 _ Rome Ministerial Declaration _ 368584 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 370891 _ pdf

Joint Forum of civil society and scientific research

29339 _ Joint declaration of civil society and scientific research _ 368685 _ English _ 773 _ 357049 _ pdf

Conference Proceedings

31023 _ ECE/WG.1/41 - Proceedings of the Ministerial Conference on Ageing _ 369788 _ English _ 773 _ 359539 _ pdf


26475 _ Final programme of the Ministerial Conference _ 366659 _ English _ 773 _ 357012 _ pdf
26475 _ Final programme of the Ministerial Conference _ 366659 _ French _ 780 _ 357609 _ pdf
26475 _ Final programme of the Ministerial Conference _ 366659 _ Russian _ 864 _ 357610 _ pdf

Side events

28834 _ Programme of Side events _ 368307 _ English _ 773 _ 356290 _ pdf
28834 _ Side event Concept note - Rights, health and dignity 16 June _ 368309 _ English _ 773 _ 356223 _ pdf
28834 _ Side event Concept note - Combatting Elder Abuse 17 June _ 368311 _ English _ 773 _ 355938 _ pdf


28683 _ Ministerial Conference – speaker bios _ 368224 _ English _ 773 _ 356220 _ pdf
28683 _ Joint Forum – speaker bios _ 368817 _ English _ 773 _ 357014 _ pdf


29218 _ Posters _ 368587 _ English _ 773 _ 356561 _ pdf

Contributions - 15 June

29517 _ Welcome Session - Ms. Heidrun Mollenkopf, Joint Forum Organising Committee, AGE Platform Europe _ 368819 _ English _ 773 _ 357016 _ pdf
29517 _ Keynote - Ms. Amal Abou Rafeh, Chief of Programme on Ageing Section, UN DESA _ 368853 _ English _ 773 _ 357096 _ pdf
29517 _ Session 2 - Mr. Tiago Cravo Oliveira Hashiguchi, OECD _ 369010 _ English _ 773 _ 357573 _ pdf

Contributions - 16 June

29331 _ Opening - Video message of Dr. Zsuzsanna Jakab, Deputy Director-General of WHO _ 369123 _ English _ 773 _ 357830 _ pdf
29331 _ Opening - Ms. Olga Algayerova, Executive Secretary of UNECE _ 368687 _ English _ 773 _ 356758 _ pdf
29331 _ Launch of MIPAA+20 Report and the UNECE Synthesis Report - presentation - Ms. Lisa Warth, Population Unit, UNECE _ 368689 _ English _ 773 _ 356760 _ pdf
29331 _ Launch of MIPAA+20 Report and the UNECE Synthesis Report - Ms. Lisa Warth, Population Unit, UNECE _ 368690 _ English _ 773 _ 356761 _ pdf
29331 _ Member States' interventions on progress towards MIPAA/RIS - Armenia _ 368788 _ English _ 773 _ 356951 _ pdf
29331 _ Member States' interventions on progress towards MIPAA/RIS - Finland _ 368691 _ English _ 773 _ 356762 _ pdf
29331 _ Member States' interventions on progress towards MIPAA/RIS - Belarus _ 368789 _ Russian _ 864 _ 356952 _ pdf
29331 _ Member States' interventions on progress towards MIPAA/RIS - Serbia _ 368692 _ English _ 773 _ 356763 _ pdf
29331 _ Member States' interventions on progress towards MIPAA/RIS - Austria _ 369343 _ English _ 773 _ 358234 _ pdf
29331 _ Member States' interventions on progress towards MIPAA/RIS - Georgia _ 368728 _ English _ 773 _ 356846 _ pdf
29331 _ Member States' interventions on progress towards MIPAA/RIS - Russian Federation _ 368693 _ English _ 773 _ 356764 _ pdf
29331 _ Member States' interventions on progress towards MIPAA/RIS - Russian Federation _ 368693 _ Russian _ 864 _ 356765 _ pdf
29331 _ Member States' interventions on progress towards MIPAA/RIS - Türkiye _ 368694 _ English _ 773 _ 356766 _ pdf
29331 _ Keynote speech - presentation - Mr. Alexandre Sidorenko, European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research _ 368695 _ English _ 773 _ 356767 _ pdf
29331 _ Keynote speech - Mr. Alexandre Sidorenko, European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research _ 368696 _ English _ 773 _ 356768 _ pdf
29331 _ Expert Panel I - Ms. Norah Keating, International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics _ 368697 _ English _ 773 _ 356769 _ pdf
29331 _ Expert Panel I - Ms. Christie Morreale, Vice-President of the Walloon Government _ 368698 _ French _ 780 _ 356771 _ pdf
29331 _ Expert Panel II - Mr. Stecy Yghemonos, Director, Eurocarers _ 368791 _ English _ 773 _ 356954 _ pdf
29331 _ Expert Panel III - Ms. Mary Butler, Minister of State for Mental Health and Older People of Ireland _ 369012 _ English _ 773 _ 357575 _ pdf
29331 _ Expert Panel III - Ms. Liat Ayalon, Professor at the School of Social Work, Bar Ilan University, Israel _ 368699 _ English _ 773 _ 356772 _ pdf
29331 _ Expert Panel III - Czech Republic _ 368730 _ English _ 773 _ 356848 _ pdf

