The purpose of these guidelines is to assist Electronic Data
Interchange (EDI) users with their implementation of the
ISO-UN/EDIFACT (EDI for Administration, Commerce and
Transport) Syntax Rules, and to expand some of the rules contained
in ISO 9735, supported by examples.
The guidelines are a part of a set of complementary documents
available to users. The other documents in the series which users
should be aware of are:-
- UNTDED : The United Nations Trade Data Elements Directory
(also published as the International Standard ISO
7372) and associated code sets
- ISO 9735 : The EDIFACT Syntax Rules standard
- The UN/EDIFACT Message Design Guidelines
- The UN/EDIFACT Directory Set, containing directories for:
UNEDMD - Internationally agreed UN/EDIFACT Standard Messages
UNEDSD - UN/EDIFACT Standard Segments for UNSMs
UNEDCD - UN/EDIFACT Composite data elements for UNSMs
UNEDED - UN/EDIFACT Data Elements for UNSMs
UNTDED is published separately by the UN, and maintained jointly
with ISO. The remaining documents are compiled in the UN Trade
Data Interchange Directory.
In 1987, following the convergence of the UN and US/ANSI syntax
proposals, the UN/EDIFACT Syntax Rules were approved as an ISO
standard, having been developed within and submitted for approval
by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe's Working
Party on the Facilitation of International Trade Procedures
(UN/ECE WP.4).
At the same time, WP.4 appointed three Rapporteurs to co-ordinate
the continuing work in conjunction with the UN/ECE Secretariat.
The Rapporteurs appointed were from Poland (co-ordinating the
views and input from CMEA countries), from the United Kingdom
(co-ordinating on behalf of the EEC and EFTA countries), and the
United States (on behalf of the US and Canada). Additional
Rapporteurs may be appointed in the future.
In particular, the UNECE Secretariat and the Rapporteurs,
supported by Advisory and Support Teams, will be the focal point
for maintenance of the UN/EDIFACT Syntax Rules and for proposals
for new UNSMs (or for amendments to existing UNSMs). The agreed
maintenance procedures can be found in the Message Design
Guidelines document, as can the contact points for the
Under NO circumstances should users, software providers, or
network providers make any changes to the UN/EDIFACT Syntax Rules
as defined in ISO 9735. Change requests should be registered
either direct to the UN/ECE Secretariat, or via one of the
Rapporteurs, (or by use of ISO procedures) for international
discussion and approval, both at the UN and in the ISO.
From the outset of the development of the UN/EDIFACT techniques,
certain important design criteria were adhered to. These were
that the techniques should be independent of the computers to be
used, the systems using them, the applications using them, the
communications methods to be used, and the data to be
interchanged. The fact that there are a range of live and pilot
applications, using a broad spectrum of mainframe, mini and micro
computers, utilizing a range of different computer communications
protocols, (such as 2780, 3780, SNA/DNA, packet switching etc.),
different systems solutions (including one-to-one direct
interchange and mailbox switching), demonstrates that the
criteria have been met.
In addition to the above, UN/EDIFACT is designed to have the
minimum impact upon the in-house systems using the technique.
Many live applications constructing data for transmission of
UN/EDIFACT messages, use a technique of creating a simple serial
file - often structured to hold records containing data
equivalent to that required for segments of data in the messages.
This file is then submitted to a formatting routine, which
constructs the data according to the UN/EDIFACT syntax.
Experience has shown that for both converting from the in-house
file layout into UN/EDIFACT Syntax for transmission, and for
converting back into the required in-house layout on receipt of
an EDIFACT structured transmission, parameter (or table) driven
routines have proven to be very effective. When receiving a
transmission for translation, by using such routines, it is
possible for the recipient to ignore any data which is of no
interest to him for his own in-house needs.
It is stressed that UN/EDIFACT is a user application protocol for
use within user systems, which is compatible with the OSI model,
in that it presents user data for transmission via the services
described by the model.
A common technique is for users to have their own in-house
written routines (or a software package), for formatting and
de-formatting UN/EDIFACT structured transmission files. All of
this is user data, which is then submitted to a proprietary
communications protocol (such as 2780, 3780, X25 etc) as defined
in the User Interchange Agreement.
| Agreement |
| |
| |
+-----------------------+ +-----------------------+
|.......................| |.......................|
| EDIFACT formatting and| | EDIFACT formatting and|
| de-formatting routine | | de-formatting routine |
|.......................| |.......................|
+|-----------------------|+ +|-----------------------|+
|| Communications || || Communications ||
|| protocol || || protocol ||
|+-----------------------+| |+-----------------------+|
+-------------------------+ +-------------------------+
+-------------------------+ +-------------------------+
+-------------------------+ +-------------------------+
+-------------------------+ +-------------------------+
+-------------------------+ +-------------------------+
+-------------------------+ +-------------------------+
| | | |
+-------------------------+ +-------------------------+
| |
| |
Without strict adherence to the published UN/EDIFACT standards,
many of the achievable benefits will be lost.
The UN/EDIFACT Syntax Rules (ISO 9735), set the standards for
structuring data into segments, segments into messages, and
messages into an interchange.
Data, segment and message standards are equally essential
The United Nations Trade Data Elements Directory (UNTDED) sets
out the standards for administration, commerce and transport
data. Where appropriate it also recommends codes for coded
representation of data (often internationally maintained codes),
and for qualifiers. Since UNTDED is also an ISO standard (ISO
7372), they are maintained jointly by the UN and ISO.
Because of the repetitive nature of information required in each
of the sectors for which UN/EDIFACT has been designed, it is
possible to assemble logically related data elements into standard
segments, which can then be used in several different messages
meeting the requirements of related business functions. An
example of this can be found by examining United Nations Standard
Messages (UNSMs), such as the Commercial Invoice, the Purchase
Order and the Dispatch Advice. Such standard segments are
published in the UNSM Standard Segments Directory, with other
segments specific to certain messages.
Finally, UNSMs are published in the UN/EDIFACT Message Directory.
The procedures for the maintenance of the UN/EDIFACT Syntax and
the directories (including how users can propose
changes/additions to existing segments/messages, and proposals
for new UNSMs) are contained in the Message Design Guidelines.
As far as possible, (providing the required function has been
covered) users should try to use existing UNSMs. At first sight,
users may find that some UNSMs appear unnecessarily complex.
Upon closer examination however, it will be found that many (and
in some cases, most) of the segments and groups of segments are
defined as being 'Conditional'. This is because the messages
have been designed for International and National use, by
multi-industry sectors.
Since conditional segments may be completely omitted from a
message, a user's requirements can often be met by use of a
relatively smaller percentage of the segments specified in a
UNSM. Should this prove not to be the case, then the Message
Design Guidelines must be studied.
Once having settled on the message standard to be used, users
must then carry out a careful analysis of their in-house system
with respect to the data requirements for the message in
This will entail ensuring that all of the data which must be
provided for the application in which the message is being used,
(which could include data defined as conditional, as well as
mandatory data), can be supplied from the in-house system. If
not, some way must be found for doing so. (In some cases,
certain elements of data can be held on a 'parameter' file--see
Section 2.3).
For receipt of EDI messages, clearly users must decide how the
data is to be processed. (For example, can a Purchase Order
message be taken directly into an existing in-house order
processing system, or should some intermediate processing and
perhaps re-ordering of data be carried out first?).
For both transmission and receipt of EDI messages, attention
should also be paid to any codes specified for use in the
messages. These may not equate exactly with those used in the
in-house systems, and some form of code conversion may be
required. This can be particularly important if data not
previously integrated between in-house applications are to be
Software of one kind or another is needed to format data from
in-house systems into the message and syntax structure, and to
reverse the process into a form required by in-house systems.
This can either be developed in-house, or proprietary software
packages can be obtained. In-house development can be a quick
way of getting an application off the ground for one or two
messages, but generally will not be cost effective as more EDI
message are introduced into the application - mainly because the
routines are usually coded to be message dependent. This can
cause maintenance difficulties as messages are amended and
enhanced over a period of time.
Software packages are available from a variety of sources,
ranging from data capture systems to interface translators. Most
are message independent, generally by use of table-driven
techniques. If message content changes, this means that only the
tables have to be amended, not the main modules of the package.
As previously identified, on some occasions users may find that
the required data are not always available from the in-house
system. For formatting of data for transmission, this can be
true, particularly for some of data required for certain of the
syntax service segments (e.g. the Interchange Header - UNB; and
the Functional Group Header - UNG). It could also be true if for
example, the full name and address of the organization
originating the data is required in the interchange in order to
meet some form of legal requirement.
A useful technique for solving these problems is to hold such
constant data on a small parameter file, which can be accessed
when required during the message formatting process.
Some form of communications carrier is the last essential basic
element for implementation of EDI applications.
Some applications still exchange magnetic tapes, but
increasingly, telecommunications techniques are being used. Two
options are available--either direct communications, or via a
third party service.
Direct point-to-point or dial-up techniques may suffice if
interchange partners are few in number, and their
telecommunications protocols are identical.
However, as the number of interchange partners increases, as
the number of different telecommunications protocols have to be
catered for, and as scheduling problems become more acute, it
may well be found that the services offered by a range of network
providers become a possible alternative.
Although the services offered may vary in detail, most offer
network communication, the interface to the network, protocol
conversion services (i.e. data is provided using a preferred
telecommunications protocol and it is a function of the network
provider's service to convert to the protocols to those of the
interchange partners), and mailbox/clearing-house services.
Users of mailbox/clearing-house services send data to the network
provider, who interrogates the header segment of each interchange
in order to deposit the data in the mailbox of the appropriate
addressee specified in the interchange header segment. Each
recipient can then access his own mailbox to retrieve data. This
can be a particularly useful facility if scheduling problems are
acute, or if data is being exchanged across time zones.
When joining an existing user group, it may be found that the
choice of communications techniques has already been made by the
group as a whole.
Virtually every live data interchange application operates under
an interchange agreement, which normally takes the form of a
user manual.
