INF.18 (Russian Federation) - Definitions of "perishable foodstuffs" for inclusion in the ATP Handbook |
English |
INF.17 (Netherlands) - Alternative to document 2014/21 (France) |
English |
INF.16 (Netherlands) - Alternative to document 2011/16/Rev 4 |
English |
INF.15 (Transfrigoroute International) - Report to the WP.11 71st session on the activities of Transfrigoroute International |
English |
INF.14 (Secretariat) - Correction to document ECE/TRANS/WP.11/2015/7 |
English |
INF.13 (Netherlands) - Justification and background to the definitions in ECE/TRANS/WP.11/2015/17 |
English |
INF.12 (Secretariat) - English translation of document ECE/TRANS/WP.11/2015/22 |
English |
INF.11 (Secretariat) - English translation of document ECE/TRANS/WP.11/2015/21 |
English |
INF.10 (Secretariat) - English translation of document ECE/TRANS/WP.11/2015/20 |
English |
INF.9 (Secretariat) - English translation of document ECE/TRANS/WP.11/2015/19 |
English |
INF.8 (Secretariat) - English translation of document ECE/TRANS/WP.11/2015/18 |
English |
INF.7 (Secretariat) - Multilateral agreements under the ATP |
English |
INF.6 (Secretariat) - Test stations officially designated by the competent authorities of countries Parties to the ATP Updated 16 September 2015 |
English |
INF.5 (Spain) - Additional information on the implementation of the ATP |
Spanish |
INF.4 (Euromed) - Draft road map for accession to and implementation of the ATP |
English |
INF.3 (CERTE) - Report of the IIR CERTE Subcommision meeting (Castelo Branco, Portugal, 21-22 April 2015) |
English |
INF.2/Add.1 (France) - Additional information on the implementation of the ATP |
English |
INF.2 (Secretariat) - Additional information on the implementation of the ATP |
English |
INF.1 (Secretariat) - List of documents by agenda item Updated 1 October 2015 |
English |
Informal Documents