Contributions - 17 June

29355 _ Opening of the Ministerial Segment - Message of Mr. António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations _ 368700 _ English _ 773 _ 356775 _ pdf
29355 _ Opening of the Ministerial Segment - Mr. Andrea Orlando, Minister of Labour and Social Policies of Italy _ 368792 _ English _ 773 _ 356956 _ pdf
29355 _ Opening of the Ministerial Segment - Ms. Diene Keita, Deputy Executive Director (Programme) of UNFPA _ 369013 _ English _ 773 _ 357576 _ pdf
29355 _ Presentation of the main elements of the draft Ministerial Declaration - Mr. Edmundo Martinho, Chair of the UNECE Standing Working Group on Ageing _ 368701 _ English _ 773 _ 356777 _ pdf
29355 _ High-level panel discussion - Video message of Ms. Dubravka Šuica, Vice-President of the European Commission for Democracy and Demography _ 369124 _ English _ 773 _ 357831 _ pdf
29355 _ High-level panel discussion - Mr. Pierpaolo Sileri, Undersecretary of State for Health of Italy _ 369014 _ English _ 773 _ 357578 _ pdf
29355 _ High-level panel discussion - Ms. Lisa Paus, Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth of Germany _ 369015 _ English _ 773 _ 357579 _ pdf
29355 _ High-level panel discussion - Ms. María Rodríguez Alcázar, Board Member, European Youth Forum _ 369016 _ English _ 773 _ 357581 _ pdf
29355 _ First ministerial roundtable - Estonia _ 368731 _ English _ 773 _ 356855 _ pdf
29355 _ First ministerial roundtable - United States of America _ 368794 _ English _ 773 _ 356958 _ pdf
29355 _ First ministerial roundtable - Malta _ 368795 _ English _ 773 _ 356959 _ pdf
29355 _ First ministerial roundtable - Switzerland _ 368821 _ French _ 780 _ 362123 _ pdf
29355 _ First ministerial roundtable - Türkiye _ 368796 _ English _ 773 _ 356960 _ pdf
29355 _ First ministerial roundtable - Ireland _ 369017 _ English _ 773 _ 357582 _ pdf
29355 _ First ministerial roundtable - Germany _ 369018 _ English _ 773 _ 357583 _ pdf
29355 _ First ministerial roundtable - Spain _ 368822 _ English _ 773 _ 357020 _ pdf
29355 _ First ministerial roundtable - France _ 368702 _ French _ 780 _ 356792 _ pdf
29355 _ First ministerial roundtable - Greece _ 368732 _ English _ 773 _ 356856 _ pdf
29355 _ Second ministerial roundtable - Republic of Moldova _ 368797 _ English _ 773 _ 356961 _ pdf
29355 _ Second ministerial roundtable - Serbia _ 368703 _ English _ 773 _ 356781 _ pdf
29355 _ Second ministerial roundtable - Lithuania _ 368704 _ English _ 773 _ 356782 _ pdf
29355 _ Second ministerial roundtable - Kyrgyzstan _ 369019 _ Russian _ 864 _ 357584 _ pdf
29355 _ Second ministerial roundtable - Kyrgyzstan - presentation _ 368705 _ English _ 773 _ 356787 _ pdf
29355 _ Second ministerial roundtable - France _ 368706 _ French _ 780 _ 356791 _ pdf
29355 _ Second ministerial roundtable - Ireland _ 369020 _ English _ 773 _ 357585 _ pdf
29355 _ Second ministerial roundtable - Greece _ 368798 _ English _ 773 _ 356962 _ pdf
29355 _ Closing - Adoption of the Ministerial Declaration - Ms. Olga Algayerova, Executive Secretary of UNECE _ 368707 _ English _ 773 _ 356793 _ pdf
29355 _ Closing - decisions adopted during the Ministerial Conference - Ms. Lisa Warth, Population Unit, UNECE _ 368710 _ English _ 773 _ 356796 _ pdf

Photos and Webcast

Flickr album:
YouTube Morning Session:
YouTube Afternoon Session:

Flickr album: 
YouTube Morning Session:
YouTube Afternoon Session:

Flickr album:
YouTube Morning Session:
YouTube Afternoon Session:

Side events

Implementation of the United Nations Decade of Healthy Ageing:
MIPAA policies and human rights mechanisms:

Rights, health and dignity: Strengthening demographic resilience by harnessing the opportunities that come with population ageing: