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FORESTA 2023: Joint session of the ECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry and the FAO European Forestry Commission

20 - 23 November 2023
(In person) San Marino
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Agenda & Documents

47325 _ Item 1: ECE/TIM/2023/1, FAO:EFC/2023/1 - Annotated agenda _ 381338 _ English _ 773 _ 388714 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 1: ECE/TIM/2023/1, FAO:EFC/2023/1 - Annotated agenda _ 381338 _ French _ 780 _ 388715 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 1: ECE/TIM/2023/1, FAO:EFC/2023/1 - Annotated agenda _ 381338 _ Russian _ 864 _ 388716 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 1: ECE/TIM/2023/1, FAO:EFC/2023/1 - Annotated agenda _ 381338 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 398633 _ pdf
47325 _ ECE/TIM/2023/2, FAO:EFC/2023 - Report of the Joint Session _ 386682 _ English _ 773 _ 417803 _ pdf
47325 _ ECE/TIM/2023/2, FAO:EFC/2023 - Report of the Joint Session _ 386682 _ French _ 780 _ 404969 _ pdf
47325 _ ECE/TIM/2023/2, FAO:EFC/2023 - Report of the Joint Session _ 386682 _ Russian _ 864 _ 404970 _ pdf
47325 _ ECE/TIM/2023/2, FAO:EFC/2023 - Report of the Joint Session _ 386682 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 408292 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 1: ECE/TIM/2023/Inf.3, FAO:EFC/2023/Inf.3 - Declaration of Competence and Voting Rights submitted by the European Union and its Member States _ 384674 _ English _ 773 _ 398130 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4a: ECE/TIM/2023/3, FAO:EFC/2023/3 - Global and Regional Forest-related Processes and Initiatives _ 382301 _ English _ 773 _ 394695 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4a: ECE/TIM/2023/3, FAO:EFC/2023/3 - Global and Regional Forest-related Processes and Initiatives _ 382301 _ French _ 780 _ 394696 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4a: ECE/TIM/2023/3, FAO:EFC/2023/3 - Global and Regional Forest-related Processes and Initiatives _ 382301 _ Russian _ 864 _ 394697 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4a: ECE/TIM/2023/3, FAO:EFC/2023/3 - Global and Regional Forest-related Processes and Initiatives _ 382301 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 398634 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4c: ECE/TIM/2023/4, FAO:EFC/2023/4 - Draft Forest Products Market Statement _ 382417 _ English _ 773 _ 394546 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4c: ECE/TIM/2023/4, FAO:EFC/2023/4 - Draft Forest Products Market Statement _ 382417 _ French _ 780 _ 394547 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4c: ECE/TIM/2023/4, FAO:EFC/2023/4 - Draft Forest Products Market Statement _ 382417 _ Russian _ 864 _ 394548 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4c: ECE/TIM/2023/4, FAO:EFC/2023/4 - Draft Forest Products Market Statement _ 382417 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 398636 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4c - COFFI Market Discussions 2023 _ 384187 _ English _ 773 _ 398521 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d(i): ECE/TIM/2023/Inf.6, FAO:EFC/2023/Inf.6 - Summary of Findings on Removals Statistics 2022-2023 _ 385060 _ English _ 773 _ 398294 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d(i): ECE/TIM/2023/Inf.7, FAO:EFC/2023/Inf.7 - Summary of Findings on Wood Energy Statistics 2022-2023 _ 385061 _ English _ 773 _ 398295 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d(i, iii): ECE/TIM/EFC/WP.2/2023/2 - Report of the 44th session of the Joint UNECE and FAO Working Party on Forest Statistics, Economics and Management _ 391748 _ English _ 773 _ 414662 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d(i, iii): ECE/TIM/EFC/WP.2/2023/2 - Report of the 44th session of the Joint UNECE and FAO Working Party on Forest Statistics, Economics and Management _ 391748 _ French _ 780 _ 414661 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d(i, iii): ECE/TIM/EFC/WP.2/2023/2 - Report of the 44th session of the Joint UNECE and FAO Working Party on Forest Statistics, Economics and Management _ 391748 _ Russian _ 864 _ 414660 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d(i, iii): ECE/TIM/2023/5, FAO:EFC/2023/5 - Extension of mandates – Teams of Specialists _ 381830 _ English _ 773 _ 389509 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d(i, iii): ECE/TIM/2023/5, FAO:EFC/2023/5 - Extension of mandates – Teams of Specialists _ 381830 _ French _ 780 _ 389510 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d(i, iii): ECE/TIM/2023/5, FAO:EFC/2023/5 - Extension of mandates – Teams of Specialists _ 381830 _ Russian _ 864 _ 389511 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d(i, iii): ECE/TIM/2023/5, FAO:EFC/2023/5 - Extension of mandates – Teams of Specialists _ 381830 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 398638 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d(ii): ECE/TIM/2023/6, FAO:EFC/2023/6 - Review of 2023 activities and planned activities for 2024 _ 382078 _ English _ 773 _ 393843 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d(ii): ECE/TIM/2023/6, FAO:EFC/2023/6 - Review of 2023 activities and planned activities for 2024 _ 382078 _ French _ 780 _ 393844 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d(ii): ECE/TIM/2023/6, FAO:EFC/2023/6 - Review of 2023 activities and planned activities for 2024 _ 382078 _ Russian _ 864 _ 393845 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d(ii): ECE/TIM/2023/6, FAO:EFC/2023/6 - Review of 2023 activities and planned activities for 2024 _ 382078 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 398639 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d(iii): ECE/TIM/2023/7, FAO:EFC/2023/7 - Options for the review process of the Integrated Programme of Work _ 382079 _ English _ 773 _ 392518 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d(iii): ECE/TIM/2023/7, FAO:EFC/2023/7 - Options for the review process of the Integrated Programme of Work _ 382079 _ French _ 780 _ 392519 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d(iii): ECE/TIM/2023/7, FAO:EFC/2023/7 - Options for the review process of the Integrated Programme of Work _ 382079 _ Russian _ 864 _ 392520 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d(iii): ECE/TIM/2023/7, FAO:EFC/2023/7 - Options for the review process of the Integrated Programme of Work _ 382079 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 398640 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d (iv): ECE/TIM/2023/8, FAO:EFC/2023/8 - Circular bioeconomy concepts in forest-based industries – key findings _ 382298 _ English _ 773 _ 394540 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d (iv): ECE/TIM/2023/8, FAO:EFC/2023/8 - Circular bioeconomy concepts in forest-based industries – key findings _ 382298 _ French _ 780 _ 394541 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d (iv): ECE/TIM/2023/8, FAO:EFC/2023/8 - Circular bioeconomy concepts in forest-based industries – key findings _ 382298 _ Russian _ 864 _ 394542 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d (iv): ECE/TIM/2023/8, FAO:EFC/2023/8 - Circular bioeconomy concepts in forest-based industries – key findings _ 382298 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 398641 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d(iv): ECE/TIM/2023/Inf.5, FAO:EFC/2023/Inf.5 - Circularity concepts in the pulp and paper industry _ 384980 _ English _ 773 _ 398131 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d(iv): ECE/TIM/2023/Inf.4 , FAO:EFC/2023/Inf.4 - Sustainable and circular bioeconomy in forest-based industries. How to get there _ 384981 _ English _ 773 _ 398044 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d(v): ECE/TIM/2023/9, FAO:EFC/2023/9 - Forest damage in the region of the Economic Commission for Europe _ 382179 _ English _ 773 _ 394443 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d(v): ECE/TIM/2023/9, FAO:EFC/2023/9 - Forest damage in the region of the Economic Commission for Europe _ 382179 _ French _ 780 _ 394444 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d(v): ECE/TIM/2023/9, FAO:EFC/2023/9 - Forest damage in the region of the Economic Commission for Europe _ 382179 _ Russian _ 864 _ 394445 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 4d(v): ECE/TIM/2023/9, FAO:EFC/2023/9 - Forest damage in the region of the Economic Commission for Europe _ 382179 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 398642 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 5a: E/ECE/1503 - Advance copy of Biennial report _ 381914 _ English _ 773 _ 389739 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 5b: ECE/TIM/2023/10, FAO:EFC/2023/10 - Draft programme of work of the Forests and the Forest Industry subprogramme for 2024 _ 382080 _ English _ 773 _ 395599 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 5b: ECE/TIM/2023/10, FAO:EFC/2023/10 - Draft programme of work of the Forests and the Forest Industry subprogramme for 2024 _ 382080 _ French _ 780 _ 395600 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 5b: ECE/TIM/2023/10, FAO:EFC/2023/10 - Draft programme of work of the Forests and the Forest Industry subprogramme for 2024 _ 382080 _ Russian _ 864 _ 395601 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 5b: ECE/TIM/2023/Inf.2, FAO:EFC/2023/Inf.2 - Outline of key components of the programme of work of the Forests and the Forest Industry subprogramme for 2025 _ 385059 _ English _ 773 _ 398296 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 5c: ECE/TIM/2023/11, FAO:EFC/2023/11 - Draft Regional Urban Forestry Opportunity Plan _ 382081 _ English _ 773 _ 395152 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 5c: ECE/TIM/2023/11, FAO:EFC/2023/11 - Draft Regional Urban Forestry Opportunity Plan _ 382081 _ French _ 780 _ 395153 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 5c: ECE/TIM/2023/11, FAO:EFC/2023/11 - Draft Regional Urban Forestry Opportunity Plan _ 382081 _ Russian _ 864 _ 395154 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 5c: ECE/TIM/2023/12, FAO:EFC/2023/12 - Draft policy guidelines/principles on advancing low carbon construction in cities _ 384851 _ English _ 773 _ 397617 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 5d: ECE/TIM/2023/13, FAO:EFC/2023/13 - Update on boreal forest work _ 382192 _ English _ 773 _ 394543 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 5d: ECE/TIM/2023/13, FAO:EFC/2023/13 - Update on boreal forest work _ 382192 _ French _ 780 _ 394544 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 5d: ECE/TIM/2023/13, FAO:EFC/2023/13 - Update on boreal forest work _ 382192 _ Russian _ 864 _ 394545 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 6b: ECE/TIM/2023/14, FAO/EFC/2023/14 - Forestry activities of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia _ 382082 _ English _ 773 _ 395156 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 6b: ECE/TIM/2023/14, FAO/EFC/2023/14 - Forestry activities of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia _ 382082 _ French _ 780 _ 395157 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 6b: ECE/TIM/2023/14, FAO/EFC/2023/14 - Forestry activities of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia _ 382082 _ Russian _ 864 _ 395158 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 6b: ECE/TIM/2023/14, FAO/EFC/2023/14 - Forestry activities of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia _ 382082 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 398643 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 6e: ECE/TIM/2023/16 , FAO:EFC/2023/16 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations European Forestry matters: Integrated Fire Management _ 382084 _ English _ 773 _ 395160 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 6e: ECE/TIM/2023/16 , FAO:EFC/2023/16 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations European Forestry matters: Integrated Fire Management _ 382084 _ French _ 780 _ 395161 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 6e: ECE/TIM/2023/16 , FAO:EFC/2023/16 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations European Forestry matters: Integrated Fire Management _ 382084 _ Russian _ 864 _ 395162 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 6e: ECE/TIM/2023/16 , FAO:EFC/2023/16 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations European Forestry matters: Integrated Fire Management _ 382084 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 398645 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 6f: ECE/TIM/2023/17, FAO:EFC/2023/17 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations European Forestry Commission matters: Forest biodiversity mainstreaming _ 383234 _ English _ 773 _ 393165 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 6f: ECE/TIM/2023/17, FAO:EFC/2023/17 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations European Forestry Commission matters: Forest biodiversity mainstreaming _ 383234 _ French _ 780 _ 393166 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 6f: ECE/TIM/2023/17, FAO:EFC/2023/17 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations European Forestry Commission matters: Forest biodiversity mainstreaming _ 383234 _ Russian _ 864 _ 393167 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 6f: ECE/TIM/2023/17, FAO:EFC/2023/17 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations European Forestry Commission matters: Forest biodiversity mainstreaming _ 383234 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 398646 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 6g: ECE/TIM/2023/18, FAO:EFC/2023/18 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations European Forestry Commission matters: Global processes and initiatives _ 382086 _ English _ 773 _ 394456 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 6g: ECE/TIM/2023/18, FAO:EFC/2023/18 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations European Forestry Commission matters: Global processes and initiatives _ 382086 _ French _ 780 _ 394457 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 6g: ECE/TIM/2023/18, FAO:EFC/2023/18 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations European Forestry Commission matters: Global processes and initiatives _ 382086 _ Russian _ 864 _ 394458 _ pdf
47325 _ Item 6g: ECE/TIM/2023/18, FAO:EFC/2023/18 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations European Forestry Commission matters: Global processes and initiatives _ 382086 _ Spanish _ 879 _ 398647 _ pdf


