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Committee on Innovation, Competitiveness and Public-Private Partnerships

Committee on Innovation, Competitiveness and Public-Private Partnerships

25 - 27 March 2019
Room XII, Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland


Provisional Agenda Items Eng Fre Rus
Provisional Agenda
pdf pdf pdf
Report of the thirteenth session
pdf pdf pdf
Item 1: Adoption of the agenda      
Item 2: Election of officers      
A. Substantive segment      
Item 3: Making a Difference – Measuring and understanding the impact of innovation policies and PPP projects on achieving the sustainable development goals
Provisional programme (25-27 March, room XII) pdf    
B. General Segment      
Item 4: Implementation of the Programme of Work
  (a)   Team of Specialists on Innovation and Competitiveness Policies      
  Report of the Team of Specialists on Innovation and Competitiveness Policies on its eleventh session
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  The Fourth Industrial Revolution – Reshaping Innovation Policies for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth
pdf pdf pdf
  Draft Outline for a SPECA Strategy on Innovation for Sustainable Development
pdf pdf pdf
  Updating the methodology of the Innovation for Sustainable Development Reviews
  Assessment Framework and Measurement Methodology for the sub-regional Innovation Policy Outlook
  (b)   Working Party on Public-Private Partnerships      
  Report of the Working Party on Public-Private Partnerships on its second session
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  Declaration on a Zero Tolerance Approach to Corruption in PPP Procurement
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  Standard on PPPs in Railways
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  Standard on PPPs in Renewable Energy
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  Standard on PPPs in Roads
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  Guiding Principles on People-first PPPs for the Sustainable Development Goals
pdf pdf pdf
  Introduction to People-first Public-Private Partnerships in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
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  Putting the Guiding Principles on People-first Public-Private Partnerships into practice
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  Executive summary of the Guiding Principles on People-first PPPs for the Sustainable Development Goals
  Measuring and scaling up the Implementation and Impact of ECE PPP standards, guiding principles, best practices, declarations and recommendations
  Report of the meeting of the UNECE-affiliated International PPP Specialist Centres of Excellence
  (c)   Joint Activities      
Item 5: Main conclusions of the substantive segment
Item 6: Inter-sessional implementation plan for 2019 – 2020
  Inter-sessional implementation plan for 2019-2020
pdf pdf pdf
Item 7: Areas of common interest with other Economic Commission for Europe bodies and international organisations
Proposed programme budget for 2020: Part II. Programme plan and performance information of the ECI subprogramme
pdf pdf pdf
Draft programme of work of the ECI subprogramme for 2020
pdf pdf pdf
Item 8: Areas of common interest with other Economic Commission for Europe bodies and international organisations
Item 9: Proposal to change of the name of subprogramme 4 to align it with the name of the Committee
Item 10: Other business
Item 11: Adoption of the report


Mr. Ralph Heinrich

Secretary of the Committee on Innovation, Competitiveness and Public-Private Partnerships

Ms. Ludmila Boichuk
Programme Assistant
Tel: +41 22 917 2364

e-mail: [email protected]
Fax:  +41 22 917 0178