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Displaying Results 2341 - 2360 of 2825

- Pусский
Document Title RUS Защита нашей окружающейсреды : Каким образом этому может содействовать оценка воздействия на окружающую среду (4 MB) PDF
- Français
Document Title FREProtéger notre environnement : Comment l'évaluation de l'impact sur l'environnement peut y contribuer PDF
- English
Document Title ENGProtecting our environment: How environmental impact assessment can help ENH
- English
This publication summarizes the proceedings from the Round Table on "Standards, Norms and Regulations and their Impact on International Trade" organized in conjunction with the second session of the Working Party 6, which was held on June 1998 in Geneva, Switzerland Symbol No. ECE/TRADE/248     Sale N°. E.99.II.E.41     ISBN 92-1-116742-6 
- English
ECE/TIM/SP/15 Read more
- English
vii + 304 pp[ISBN 92–1–100765–8] [Sales No. 98.0.2]
- English
Recommendations for the 2000 Censuses of Population and Housing in the ECE Region, available in
- English
1998, vii + 90pp, UN Sales No. 98.0.1 ISBN 92-1-100762-3 If you would like to obtain a printed copy of the Directory, please contact a distributor of United Nations publications, or: Sales Section United Nations Palais des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland Tel: (+ 41 22) 917 26 06 Fax: (+ 41 22) 917 00 84 E-mail: [email protected]
- English
The ECE Committee on Environmental Policy launched the Environmental Performance Review of Slovenia in January 1996.   The Governments of Albania, Hungary, Israel, Norway, Poland, Slovakia and Switzerland made national experts available for the task. The Bilthoven Division of the WHO European Centre for Environment and Health contributed its expertise and resources for the preparation of the
- English
ECE/TIM/SP/14Currently unavailable
- English
Published by : Swiss Forest Agency, Switzerland, Berne
- English
The purpose of this series of trade and investment guides is to assist economies in transition, as well as economic actors in other countries, to become familiar with best practices in the areas of trade, investment and related legal and commercial practices. Symbol No. ECE/TRADE/249     Sale N°. E.99.II.E.39     ISBN 92-1-116739-6 
- English
This study highlights the main trends in the housing sector and in urban and regional planning in Central and Eastern Europe. The transition and the resulting economic recession and political instability have deeply affected the human settlements sector. The study shows that the problems can be solved if an economically and politically feasible strategy is developed to make the housing