55261 _ Item-2. J. Casteuble. Expertise France. Know-how in common _ 386634 _ English _ 773 _ 401839 _ pdf
55261 _ Item-2. T. Krejzar. Biodiversity targets and Czech forestry _ 386636 _ English _ 773 _ 401841 _ pdf
55261 _ Item-3a. T. Haussmann. Forest Europe _ 386655 _ English _ 773 _ 401888 _ pdf
55261 _ Item-4c. I. Eastin. NA Wood-Based Panel Market Update _ 386500 _ English _ 773 _ 401529 _ pdf
55261 _ Item-4c. O. Abidov. European wood-based panels markets _ 386501 _ English _ 773 _ 401530 _ pdf
55261 _ Item-4d (v). M. Köhl. Forest damage in the ECE region _ 386609 _ English _ 773 _ 401885 _ pdf
55261 _ Item-4d (vi). R. Michalak. Forest Landscape Restoration _ 386565 _ English _ 773 _ 401659 _ pdf
55261 _ Item-5d. D. Reeb. Update on boreal forest work _ 386608 _ English _ 773 _ 401766 _ pdf
55261 _ Item-6e. L. Steil. Integrated Fire Management _ 386601 _ English _ 773 _ 401759 _ pdf
55261 _ Item-6f. T. Hofer. Forest biodiversity mainstreaming _ 386603 _ English _ 773 _ 401761 _ pdf
55261 _ Item-6h. N. Gangi. 34th Session Regional Conference for Europe _ 386606 _ English _ 773 _ 401764 _ pdf
55261 _ Item-6h. T. Loeffler. Input to FAO Governance _ 386602 _ English _ 773 _ 401760 _ pdf

