Building on strong interest from the SPECA participating countries on the topic of business incubators, and to support implementation of the SPECA Innovation Strategy for Sustainable Development and its Action Plan, the SPECA Working Group on Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Development on 20 July 2022 welcomed a proposal to set up a SPECA Network of Business Incubators and Accelerators for Sustainable Development. This Network is a platform for dialogue and exchange on issues, challenges and solutions, as well as best practices related to innovative entrepreneurship support through business incubators (BI) and accelerators (BA) in the SPECA sub-region. The Network aims to enable peer learning and to strengthen the capacities of BI and BA to effectively support innovative firms in the sub-region.
This training will focus on improving the practical skills of managers of business incubators and accelerators, including the administration of a startup training program in constantly changing circumstances and the conjuncture of the venture market. The training will enable managers to strengthen their ability to analyze current trends and requirements of the venture market, develop new solutions, enhance their understanding of the acceleration process, including the development of innovative startup ideas, and help them build relationships with the market, investors, and partners.
The training will be delivered in Russian.