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Joint UNECE/OECD Seminar - Fostering implementation of the sustainable development agenda for industrial accidents prevention, preparedness and response

Joint UNECE/OECD Seminar - Fostering implementation of the sustainable development agenda for industrial accidents prevention, preparedness and response

28 November 2016 10:00 - 18:00
Ljubljana Slovenia

The seminar was held in the framework of the ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention and on-line registration covers both events.

The background paper (an official document) and seminar programme (an informal document) are both available on the web page for the Conference of the Parties. Please see this flyer for the advance information: English, Russian

Video streaming of the seminar by the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre: morning (skip first 34 minutes), afternoon (skip first 22 minutes).

Session I - high-level panel: setting the scene and linking industrial accidents with the SDGs and Sendai Framework

Oral statements only


Session II: spotlight on special issues

Presentations ENG

Sustainable infrastructure: Upgrading infrastructures and retrofitting chemical industries - Taking earthquakes into consideration, Raphaël Gonzalez (Switzerland)

Industrial Accidents Linked To Climate-Related Natural Hazards and Disasters (Natechs), Roland Fendler (Germany) PDF
Siting and land-use planning to enhance resilience for disasters - Portugal's Approach, Maria do Carmo Figueira (Portugal) PDF

Session III - integrating global goals into national policies, initiatives and programmes for industrial accidents prevention, preparedness and response

Presentations ENG RUS

Implementation of the Sendai Framework Related to Chemical Accidents - The Role of Public Authorities and the Private Sector, Georg Arens (Germany)

Integrating global goals into national policies, initiatives and programmes for industrial accidents prevention, preparedness and response - Experience from Belarus, Alexandre Kudrashov (Belarus) PDF PDF

Session IV - final panel: needs and opportunities related to the implementation of the sustainable development agenda

Mostly oral statements

Presentations ENG

Needs and opportunities related to the implementation of sustainable development agenda: human health aspects, Dr Irina Zastenskaya (WHO)