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Ministerial Conference - Ensuring a society for all ages: promoting quality of life and active ageing

Ministerial Conference - Ensuring a society for all ages: promoting quality of life and active ageing

19 - 20 September 2012
Vienna Austria

The Ministerial Conference, under the motto "Ensuring a society for all ages: promoting quality of life and active ageing", UNECE member States marked the tenth anniversary of MIPAA/RIS.

The principal goal of the conference has been to evaluate implementation of MIPAA/RIS in the five years since the Leon Conference, asking how much progress has been made, where there is still room for improvement, and how to approach the challenges that still remain. Active ageing and in particular the participation of older persons in society have been at the heart of the ministerial segment of the conference, which seeked to set priorities for the coming five years for improving the quality of life of people of all ages. Experts and ministerial panels tackled pressing policy questions such as how best to promote the participation of older persons in the labour market and societal activities, as well as means of creating enabling environments for healthy and independent ageing.

The Ministerial Conference has been hosted by the Austrian Government under the auspices of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection and included the participation of NGOs and the scientific community.

The Conference has been concluded with a Ministerial Declaration.

18 September 2012: A civil society forum and a research forum took place.

The UNECE Ministerial Conference hosted a poster exhibition to showcase good practice examples and innovative approaches in implementing MIPAA/RIS.






2012 Vienna Ministerial Declaration :   ENG   FRE   RUS

Unofficial translation : GER   SRB   BGR   ESP  UKR




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Report on the 2nd Cycle of Review and appraisal of MIPAA/RIS Vitalija Gaucaite-Wittich,
Chief, UNECE Population Unit
First expert panel: Promoting longer working life and maintaining workability
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Chairperson Mr. Bernd Marin Director, European Center for Social Welfare Policy and Research  
Rapporteur Mr. Robert Anderson European Foundation for the improvement of working and living conditions, Dublin, Ireland PDF
Keynote Speaker Mr. José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs Executive Director of the Employment Sector, International Labour Organisation PPT
Mr. Juhani Ilmarinen Emeritus Professor at Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki PDF
Mrs. Irene Kloimüller Austrian Scientist and Coordinator of the Austrian Programme "Fit for the future - maintaining workability PDF
Ms. Renate Hornung-
Vice-President of the International Organisation of Employers and Managing Director of the Confederation of German Employers PDF
Ms. Nazgul Asangojoeva- Baekova Helpage International, Kyrgyzstan PPT
Werner Thum International Trade Union Confederation PDF
Mr. Guy Morissette Director, Senior Policy, Human Resources and Skills development, Canada PPT
Mr. Bjørn Halvorsen Special Adviser, Ministry of Labour, Norway PPT
Mr. Niclas Jacobson Director, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Sweden PPT
Second expert panel: Participation, non-discrimination and social inclusion of older persons
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Chairperson Mrs. Noreen Siba Managing Director, International Longevity Center, UK  
Rapporteur Mrs. Ela L. Libanova Director, Institute for Demography and Social Studies, Ukraine



Keynote Speaker Mr. Clemens Tesch-Römer Director, German Centre of Gerontology, Berlin PDF


Mr. Joseph Troisi Director of the Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics, University of Malta PDF
Ms. Galina Poliakova Turbota pro Litnih v Ukraini (Age Concern Ukraine) PDF
Mrs. Sacramento Pinazo Hernandis Professor in Social Psychology, Coordinator of social psychological research on ageing, Valencia University, Spain PPT
Mrs. Lidija Kozarcanin Republic Institute for Social Welfare, Serbia PDF
Mrs. Aylin Çiftçi Director General of Disabled and Elderly Services, Ministry of Family and Social Policies, Turkey



Mr. Alexis Rinckenbach Head of the European and International Affairs unit, Social Cohesion General Directorate, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, France PPT
Third expert panel: Creating an enabling environment for health, independence and ageing in dignity
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Chairperson Mr. Manfred Huber Coordinator, Healthy Ageing, Disability and Long-term care, Regional Office for Europe, WHO, Copenhagen  
Rapporteur Mrs. Saodat Kamalova Director, Central Asian Gerontological Centre, Tajikistan



