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Forest Resource Assessment (FRA) 2020 Regional Workshop for North America, Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia

18 - 20 April 2018
Geneva Switzerland

Forest Resource Assessment (FRA) 2020 Regional Workshop for North America, Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia

Региональный семинар по Оценке Лесных Ресурсов (ОЛР) 2020 для Северной Америки, Европы, Кавказа и Центральной Азии

18-20 April 2018, Room XII, Palais des Nations, Geneva
Meeting hours: 10.00--18.00
Workshop languages: English, Russian

18-20 апреля 2018, Room XII, Дворец Наций, Женева
Время встречи: 10.00 -18.00
Языки: английский, русский

The workshop is organized jointly by UNECE, FAO and FOREST EUROPE.

The Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA) is the main source of information on the state of the forests globally. It contains information on the forest area, forest characteristics, forest productive functions, biodiversity, health conditions of forest ecosystems, ownership of forests, forest related livelihoods and other economic and social indicators showing progress in Sustainable Forest Management (SFM).

The FRA 2020 assessment will be based on two primary sources of data: country reports prepared by national correspondents who are nominated by countries and data gathered through remote sensing. The process is carried out in collaboration with the main forest related organizations, convention and processes, notably with the Collaborative Forest Resources Questionnaire, which gathers the Central African Forests Commission, the Forestry Department of the Food and Agriculture Organization, FOREST EUROPE, the International Tropical Timber Organization, the Montréal Process and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.

For the first time, the global reporting will be carried out in coordination with the pan-European reporting on SFM, as a joint effort of countries in the region supported by the UNECE, FAO and FOREST EUROPE.

This will be facilitated by the use of two main questionnaires on quantitative and qualitative indicators. The Joint UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section and the FOREST EUROPE Liaison Unit Bratislava will coordinate and support the national data collection process, in cooperation with the FAO FRA secretariat.

Pictures from the workshop can be found at:

Фотографии с семинара можно найти на сайте:

Background documents/Справочные материалы ENGLISH/АНГЛИЙСКИЙ 




Provisional agenda / Предварительная программа 


English/английский  Russian/русский
Results of the reporting on FRA 2015 


Data and outputs from the pan-European reporting (2015)  


FRA 2020 Guidelines  English/английский 


Manual FRA platform English/английский   


FRA 2020 Terms and Definitions 


English/английский   Russian/русский
Guidelines on quantitative indicators English/английский    
Guidelines on qualitative indicators - -

UNECE press release: Countdown to the 2020 global and European forest assessments





 Presentations from the workshop

 Day/Topic English 
1st day - Wednesday 18 April 2018         
FRA reporting content, Anssi Pekkarinen  
FRA 2020 Remote sensing survey: methodology and pilot results. Anssi Pekkarinen   
2nd day - Thursday, 19 April 2018    
Introduction to FRA 2020, Anssi Pekkarinen   
Introduction to the Pan-European 2020 reporting, Rastislav Raši, Roman Michalak  
FRA and Pan-European 2020 reporting content: criterion 1 (forest resources, growing stock and carbon), Rastislav Raši  
FRA and Pan-European 2020 reporting content: criterion 2 and 5 (forest damage and degradation, protective functions),
Stein M. Tomter
FRA and Pan-European 2020 reporting content: criterion 4 (biodiversity), Matej Schwarz  
3rd day - Friday, 20 April 2018   
FRA and Pan-European 2020 reporting content: criterion 6 (socio-economic functions), Roman Michalak, Rastislav Raši,
Florian Steierer
FRA and Pan-European 2020 reporting content: criterion 3 (productive functions of forests), Alex McCusker, Roman Michalak, Rastislav Raši  


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