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MIPAA: The Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing

In April 2002, government representatives from across the globe met in Madrid, Spain, for the Second World Assembly on Ageing.  Together they resolved to adopt a global Plan of Action "to respond to the opportunities and challenges of population ageing in the twenty-first century and to promote the development of a society for all ages".  
The plan, commonly known as MIPAA, is a comprehensive list of commitments for United Nations Member States the world over, and focuses on three priority directions: older persons and development; advancing health and well-being into old age; and ensuring enabling and supportive environments.
MIPAA continues to serve as one of the main guiding frameworks for the work of UNECE on ageing.
Download the full MIPAA document here.


MIPAA/RIS: The Regional Implementation Strategy for MIPAA for the UNECE Region

As a follow-up to the Second World Assembly on Ageing, a regional conference was held in Berlin, Germany, in September 2002.  Here, UNECE member States adopted a regional strategy in order to focus on the specificities of the demographic and economic situation in the region, which are in many ways different to other regions of the world.  The overarching emphasis of the strategy, known as MIPAA/RIS, is "to mainstream ageing concerns in all policy fields with the aim of securing gender-sensitive and evidence-based co-ordinated and integrated policies to bring societies and economies into harmony with demographic change".
MIPAA/RIS makes ten commitments covering different facets of population and individual ageing:
  1. Mainstreaming ageing
  2. Integration and participation
  3. Economic growth
  4. Social security
  5. Labour markets
  6. Lifelong learning
  7. Quality of life, independent living and health
  8. Gender equality
  9. Support to families providing care
  10. Regional co-operation.

MIPAA/RIS provides the principal mandate for the work of UNECE on all issues related to ageing.
Download the full MIPAA/RIS document here.