Keynote Speaker Mrs. Susanne Iwarsson Professor at the Lund University, Sweden



Ms. Olga Mikhailova Executive Director, Saint-Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology PPT
Mr. Dirk Jarré EURAG, NGO Forum coordinator PDF
Mr. Dieter Hackler Director General, Department for Senior Citizens, Welfare and Engagement Policies, Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Women, Seniors Citizens and Youth, Germany PDF
Mr. Edwin Walker Deputy Assistant Secretary for Aging, United States PDF
Mrs. Reeli Sirotkina Chief specialist, Social Welfare Department, Ministry of Social Affairs, Estonia PDF
Ms. Nadezhda Uskova Deputy Director of the Department of Demographic Policy and Social Protection, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, Russian Federation PDF
Panel discussion between Ministers and Civil Society representatives
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Chairperson Ms. Ursula Lehr Chairperson of the German Federal Head Organisation of Senior Citizens' Organizations  
Rapporteur Mrs. Marja Vaarama Director of the National Institute on Health and Welfare, Finland PDF
Keynote Speakers Ms. Irene Hoskins President of International Federation on Ageing 2006-2012 PDF
  Mr. Lloyd Russell- Moyle Board Member, European Youth Forum PDF
Mrs. Sotiroula Charalambous Minister of Labour and social insurance, Cyprus (EU Presidency) PDF
Mr. Davor Dominkus
on behalf of
Mrs. Patricia Čular
State Secretary, Ministry of Labour, Family and Social affairs, Slovenia PDF
  Representatives of Civil Society  
Mrs. Anne-Sophie Parent Secretary General, AGE Platform Europe PDF
Mrs. Hilde Hawlicek Austrian Council of Senior Citizens Organisations PDF
Ms. Jenny Beekmann Author of "Silence between Generations ? Characteristics and determinants of intergenerational communication processes between young and older persons" PDF
First Ministerial Panel
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Chairperson Ms. Kathy Greenlee Administrator and Assistant Secretary for Aging, Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, United States  
Rapporteur Mr. Andres Vikat Chief of Social and Demographic Statistics, UNECE PDF
Keynote Speaker Mr. László Andor EU-Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion PDF
Mrs. Alice Wong Minister of State (Seniors), Canada PDF
Mr. Ján Richter Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Family, Slovakia PDF
Mr. Totyu Mladenov Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Bulgaria PDF
Mr. Artem Asatryan Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Armenia PDF
Mr. Donatas Jankauskas Minister of Social Security and Labour, Lithuania PDF
Mrs. Michèle Delaunay Deputy Minister in charge of the Elderly and of Autonomy, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, France PDF
Mrs. Marianna Shchotkina Minister of Labour and Social Protection, Belarus PDF
Second Ministerial Panel
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Chairperson Mrs. Marlies Veldhuijzen van Zanten-Hyllner State Secretary, Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, Netherlands PDF
Rapporteur Mr. Igor Tomeš Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic PDF

Mr. Dieter Hackler
on behalf of Mr. Herman Kues

Parliamentary Secretary of State within the Federal Ministry of Family, Women, Senior Citizens and Youth, Germany PDF
Mr. Henrik Kjellberg
on behalf of
Ms. Maria Larsson
Minister for Children and the Elderly, Sweden PDF
Mrs. Valentina Buliga Minister of Labour, Social Protection and Family, Republic of Moldova PDF
Mr. Alexey Vovchenko Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Protection, Russian Federation PDF
Mrs. Renate Müssner Minister for Health and Social Affairs, Liechtenstein PDF
Ms. Kathy Greenlee Administrator and  Assistant Secretary for Aging, Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, United States PDF
UN representative    
Mr. Werner Haug Director, UNFPA Eastern Europe and Central Asia Regional Office PDF
Statements from the floor
Ms. Brankica Jankovic State Secretary for Family Care and Social Protection, Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Policy, Serbia PDF



Document Title ENG FRE RUS
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Annotated Provisional agenda


Report of the Ministerial Conference on Ageing

2012 Vienna Ministerial Declaration


Synthesis report on the implementation of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing in the UNECE region: Executive summary, Introduction and Conclusions



Outlines of the keynote addresses to the panel discussions of the Ministerial Conference on  Ageing


Synthesis report on the implementation of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing in the UNECE region: Full report with annex tables PDF    
Fact Sheet: Active Ageing PDF    
Ensuring a society of all ages "From policy declaration to action" - Promoting the implementation of the outcome of the UNECE Ministerial Conference on Ageing PDF    
List of participants PDF    

UNECE Weekly (special edition) (PDF)

UNECE Press Release: UNECE Ministerial Conference concludes with commitment to meet the individual and societal challenges triggered by population ageing (20 September 2012) (PDF)

UNECE Press Release: UNECE region reports progress in meeting the needs of an increasingly ageing population, but challenges remain (19 September 2012) (PDF)

UNECE Press Release: UNECE Ministerial Conference will discuss strategies to foster Active Ageing (14 September 2012) (PDF)

Vitalia Gaucaite Wittich Population Unit Chief at the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, joins Dukascopy TV journalist Navjeet Grewal to discuss population ageing ahead of the ministerial conference to be held in Vienna next week, 18-20 September.

"Population in Europe is ageing". UNECE Executive Secretary Sven Alkalaj identifies some of the challenges the ageing population poses (United Nations Radio)

"Vieillissement: le plaidoyer de la Conférence de Vienne en faveur de l'émergence d'une société pour tous les âges. Interview de Vivianne Brunne, membre de l'unité Population de la CEE-ONU, jointe par Florence Westergard - Radio des Nations Unies)

В Армении и Украине думают о стариках (In Armenia and Ukraine they are thinking about their older people) - Paдиo OOH -

В Вене обсудят проблемы старения (Discussing problems of ageing in Vienna) - Paдиo OOH -

UNECE Ministerial conference in pictures

Austrian press releases (in German)

Statement made by Ms. Erika Winkler, Deputy Director, Ageing, Population and Volunteering Policies Unit, Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, at the 50th Session of the Commission for Social Development, 1 to 10 February 2012.

