The COVID-19 pandemic and post-crisis measures have directly impacted the environment. Besides, it is vital to consider health and environment in correlation because human well-being and health are closely entwined with the environment. The “one health” approach therefore was initiated by WHO.
On the one hand, the COVID-19 pandemic reaffirmed the importance of health issues at national, regional and international levels. But, on the other hand, the COVID-19 pandemic revealed substantial challenges in environmental statistics production, for example, lack of coordination between national cross-cutting agencies, dealing with environmental statistics, or delays in data reporting, etc. In addition a new data and statistics related information flow from the environment to public health administrations is currently on the horizon, the waste water epidemiology for an early detection of pathogenes in populations like the SARS-CoV 2 virus and its variants by sampling waste water.
Consequently, given the global importance of the subject, several reports have been prepared on the environment and health-related issues in the framework of the UNDA project. One of the reports considers sharing and using environmental data and indicators for environment and health assessments. It reviews ambient air pollution and household air pollution indicators and related health impacts. Besides, it analyses the target countries’ experiences and practices in applying the global SDGs and SEIS. Other reports examine environmental indicators, which were affected by the response to the COVID-19, national pandemic response and anticipated future trends of the environmental indicators.
Report on Environmental Indicators Affected by the Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Report on National COVID-19 response and Future Trends of the Environmental Indicators