Once created, this has to be maintained in the same way that any
computer system user manual has to be.
The type of controlling agency authority created varies from
application to application. For example, in Customs interchange
applications, it is the Customs authority itself which normally
controls and maintains the necessary user documentation. Other
examples include trade associations, trade facilitation
organizations, and a secretariat created and funded by the trade
While it is impossible to specify precisely the technique which
should be used for the initial development and design of
interchange systems, some guidelines can be given, based upon an
analysis of the techniques used for existing systems.
A typical technique used is to create a steering committee
chosen from a selection of users from the application area. A
series of working sub-groups, each charged with a specific task,
report to the steering committee as they progress their work. In
turn, these sub-groups are formed from users, having the
necessary expertise for the task in hand.
The following list of tasks are typical of those which have been
carried out by existing user groups. More detailed subjects
might need to be included, depending upon the application area,
and two or more of the tasks might be undertaken by one
A typical list of tasks for a specific application could be:
- to identify the functions - and therefore the types of
messages (or transactions) to be interchanged, with reference
to the agreed application data element directory and with
particular emphasis on the mandatory or conditional status of
each data element within each transaction. Since users in
different application areas may wish, in the future, to
interchange data, wherever possible standardization of message
types and structure within each application area will be to
everyone's advantage.
- to identify the data elements required, element sizes and
formats, element terminology, and to compile a user data
element directory. (This would normally be done with
reference to the UN Trade Data Element Directory insofar as
international data elements are concerned). For national, or
industry specific data elements, local agreement would be
- to identify the functions of user data segments required,
making full use of the UNSM Standard Segments Directory,
particularly with respect to standard user data segments
designed for multi-industry/multi-application use. Should
new user data segments need to be designed, the
recommendations contained in the UN EDIFACT Message Design
Guidelines should be followed, with 'Change Requests' being
submitted to the local Rapporteur's Advisory & Support Team
as necessary.
- to specify the level of syntax rules to be used by the
application, (i.e. Level A or B - see ISO 9735).
- to specify the method(s) to be used for the physical
transmission of data within the application, including where
relevant, the specification of requirements for magnetic tape
transfer, for floppy disks transfer, and for
telecommunications protocols.
- to identify any legal and security problems related to the
transfer of information, which might require resolution. (It
should be noted that the UN/ICC UNCID recommendations -
'Uniform Rules of Conduct for the Interchange of Trade Data' -
address all legal questions which need to be considered.
UNCID is included in the UN Trade Data Interchange Directory).
- to identify and recommend common coding techniques to be
implemented by all participants in the user group.
- to identify and recommend encryption techniques (if required).
- to recommend the form and period of a trial phase of testing,
prior to full implementation.
Taking account of the above subjects, it is recommended that the
user manual should at least include:
- a description of the level of EDIFACT syntax to be used
- a description of the agreed character set to be used
- a full and detailed description of the structure of message
types to be used. (As far as possible, it is stressed that
UNSMs should be used - or if not exactly suitable - that the
procedures for amendment set out in the Message Design
Guidelines should be followed).
- the user data element directory (utilizing UNTDED as far as
- the user segment directory (utilizing the standard segments
defined in EDSD as far as possible)
- the user message directory
- a specification of legal/security requirements to be observed.
- a description of the communications service(s) to be utilized.
- a specification of the transmission record length to be
used (which must be standard within the application area)
- a indication of the techniques to be used for error correction,
acknowledgements, etc
- an indication whether or not Functional Grouping is to be used.
- an indication of the type of encryption to be used (if any).
- an indication of the type of password facility to be used
(if any).
An Interchange Agreement (normally in the form of a User Manual)
governs all of the participants subscribing to the application
interchange which it describes.
Separate bi-lateral agreements between participants in such an
interchange application are not recommended, since they only
serve to defeat the purpose of the standards specified for all
users in the Interchange Agreement.
For certain data fields in the Service segments which form the
syntax, the Interchange Agreement must specify the code sets,
lists of qualifiers, etc to be used. The fields and the
criteria to be addressed are listed below, with the service data
element reference number and the segment in which it appears, in
brackets after the field name.
The Interchange Agreement (IA) must specify whether a name or
code should be used to identify the organizations sending data.
If a code, the various code sets must be identifiable by use of
qualifiers, which must be specified.
The IA must specify whether a name or code should be used to
identify recipients. If a code, the various code sets must be
identifiable by use of qualifiers, which must be specified.
The IA must state if the field is to be used. If so, either a
list of passwords must be maintained, or (more likely), senders
must ascertain from their various partners what reference or
password is to be provided.
The IA must state whether the field is to be used, if so, it
must state what information should be carried in the field.
The IA must state whether the field is to be used, if so, a list
of codes and meanings must be provided.
The IA must state whether the field is to be used, if so,
whether a name or code should appear. If a code, its value must
be provided.
The IA must either inform users either that it is their own
responsibility to maintain code lists (plus qualifiers if
necessary) for their partners, or it should publish and maintain
agreed lists for all participants.