UNECE Press Release: Policy Brief on Active Ageing (30 July - 24 August 2012) (PDF)

UNECE Press  Release: Call for proposals: Good practices in policymaking on ageing - open until 30 May 2012 (PDF)

UNECE Press Release: Good health adds life to years – UNECE joins celebration of World Health Day on 7 April (PDF)

UNECE Press Release: Active ageing and solidarity between generations: European year opens as UNECE gears up for Ministerial Conference in September 2012 (PDF)

UNFPA's 7 Billion Actions Initiative:

(Tuesday 18 September 2012)


The Research Forum on Ageing will be conducted on 18 September 2012 in Vienna, Austria, during the UNECE Ministerial Conference on Ageing (18-20 September, 2012).

Programme of the Research Forum

Vienna Research Forum Statement : ENG  /  SRB  /  BRG  / ESP /



The overall goal of the Forum is to promote the evidence informed policy on ageing through enhancing the collaboration between researchers and policy experts from government, legislature, and civil society. The Forum will aim at advancing the UNECE Regional Implementation Strategy for the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (UNECE RIS/MIPAA) during the third implementation cycle 2013-2017.


The participants will review the present status and outline future perspectives of developing, implementing and monitoring the evidence informed policy on ageing in the UNECE region.

The work of the Forum will be linked to the deliberations of the Ministerial Conference in order to connect policy and research and promote synergistic collaboration between the major stakeholders in policy action on ageing.

The Forum will help to translate the research findings into policy options. It will also provide a “bridge” between the Western and Eastern European, Caucasian and the Central Asian countries for sharing the experiences in evidence informed policy actions on ageing. The Forum will facilitate the development of national research and policy making capacity in the area of ageing.

Expected outcome

At its conclusion, the Forum will produce a brief statement (viz. declaration) highlighting its deliberations and recommendations. The declaration will be presented to the Ministerial Conference during its ministerial segment on 20 September.


The Forum will be organized and conducted under the patronage of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection in collaboration with the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research, the European Commission, and in cooperation with the Secretariat of the UNECE.


(Tuesday 18 September 2012)

The NGO Forum on Ageing, on Tuesday 18 September 2012 in Vienna, is considered as an integral part of the Ministerial Conference on Ageing of the UN Economic Commission for Europe, 19-20 September 2012. This important conference, bringing together the 56 member states of the UNECE, addresses the topic “Ensuring a society for all ages: promoting quality of life and active ageing”. Civil society, in particular NGOs engaged in the field of ageing related policies, representing older people in society or providing services for these persons, will play a major role in this conference – as speakers and experts on the panels, as discussants and through the NGO Political Declaration which they will present during the second day of the conference.


Programme : ENG - DEU

NGO Political Declaration : ENG  /  SRB  /  ESP  /  BRG  /  UZB  /  UKR




Country Title  
UNECE Poster exhibition: good practices from the UNECE region PDF
Armenia Road Map for Mainstreaming Ageing PDF
Austria "Health has no age" - Pilot project for development of residential care homes into health promoting settings in Vienna PDF
Austria Fit2work PDF
Austria Ageing is a dance on uneven ground PDF
Austria How to recognize and counteract violence against older people PDF
Austria Living like at home - National quality certificate for old age and nursing homes in Austria PDF
Austria Fit2work PDF
Austria Grade label NESTOR GOLD PDF
Austria Sustainable Learning in the Community PDF
Austria Styrian Intergenerational Week PDF
Bulgaria "Green Garden" Project PDF
Czech Republic Strategy of age management PDF
Germany BAGSO project "In form" Ageing fit - Supporting healthy lifestyles PDF
Greece Exercise in old age PDF
Greece Promoting a society with all ages - Capacity building PDF
Kyrgyzstan The right to life without violence in old age PDF
Norway Retaining senior competence - Siemens AS PDF
Norway Senior policy measures at St. Olav's Hospital - University Hospital of Trondheim PDF
Serbia Older people's self-help groups PDF
Serbia Some sport, some fun - get involved PDF
Slovak Republic We are glad to see you, we enjoy being together PDF
Slovenia Let's dance ! Folk dance heritage - Bridge between generations PDF
Slovenia SoGrap - Social Gradiant potential in reducing health inequalities in the elderly PDF
Ukraine Preventing elder abuse in Ukraine (EIDHR programme) PDF
USA Alzheimer's raises questions PDF
Eurofound Living longer, working better - active ageing in  Europe PDF
EWA "European Women in Older Age" supported by EU Lifelong Learning Programme PDF
INPEA World Elder Abuse Awareness Day PDF