Side Event: Seeds of change - Rethinking forests and cities

47546 _ Agenda: Seeds of change - Rethinking forests and cities _ 384256 _ English _ 773 _ 398894 _ pdf
47546 _ A. Chiesura. Urban Green & Forests in Italy: The Way Forward _ 386675 _ English _ 773 _ 401935 _ pdf
47546 _ M. Cridge. London National Park City _ 386676 _ English _ 773 _ 401936 _ pdf
47546 _ L. Hartley. Connecting people with nature through Tiny Forests _ 386679 _ English _ 773 _ 401940 _ pdf

Side Event: How to maximise embodied carbon in residential buildings

55512 _ M. Decio. Low Carbon Buildings _ 386685 _ English _ 773 _ 401949 _ pdf
55512 _ P. Moonen. Canada, Carbon & Construction _ 386684 _ English _ 773 _ 401948 _ pdf

Post-session documents

54095 _ Item 4c: ECE/TIM/2023/4, FAO:EFC/2023/4 - Draft Forest Products Market Statement _ 386336 _ English _ 773 _ 401186 _ pdf
54095 _ Item 5b: ECE/TIM/2023/Inf.2, FAO:EFC/2023/Inf.2 - Outline of key components of the programme of work of the Forests and the Forest Industry subprogramme for 2025 _ 385653 _ English _ 773 _ 399600 _ pdf
54095 _ Item 5c: ECE/TIM/2023/11, FAO:EFC/2023/11 - San Marino Regional Urban Forestry Action Plan _ 385714 _ English _ 773 _ 399599 _ pdf