The IA must provide the list of codes which could be used
(although within one interchange application, it is most likely
that only one code would be used. For example, if UNSMs are
being used, the code would have the value UN).
If UNSMs are being used, the current version number (and if
necessary, the release number) of the message in question should
be specified. If the application is using other than UNSMs,
then the IA must publish the version numbers (and release
numbers if necessary) - see Section 7 Identification and
Control of messages.
The message identifier field has 5 component data elements. The
value of each of these must be specified as necessary per
message type in the IA, according to the procedures set out in
Section 7, dealing with the identification and control of
It is strongly recommended that some form of interchange
maintenance authority be created. Such an authority would be
responsible for the control and maintenance of the interchange
agreement, with particular responsibility for the production and
circulation of amendments to the user manual, and for control
of change-over to new versions of messages.
For the definitions of the terminology used in this document,
please see Annex A of the ISO 9735 standard.
In order to cover the range of user preference, two levels of
syntax are identified with respect to use of character sets.
These levels are defined in the Interchange Header (UNB) segment
(in the data element S001 Syntax Identifiers) as UNOA (for the
basic level A), and UNOB for level B.
The full character set for both levels is specified in ISO 9735
EDIFACT Syntax Rules.
Level B only, may use a higher level character set taken from ISO
646 IRV, including the use of three of the IS 1-4 non-printable
separator characters in place of the printable separator
characters used in Level A, as defined in ISO 9735. However, it
should be clearly understood that users of Level B must revert to
Level A if this is necessary to meet the capability and wishes of
the recipient.
Care should also be taken regarding the use of the IS 1-4
separator characters with respect to certain communications
protocols. (For example, if the 2780 protocol is used, certain
of the IS characters are not passed through to the application
level process. In this case, use of the Level A set will
overcome the problem).
If not otherwise agreed between interchange partners, the 'bit'
representation of the recommended character set for
computer-to-computer interchange for both Level A and B is the
seven-bit representation specified in the basic ISO 646
Binary coded decimal or other forms of hardware/software
dependent character representation (for examples EBCDIC) must not
be used for interchange (other than by prior agreement between
interchange partners), as these features are not available, or
are not dealt with in the same way, in all makes of computers.
International Reference Version (IRV) ISO 646-1983 (E)
|b7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
|b6 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
|b5 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
+--------------| | | | | | | | | |
|b4| b3| b2| b1| | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
|0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | NUL| DLE| SP| O | @ | P | ` | p |
|0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | SOH| DC1| !| 1 | A | Q | a | q |
|0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | STX| DC2| "| 2 | B | R | b | r |
|0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 3 | ETX| DC3| #| 3 | C | S | c | s |
|0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 4 | EOT| DC4| $ | 4 | D | T | d | t |
|0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 5 | ENQ| NAK| %| 5 | E | U | e | u |
|0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 6 | ACK| SYN| &| 6 | F | V | f | v |
|0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 7 | BEL| ETB| '| 7 | G | W | g | w 3
|1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | BS | CAN| (| 8 | H | X | h | x |
|1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 9 | HT | EM | )| 9 | I | Y | i | y |
|1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 10| LF | SUB| *| : | J | Z | j | z |
|1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 11| VT | ESC| +| ; | K | [ | k | { |
|1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 12| FF | IS4| , | < | L | \ | l | | |
|1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 13| CR | IS3| -| = | M | ] | m | } |
|1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 14| SO | IS2| .| > | N | ^ | n | ~ |
|1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 15| SI | IS1| /| ? | O | _ | o | DEL|
Specified by the standard and widely implemented
| 2 | B |
| 3 | C |
Specified by the standard, but not implemented by all manufacturers
| STX|
| ETX|
| EOT| DC4|
Specified by the standard, but implemented with varying bit patterns
| p |
| a | q |
| b | r |
An interchange of data in the context of EDIFACT, is composed of
one or more messages containing segments which in turn are made
up of data elements.
(NOTE: It is stressed that all the examples of data
which follow in this paper are examples. UNTDED
should be studied to obtain the current formats,
code set and qualifier values, etc).
A data element may consist of a single data item, e.g. '2310
Delivery month' in which case it is called a simple data
element, or it may consist of several data items, e.g. the
composite data element 'C198 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION' which
consists of two data elements, 7020 Article Number and 7823
Article Number Qualifier. In this case it is called a composite
data element; each data item within a composite data element is
called a component data element.
A component is identified by its position within a data
element. For example, if a data element was required to express
the cost of insurance, it would be defined as a composite data
element with two component data elements. In the first position
would be '5486 Insurance Cost', accompanied by '6345 Currency
Code' as the second component.
The data elements referred to in the EDIFACT standard are either
user data elements or service data elements.
User data elements contain the substantive data which are to be
transmitted. They are outside the scope of the standard and
should be defined and agreed (preferably based on the UN trade
data element directory - TDED) between interchange partners, and
specified in a user data element directory.
Service data elements contain data required for structuring the
transmission. A list of the service data elements provided in
this standard and their detailed descriptions are given in the UN
Trade Data Element Directory (TDED), in the 'S' and the '000'
series. They will also be found in ISO 9735.
