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Team of Specialists on Forest Products Statistics

The ECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Forest Products Statistics was established by the Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry and the European Forestry Commission in December 2013 and renewed in 2015,  2017 and 2019. The Team was merged with the Team of Specialists on Wood Energy starting in 2022.  The website of the merged Team is here.
Its main objectives are to:
  1. Advise and support work on forest products statistics, including data coverage and collection, validation and classifications used in the ECE region;  
  2. Suggest and support proposals for increasing the reliability and visibility of forest products statistics;
  3. Advise on implementation of activities in work area 1 (data, monitoring, reporting and assessment) relating to forest products statistics.


2018-2021: EN
2013-2017: EN   FR   RU  

Team members

Team of Specialists on Forest Products Statistics (as of March 2021)

Meetings & Events

Last update date: