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Displaying Results 341 - 360 of 2825

- English
Domestic wood heating is a major source of emissions of particulate matter, including black carbon (BC), and organic pollutants, such as dioxins/furans, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and benzo[a]pyrene (B(a)P), in the ECE region, resulting in poor local air quality conditions and significant negative effects on human health. The present document responds to the need to inform the
- English
The handbook seeks to support policymakers in the Eastern Europe and South Caucasus (EESC) sub-region to design effective policies and institutions to further enable and foster the potential of innovative, high-growth entrepreneurship as invaluable drivers for innovation-led sustainable development. High-growth innovative firms have a key role in jobs and value creation as they experiment with
- English
Climate change is an existential threat and provides an immense challenge for humanity. A better understanding of all its aspects, through monitoring, modelling, analysis and reporting, is crucial to decide on the best course of action. This document presents a set of core internationally comparable climate change-related indicators and statistics, developed by a dedicated UNECE Task Force
- English
This publication was developed within the framework of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative. The Guidelines provide practical recommendations for city governments on how to develop investment-grade projects in support of sustainable smart urban development. They explain what a sustainable smart city project is and provide an overview of traditional and innovative financing
- English
This document provides practical guidelines on how to implement the Conference of European Statisticians’ Core Set of Climate Change-Related Indicators (CES Indicator Set), taking into account national policy priorities and data availability. It
- Français
La majorité des ressources mondiales en eau sont partagées entre les pays. Ces eaux transfrontières créent des interdépendances sociales, économiques, environnementales et politiques qui font de la coopération une condition préalable au développement durable et à la consolidation de la paix. L’indicateur 6.5.2 des ODD mesure la coopération relative aux bassins hydrographiques et aux aquifères
- Español
La mayoría de los recursos hídricos del mundo son compartidos entre varios países. Las aguas transfronterizas generan interdependencias políticas, sociales, económicas y ambientales que hacen de la cooperación en materia de aguas transfronterizas una condición previa para el desarrollo sostenible y la paz. Mediante el indicador 6.5.2 de los ODS se mide la cooperación transfronteriza tanto en las
- English
Most of the world’s water resources are shared between countries. These transboundary waters create social, economic, environmental and political interdependencies that make cooperation a precondition to sustainable development and peace. SDG indicator 6.5.2 measures cooperation on both transboundary river and lake basins, and transboundary aquifers. In this second report on SDG indicator 6.5.2,
- العربية
Most of the world’s water resources are shared between countries. These transboundary waters create social, economic, environmental and political interdependencies that make cooperation a precondition to sustainable development and peace. SDG indicator 6.5.2 measures cooperation on both transboundary river and lake basins, and transboundary aquifers. In this second report on SDG indicator 6.5.2,
- Pусский
Most of the world’s water resources are shared between countries. These transboundary waters create social, economic, environmental and political interdependencies that make cooperation a precondition to sustainable development and peace. SDG indicator 6.5.2 measures cooperation on both transboundary river and lake basins, and transboundary aquifers. In this second report on SDG indicator 6.5.2,
- English
Available in English, French, and Russian, this electronic-only publication contains the Third
- English
The lockdown that followed the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 posed unprecedented challenges to produce the consumer price index (CPI) in many countries. The closing of retail outlets and difficulties with collecting prices from outlets that remained open caused significant drops in the number of collected prices. Statistical offices, therefore, had to explore new data sources and
- English
The report looks at the current situation of women’s labour force participa­tion in Serbia, unemployment and activity rates, the gender pay gap and the linkages between women’s employment, childcare provision and family policies (including maternity and parental leave). It explores how childcare provision affects women’s labour market participation. The report examines the impacts of COVID-19
- English
Available in English, French and Russian, this publication contains the Sixth review of implementation of the Espoo Convention,
- English
This study identifies key drivers of forest degradation and the potential for forest landscape restoration in 17 countries of Eastern and South-East Europe. It builds on assessments from national experts and the best available data to support countries in preparing restoration pledges in the run up to the Ministerial Roundtable on Forest Landscape Restoration in Eastern and South-East Europe,
- Français
Le transport ferroviaire à grande vitesse se développe rapidement partout dans le monde depuis plusieurs années. Dans les pays qui mettent en place ce type de services, on observe que la grande vitesse, grâce à ses normes de qualité élevées, contribue au renouveau du chemin de fer. La création d'un réseau à grande vitesse dans la région du TER renforcerait considérablement la compétitivité du
- English
The rapid development of high-speed rail (HSR) networks has been observed worldwide in recent years. The experience of states operating these systems demonstrates that they are setting new standards of quality and contributing to the renaissance of railway as a mode of transport. The development of an HSR network in the TER region would significantly improve the competitiveness of rail,
- Pусский
В последние годы во всем мире наблюдается стремительное развитие сетей высокоскоростных железных дорог (ВСЖД). Опыт государств, эксплуатирующих эти системы, показывает, каким образом они устанавливают новые стандарты качества и способствуют возрождению железных дорог как одного из видов транспорта. Развитие сети ВСЖД в регионе ТЕЖ позволит значительно улучшить конкурентоспособность
- English
The Guidance on the Applicability of the Convention to the Lifetime Extension of Nuclear Power Plants was prepared by an ad hoc working group co-chaired by Germany and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as mandated by the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (ECE/MP.EIA/27/Add.1–ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/11/Add.1,
- English
Strategic communication is a relatively new concept for most statistical organizations, which have traditionally focused their efforts and resources on dissemination practices and systems. A strategic communication function can guide the development and implementation of a communication strategy. This has particular relevance for the world of official statistics, where communication and