Data elements can only be transmitted within a segment.
Each data element in TDED is allocated a unique 4-digit
numeric tag. In addition, each data element is allocated a
unique and mnemonic four-character data element identifier which
must be alphabetic. These identifiers can be used in internal
systems, e.g. for system and programming documentation.
There are two types of segments: User Data segments and Service
segments. Conditional Segments containing no data must be
omitted from the message in which they would normally appear.
User data segments contain data elements such as amounts,
values, names, places and other data to be transmitted. The
contents of user data segments are outside the scope of the
UN/EDIFACT Syntax standard. User data segments must not be
created with the first two letters of the tag 'UN', as these are
reserved for use in service segments.
Service segments contain service data elements such as sender
of the transmission, syntax rules type and level, date of the
preparation of the transmission, priority type, etc. and/or
other specific data which are required for the transmission. All
service segment tags start with the two letters 'UN' which are
reserved for this purpose. On no account should users change
service segments. A 'Change Request' procedure is described in
the Message Design Guidelines for the purpose of proposing
amendments. The following categories of service segments are
provided in the UN/EDIFACT syntax standard:
Transmission structuring syntax segments, which are used
to assemble transmissions in a standard way, e.g. to start
and end each transmission, to start and end each message
within a transmission, and to start and end functional
groups of messages within a transmission (if this facility
is required).
Segments used in the Service messages 'CONTRL&q' & 'APPLIC',
which respectively are used for acknowledgements requests,
for correction of syntax errors and rejections, and for
confirmation of receipt or requests for correction of
application errors. (The latter - APPLIC - is under
A segment used in the General Purpose Message 'GENRAL',
which is used to indicate the type, title and references
for the message.
Segments are identified by a code which uniquely identifies each
segment as specified in a segment directory.
A list of the service segments provided in the EDIFACT syntax
standard, with detailed descriptions, is given in Annex B of ISO
A Message consists of a number of segments structured in
accordance with the syntax rules. It must begin with the
service segment 'UNH -Message header' and end with the service
segment 'UNT - Message trailer'. It must contain at least one
user data segment, containing at least one user data element.
There are two classes of messages: User messages and EDIFACT
Service messages.
User messages contain the user data segments required for
the message in addition to the 'Message header' and
'Message trailer' segments.
There is an option to transfer a message progressively. At the
time of the first transmission, it generally would not contain
all of the information as defined in the interchange application
message specifications, other than the data defined as being
mandatory within the message. In this case, the originator may
transmit a selection of the data elements at first, followed by
a second (or successive) transmission(s), adding to or updating
the data previously transmitted, the data being related by means
of a structured, unique key.
(An example might be a Booking message, where the transport
operator needs a rough estimate of the space required for the
shipment as early as possible to facilitate his planning. The
precise details may be supplied by the originator later as they
become available, until finally the transport operator has
sufficient data to create a bill of lading).
The use of the progressive message transfer technique is
explained in more detail in Section 8.3.9 of this guide.
UN/EDIFACT Service messages contain service segments for error
correction, either at the syntax protocol level, or at the
application level, and service segments for general free
text. Their use is explained in Section 10 of this guide.
Messages are uniquely identified by a message identifier
field consisting of five component data elements, used to
effect identification and control of messages, as explained in
the next Section.
Note: The information in this section and, in particular that on
version/release, no longer conforms to the existing Syntax
implementation guidelines which need revision in light of the
decision at the March 1994 session of WP.4 to implement Standard
and Draft directories. Paragraphs where changes have been made are
marked at the beginning with an *
A United Nations Standard Message (UNSM) is one which:-
i) has been registered, published, and which is maintained
by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe;
ii) has the values contained in the Controlling Agency,
Message Type, Message Version Number and Message
Release Number fields (the requirements for the use
of which are specified in ISO 9735), allocated and
controlled by the UN/ECE;
iii) always has the code value 'UN' in the Controlling
Agency field.
A Sub-set of a UNSM is a message which is directly derived
from an approved UNSM, has the same function as the UNSM from
which it is derived, and which:
i) contains all of the groups and segments defined as
having a mandatory status within the message, and the
mandatory data elements within them. There shall be no
change to the status, order or content of the groups,
segments, and composite data elements and data elements
contained within the segments.
(It should be noted, however, that although many UNSMs
contain Conditional Groups of segments which may contain
one or more mandatory segments, providing the complete
conditional group is omitted from the sub-set, this
does not break the rule regarding the inclusion of
mandatory segments);
ii) does not change the status, order or content of the
segments, composite data elements and data elements
in the conditional segments chosen for use from the
iii) does not add any segments, composite data elements or
data elements to the message;
iv) contains the identical values specified for use in the
Message Type, Controlling Agency, Message Version
Number and Message Release Number fields, as are
specified for the UNSM from which the sub-set is
It is essential that messages should be capable of being
identified in relation to the current version of the
directory from which they are derived, (i.e. the code lists,
data elements, composite data elements and segments).
* Whenever a new Standard directory set is published it contains
the message specifications for all registered UNSMs (Status 2
messages) and their supporting segments, composites, data
elements and codes.
* Draft directory sets contain all Status 1 (Draft
Recommendation) messages and all Status 2 (UNSM) messages in
their latest form and the supporting segments, composites, data
elements and codes.
* A directory will be identified by an issue number, allocated
and controlled under UN/EDIFACT procedures. The issue number
will be a single Character indicating if the directory contains
Draft or Standard material (S or D) followed by a period
separator, followed by the last two digits of the year in which
the directory is agreed, followed by a sequential alpha
character assigned by the UN/ECE. This sequential alpha
character begins with A at the start of each year and is
incremented if more than one directory of the same type (S or
D) is published during the same year.
* When a document related to a UNSM under development reaches
a Status of 2 (i.e. the status of 'Recommendation'), and the
UNSM is agreed and published in a new issue of UNTDID, i.e. in
the Standard Directory, the values in the following fields of
the UNH/UNG segments used for the message (or a subset of the
message) will be:
i) Controlling Agency (data element 0051) - always the two
characters 'UN';
* ii) Message Version Number (data element 0052) - Always 'S'
when published in a Standard directory, always 'D' when
published in a Draft directory.
* iii) Message Release Number (data element 0054) - The last
two digits in the year of agreement followed by a single,
sequential alpha character assigned by the UN that starts
with A at the beginning of each year and is incremented if
more than one directory of the same type (S or D) is
published in the same year.
Messages and Sub-sets of Draft Standard Messages
* When a document related to a UNSM under development reaches
a Status of 1 (i.e. the status of 'Draft Recommendation'), and
is agreed and published in a new issue of the Draft directory,
the values in the following fields of the UNH/UNG segments used
for the message (or a subset of the message) will be:
* i) Controlling Agency (data element 0051) - always the two
characters 'UN';
* ii) Message Version Number (data element 0052) - Always 'D'.
* iii) Message Release Number (data element 0054) - The last
two digits in the year of agreement followed by a single,
sequential alpha character assigned by the UN that starts
with A at the beginning of each year and is incremented if
more than one directory of the same type (S or D) is
published in the same year.
If users wish to test messages (or sub-sets of messages)
which have not yet reached the 'Draft for formal trial' stage
(i.e. messages under development which have a document status
of 'O' or 'P'), a different procedure must be followed.
The full procedures for the identification of documents
containing messages under development are contained in the UN
paper WP.4/GE.1/R.785. Such documents will have a Status of
'O', plus a 'Revision' number controlled by the Rapporteur's
Team where the request for the new UNSM originated.
Users wishing to test such messages must always use a Message
Version number of zero, a Message Release number equivalent
to the Revision number of the document revision upon which
they are basing their test, and a 'Controlling agency' code
of 'RT'. (Users should not test such messages until they have
been passed by the relevant Technical Assessment Group of the
RT where the request for the message originated. Further,
users are strongly recommended to delay testing of messages
under development until the point where the development is
fairly stable, and even then, they must be aware that the
message content may well change before it reaches the status
of 'Draft for formal trial').
Example: (Document Status 'O' or 'P')
* 0065 Message type : NEWMSG
0052 Message version number : O
0054 Message release number : 'n'
0051 Controlling agency : RT
0057 Association assigned code : (not used)
Where 'n' in the release number field is equal to the
Revision number of the development document used as the
basis of the message being tested.
United Nations Standard Messages are structured in such a way
that they can be used by companies and organizations in many
different industries. For example, the invoice UNSM contains
data elements and segments which are in common use in the
majority of invoicing applications. Other data elements and
segments specified for use in the message have a more
restricted application, and will probably be required by only
a few industry applications. Thus, in the vast majority of
cases, industries will choose and become responsible for
specific industry related sub-sets from the total message
structure. (The definition of a true sub-set defined above).
However, still abiding by this principle, users may wish to
go beyond the standard sub-set definition, and for reasons of
integrity, agree between a group of participants that certain
data elements and/or segments which are conditional in a UNSM
should always be required in their application. In choosing
to go beyond the true sub-set definition set out in paragraph
2 above, users must bear in mind that to comply with the
spirit of sub-sets, any sub-set must always be more
restrictive than its parent UNSM.
To provide a unique identification for any particular sub-set
of a UNSM, users may wish to assign a code for use in the
'Association assigned code' field of the UNH and/or UNG
segments. Further, if it is considered that there may be a
problem in assigning a code which may be duplicated by
another group of users, it is suggested that the local
Rapporteur's Team be consulted regarding the allocation of a
code value.
As UNSMs are used by more industries, it is quite likely that
some messages will be found not to cover some of the specific
requirements of those industries. To provide these
requirements so that the messages can be used, immediate
changes to (or additions of) segments and elements may be
necessary by use of the official UN/EDIFACT 'Change Request'
Since the standards maintenance time-scales may delay the
implementation of the required modifications to the UNSM for
some time, users may wish to implement the changes
immediately so that the message can be used in their
In order to identify the amended message (which then is NOT a
UNSM) during the interim period, the user group concerned
should consider including an appropriate code in the
'Association assigned code' field of the UNH and/or UNG
segments. Where it is thought that there may be problems of
duplicated Association assigned code values, the local
Rapporteur's Team should be consulted regarding the
allocation of a code value.
