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Getting started with mainstreaming ageing

Getting started with mainstreaming ageing

10 November 2021 14:00 - 16:30
Online workshop Switzerland


Population ageing is one of the global demographic megatrends with continued and lasting impacts on sustainable development and the way we live and work in our societies. The UNECE region, currently accounting for around 30 per cent of the world's population aged 65 and older, is at the forefront of this trend. The transformative changes required to adapt societies to the implication of individual longevity and population ageing cannot be achieved without a whole-of-government and whole-of-society effort.

The UNECE Standing Working Group on Ageing issued Guidelines for Mainstreaming Ageing in 2021 to support governments in strategically considering and integrating ageing issues in all relevant policy fields and at all levels. They make concrete recommendations for establishing or strengthening the institutional mechanisms that form the backbone of a comprehensive, inclusive, forward-looking, and effective policy response to individual and population ageing.

The introductory online workshop was attended by 35 participants, including national focal points on ageing and other government representatives from 14 UNECE member States, civil society, research and international organisations.

Participants exchanged in discussion groups about building the case for mainstreaming ageing, anticipated barriers as well as opportunities and first steps that can be taken to initiate dialogue and raise awareness about the need to address ageing more systematically in policymaking.


Learning objectives:

  • Enhanced understanding of the concept of mainstreaming ageing and its benefits
  • Ideas and exchange on building the case for mainstreaming ageing
  • Enhanced knowledge of international guidance and tools available


Workshop presentations and background documents:

  1. Why do we need to mainstream ageing and what do we mean by it?
  2. How to build the case for mainstreaming ageing?
  3. Resources on Mainstreaming Ageing
  4. UNECE Guidelines for Mainstreaming Ageing (full document)


UNECE Resource Page on Mainstreaming Ageing



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