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Displaying Results 1401 - 1420 of 2825

- English
Country Profile on the Housing Sector: Azerbaijan (2010) This country profile on the housing sector of Azerbaijan is the fourteenth in the series published by the Committee on Housing and Land Management. The study not only provides in-depth analysis and policy recommendations to help policymakers develop strategies and programmes but also focuses on specific challenges or achievements
- Pусский
Ежегодный обзор рынка лесных товаров, 2009–2010 годы, подготовленный ЕЭК ООН/ФАО, содержит общую и статистическую информацию о состоянии рынков лесных товаров и соответствующей политике в регионе Европейской экономической комиссии ООН (Европа, Северная Америка и Со-дружество Независимых Государств). Он начинается с обзорной главы, за которой следует описание макроэкономической ситуации. Затем
- English
The UNECE/FAO Forest Products Annual Market Review, 2009-2010 provides general and statistical information on forest products markets and related policies in the UN Economic Commission for Europe region (Europe, North America and the Commonwealth of Independent States). The Review begins with an overview chapter, followed by description of the macro-economic situation. Next it includes an
- English
This document is intended to provide guidance for sustainable mobilisation of wood in Europe. The guidance will refer to good practice examples of successful and sustainable mobilisation of wood, to assist policy-makers and practitioners alike in taking and supporting similar measures. As such, this document aims to give clear, concise and operational guidance, and to add value to existing and
- English
ECE/TIM/DP/54Read more
- English
This is the second EPR of Uzbekistan published by UNECE. The report takes stock of the progress made by Uzbekistan in the management of its environment since the country was first reviewed in 2001. It assesses the implementation of the recommendations in the first review (Annex I). It also covers nine issues of importance to Uzbekistan concerning policymaking, planning and implementation, the
- English
Policy Framework for Sustainable Real Estate Markets: Principles and guidance for the development of a country's real estate sector  (2010)This present framework is intended to give policymakers and other interested parties a reference for their future work relating to the real estate sector and its underlying market
- English
Symbol: ECE/INF/2010/1English
- English
This is the second EPR of Georgia published by UNECE. The report takes stock of the progress made by Georgia in the management of its environment since the country was first reviewed in 2001. It assesses the implementation of the recommendations in the first review (Annex I). It also covers nine issues of importance to Georgia concerning policymaking, planning and implementation, the financing
- English
Electronic-only publication, available in English and Russian.Basic information for States interested in becoming Party to the Convention.
- English
Transboundary Flood Risk Management Final. Read more.
- English
- English
The Explanatory Brochure on the Standard for Sweet Peppers has been developed to harmonize the interpretation of the Standard, thereby facilitating international as well as national trade. It addresses producers and traders, as well as inspection authorities. It corresponds to the latest edition of the UNECE Standard for Sweet Peppers (FFV-28), which was officially adopted in November 2009.
- English
Best Practice Guidance for Effective Methane Drainage and Use in Coal Mines   ISBN 13: 9789211170184 Sales Number: 10.II.E.2 8.25x11.5 Binding: Paperback Series: ECE Energy Series, No. 31 The Publisher: United Nations, Economic Commission for Europe   Coal mines are not only a safety management challenge but also a
- English
National Policy Dialogue on Integrated Water Resources Management in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia. Report on project implementation for the period 1 January - 31 December 2009. Download the report. Annex IV. Improving health in Armenia through target setting to ensure sustainable water management, access to safe
- English
The publication examines changes in the regulatory landscape in the member States of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), including the recent trend towards “better regulation”, i.e. regulations with a greater focus on desired outcomes and more flexibility. This approach can help remove barriers to trade created by differences in national standards and technical regulations