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Results of an international survey conducted by the UNECE Conference of European Statisticians (CES) to explore the use of generative AI within statistical organizations reveal the profound impacts that AI is having on the field of official statistics.   The survey, carried out in June 2024,…
The most senior statisticians of countries across and beyond the UNECE region meet in Geneva this week for the 72nd annual Plenary Session of the Conference of European Statisticians. Kicking off their deliberations, a shared session with UN-GGIM Europe, the United Nations’ European geospatial body…
Increasing the use of digital solutions including those developed by the United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT) can enhance the sustainability and resilience of supply chains and strengthen global connectivity.   In a series of capacity-building activities…
The ongoing repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical instability, and elevated inflation rates continue to pose challenges to global trade, with the World Trade Organization (WTO)'s  trade growth forecast  now estimated  at only 0.8% this year.    As the global trade landscape grapples…
In today's data-driven world, organizations face the challenge of efficiently integrating and making sense of vast amounts of diverse data. Semantics and semantic interoperability provide a solution by enabling the meaningful interpretation and integration of data across heterogeneous systems. To…
The global economy must be urgently steered away from unsustainable production and consumption patterns, which fuel the climate crisis, deplete natural resources and negatively impact both people and the environment. Global value chains are predominantly linear in nature, and the lack of…
With blockchain opening up many avenues in international trade – from facilitating financing and customs procedures to tracking due diligence and sustainability compliance – countries and companies are looking for  successful practices to scale up their efforts to maximize the potential of this new…
Strengthening value chains between Africa and the European Union (EU) is a priority objective for sustainable growth and decent jobs across the two continents. Recent market imbalances and disparities, involving supply chain disruptions and lack of attention to the social and environmental impacts…
The COVID-19 pandemic restrictions have brought the benefits of paperless trading to the forefront of attention. Many countries are considering issuing, accepting and exchanging electronic documents for paperless trading. Issues related to paperless trading are also at the core of World Trade…
Developing the capacity of statistical systems to respond to ever-changing demands is a core component of UNECE statistical work, linked directly to several of the targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Key tools used for capacity development have traditionally been face-to-face…