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Terminologie en Transports Combinés

Terminologie en Transports Combinés

This publication lists the principal terms used in combined transport or related to it. All the definitions referring specifically to the geographical framework of Europe may be applied to other regions of the world. They are intended for the work of the three intergovernmental organizations who have created this compilation: the- European Union (EU), the European Conference of Ministers of Transport (ECMT) and the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UN/ECE).
The purpose of this glossary is to determine the meaning of the terms in current use, and to make them more easily understandable to the increasing number of people who use them, politicians, technical personnel or operators of the various modes of transport concerned. These definitions are not applicable in their strictest sense to the legal and statistical fields, where relevant reference documents already exist.
Thus, the translation of the most widely used terms in combined transport into the four working languages currently used in the three above-mentioned organizations is intended to harmonize gradually this terminology. In due course this should lead to the adoption of regulatory and statistical glossaries, at both national and intergovernmental levels.
English/French/German/Russian: PDF
Sales No. GV.E/F/G/R.01.0.20
ISBN 92-1-002113-4
Price: Free to download
Languages: E/F/G/R