As an alternative, in order to identify the group of users
requesting the amendments to the UNSM, in the interim period
of use of the message, the 'Controlling Agency' data element
should be used for this purpose.
CHAPTER 2.2 - General Information: UN/EDIFACT Application Syntax
Rules (ISO 9735) Issue 94.2, March 1994
The standard ISO 9735, Electronic Data Interchange for
Administration, Commerce and Transport (EDIFACT) - Application level
syntax rules, has received an Amendment 1 dated 1992-12-01.
This Amendment 1 is as follows:
Clause 2 (Normative references)
Add a footnote reference '1)' after the title of ISO 8859.
Add a footnote as follows:
1) See also annex B.
Clause 4 (Syntax levels)
Add the words ', see annex D' at the end of the second sentence in
the first paragraph.
Add the words 'and annex D' after the words 'clause 5' in the third
Annex D
In summary, this annex contains the codes for data elements 0001,
syntax identifier, in the interchange header UNB and describes the
corresponding character sets.
Note: The earlier versions of ISO 9735 (1988-07-15 and 1990-11-01)
are still usable for the interchange of EDIFACT messages. The 1988
version is identified by a value of 1, and the 1990 version by a
value of 2 in the mandatory data element 0002 (Syntax version
number) in the segment UNB (Interchange header).
When this 1992 version is used the value in data element 0002 shall
be 3.
The UN/EDIFACT syntax rules apply only to the data to be interchanged.
They are independent of the type of computer to be used for the
interchange application, whether mainframe, mini or micro.
They are also independent of the data to be interchanged and the
data standards in use; new data elements or data segments can be
introduced and existing data elements and data segments changed
(by use of the maintenance procedures) without affecting the rules.
The syntax rules are independent of both the type of application
(i.e. commercial, governmental, transport etc.), and of the
telecommunications protocols or interchange media to be used.
For example, a range of different applications are successfully
using them on packet switched services, SNA, 2780, 3780,
magnetic tape etc. Therefore it can be seen that the data to be
interchanged sits inside the 'envelope' provided by the data
communication transport service.
As previously defined, in the syntax rules data elements are
carried in user data segments, while service segments contain
service data elements which form the structure of the syntax rules
In OSI terms, a connection could include one or more EDIFACT
interchanges, each separated from the other by control service
segments which identify the start and end of each interchange.
Within each interchange, there is then a hierarchical structure
which allows for both control and identification of data for
processing. This structure is shown in Section 6 of ISO 9735.
The syntax deals with the representation of the syntax protocol
and user data only, and not with the requirements of the technical
transmission aspects of telecommunications protocols, media
labels, etc.
Further, it should be pointed out that UN/EDIFACT in no way
encroaches upon the OSI concept. In an UN/EDIFACT interchange,
everything from the first character of the Interchange Control
Header segment to the last character of the Interchange Control
Trailer segment, is user data, emanating from one computer system
in a structure agreed by the users, for receipt into another
computer system at the application level.
In general, all of the characters specified in the User Inter-
change Agreement, (see section 3), can be used in data.
8.2.1 Relationship to syntax control characters
If Level A syntax is being used,, it is recommended that the
following four characters of the recommended character set,
- the plus sign ( + )
- the colon ( : )
- the apostrophe (')
- the question mark (?)
should not deliberately be chosen for use in data elements,
as they are reserved for use within the EDIFACT syntax rules
rules as syntax characters for Level A.
However, it should be pointed out that in practice in live
applications, this causes few problems, because they rarely
appear in genuine data. If they do, it is a relatively trivial
task for the program which formats the data into the syntax
structure to insert a release character where appropriate, and
for the program which de-formats the data to remove the release
character - thus permitting that character to be passed on to
the recipient's system as a character which is part of the user
8.2.2 Syntax separators, terminator and release character
| Name | Separator | Separator |
| Function of Separator | in Level A | in Level B |
| Segment terminator | | |
| (To terminate all segments. A | ' | ISO646 |
| data element separator must not | (apostrophe) | IS4 |
| be used after the last data | | |
| element in a segment.) | | |
| Segment tag and data | | |
| element separator | + | ISO646 |
| (To separate all segment tag | (plus sign) | IS3 |
| service data elements from the | | |
| first user data element in the | | |
| segment, and to separate simple | | |
| and/or composite data elements | | |
| in a segment from each other.) | | |
| Component data | | |
| element separator | : | ISO646 |
| (To separate all component | (colon) | IS1 |
| elements in a composite data | | |
| element from each other.) | | |
| Release character | | |
| (To release any of the charac- | ? | |
| ters + ; ' ? appearing in user |(question mark)| NOT USED |
| data in Level A syntax. | | |
| It MUST immediately precede | | |
| the character in question | | |
| and signifies that the NEXT | | |
| single character is not to | | |
| be interpreted as a syntax | | |
| separator, terminator, or | | |
| release character.) | | |
Level A syntax separators
where: NAD is the unique segment code for a Name and Address
BY is a qualifier meaning 'Buyer', thus identifying
the function of the NAD segment
ABC to 9NW is a composite data element
Level A release character
Where: In the users system, the first data element appears as
75+73+ABC and the second data element appears as HOW
The release character is not counted as part of the length of
any data element or component data within which it is
transmitted. Release characters can be inserted by program so
that data can be input and output without any special manual
Level B syntax separators
Note: The information separators IS1; IS3 and IS4 are described and
their coded representation specified in clause 4 of ISO 646.
