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March 2018 Meeting of the Team of Specialists on Forest Sector Outlook

21 March 2018
Geneva Switzerland
I. Background

The UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section analyses structural developments in the forest sector and produces studies on the long-term outlook for supply and demand for wood as well as other forest goods and services. These studies support policy and decision makers and analysts in Government, the civil society and the private sector. The key publications in this field of work are the Forest Sector Outlook Studies (FSOS), a series that started in 1952 with the European Timber Trend Studies. More recent publications are the European Forest Sector Outlook Study II, 2010-2030 (EFSOS II, published in 2011) and the North American Forest Sector Outlook Study (published in 2012). All these studies map out possible or likely future developments, based on past trends. A reference scenario and different policy scenarios provide a contribution to evidence-based policy formulation and decision-making.


II. Objectives

The main objective of the ToS meeting is to discuss the proposal for the next FSOS with respect to its technical implementation. The proposal will be prepared based on the results of the January 2018 Brainstorming meeting and in cooperation with the core group of the ToS. In addition, the ToS meeting will serve as an exchange on current activities of members as well as new developments in the area of outlook studies.


III. Agenda

Please find the draft agenda here.


IV. Registration

Registration is closed.


V. Meeting venue

The workshop will take place in Room 14Bocage, Palais de Nations.

Information regarding logistics will be sent out by email.


VI. Background information

Previous outlook studies:

North American Forest Sector Outlook Study (March 2012)

European Forest sector outlook study EFSOS II (August 2011)

Previous and related studies

Previous meetings after NAFSOS and EFSOS II:

Geneva, June 2014

Arona, January 2015

Brussels, September 2015

Pushkino, Moscow Region, December 2016

Geneva, January 2018


VII. Meeting documents 
Topic Speaker Document
Agenda   PDF
Update from the Secretariat B. Altmann PDF
Workshop Report   PDF
Annex to the Workshop Report   EXL
Reporting to the Working Party

M. Schelhaas,
B. Altmann



VIII. Contact

Should you have any questions, please contact Secretariat.

More about the Team of Specialists on Forest Sector Outlook.