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Online Teaser Event: Sub-Regional Workshop on land-use planning and industrial safety for South-Eastern Europe

Online Teaser Event: Sub-Regional Workshop on land-use planning and industrial safety for South-Eastern Europe

21 October 2020 10:00 - 12:00

Online meeting

The Online Teaser Event served as a preparatory session for the upcoming Sub-regional workshop on land-use planning and industrial safety for South-Eastern Europe, which had to be postponed to 27-29 October 2021 (Belgrade) due to the ongoing pandemic. The Online Teaser Event was designed as an interactive two-hour session aimed at supporting the efforts of the countries of South-Eastern Europe in coordinating their land-use planning and  industrial  safety  procedures,  including  in  transboundary  context,  and  inspiring  them  with examples from other countries. Please consult the Flyer for more information.

List of participants

Summary of Evaluations