They are control characters and thus non-printable. However,
in the example below they are shown in brackets thus (IS1) to
illustrate their use.
8.3.1 Interchange structure
As previously defined, service segments contain service data
elements which are required at the application level for
interchange or syntax control.
A set of user interchange data must start with a 'UNA Service
String Advice' if for any reason neither the Level A or B the
syntax separators, as defined in the standard, are used in the
interchange which follows.
If it is possible that the application may have to process
interchanges preceded by the UNA string, you must ensure that
your de-formatting software can process the data, which
effectively is using 'non-standard' separator characters. One
technique for achieving this is to have a routine which, when
the UNA string is detected, dynamically updates the module which
processes and checks the syntax separator characters.
The set of user interchange data following the service string
advice (if used) must start with the service syntax segment
'Interchange Control Header' which has the segment code UNB.
The set of user data must be terminated with the the
'Interchange Control Trailer' which has the segment code UNZ.
If several sets of user interchange data are included in one
transmission, (i.e. there are several pairs of UNB and UNZ
segments), each UNB segment must be preceded by a delimiter
string advice if neither Level A or B separators are being used.
With the exception of these service segments used to delimit a
transmission (and two other service segments which are used to
identify functional groups within a transmission), all data in a
transmission must be interchanged within a message.
A transmission may contain one message or any number of
A transmission in general form can therefore be depicted as:
+--- UNB segment
| message(s)
+--- UNZ segment
The syntax rules do not specify the order in which messages of
different types should be transmitted within an interchange.
The sender can forward messages in an order of his choosing,
unless partners in an interchange application agree otherwise,
or unless otherwise stated in the Interchange Agreement.
8.3.2 Service string advice - UNA
The string has a mandatory fixed length of 9 characters. The
first three are UNA, immediately followed by the 6 characters
as defined in ISO 9735.
NOTE: ONLY in very special circumstance, (for example, at level
A Syntax, if a user application group were interchanging
only data related to mathematical equations, or, at level
B syntax, if it were found that any IS character from
ISO646 had been utilized for a specific function by a
network or by a communications protocol), should any other
delimiters than those detailed for Levels A and B be used.
8.3.3 Interchange control header segment - UNB (See ISO 9735
Annex B for detailed specification)
In addition to the segment code UNB, the following mandatory
service data elements must be included in the following order:
. the syntax identifier and version number;
. the interchange sender;
. the interchange recipient, plus an optional
(normally coded) sub-address for onward routing;
. the date and time of the transmission; and
. the interchange control reference.
Some, or all of the following conditional service data elements
can be included in the segment, if specified for use in the
Interchange Agreement. If included, they must be in the
following order:
. the recipient's transmission reference (or password
to be provided by the sender);
. the application reference;
. the processing priority code;
. an acknowledgement request;
. the communications agreement identification; and
. a test indicator.
(The recipient's transmission reference field may optionally be
used to contain a password instead of a transmission reference).
Clearly, such use must be specified in the Interchange
Agreement. It may be required for example, where a group of
users are interchanging their data via a bureau mailbox service,
or where a password is needed to gain access to the recipient's
system. If functional grouping is being used in the interchange,
the facility exists to include a password in each group header.
To gain access to the recipient's sub-systems, if required.
As identified in Section 2, some of the above data may not be
held in the in-house system. If not, it can be provided at
run-time via a parameter file.
The last field in the segment, the 'Test Indicator', is used
during the run-up phase to live working, since its use enables
the recipient to identify all the data contained in the
interchange as for trial use only. Clearly, care must be taken
to set the field to zero as soon as live interchanges are
started. An example UNB segment containing all of the
conditional data elements and using level A syntax would be
transmitted as:
UNB is the segment tag code.
UNOA:1 identifies version 1, level A of the syntax rules
and Controlling Agency UNO. (For level B, the
field would contain UNOB:1).
The purpose of the version number is to allow for
maintenance of the standard. Each future amendment,
or groups of amendments to the syntax, will cause the
version number to be incremented by 1.
123:AB:PO168 identifies the sender of the transmission in code
with a qualifier of AB to identify the code set being
used, followed by a code representing a reverse routing
address to which the recipient should address any reply.
3572:DN:B1342 identifies the recipient of the transmission in
code (qualified by DN), plus a sub-address code. The
sub-address code for onward routing may be used if the
functional grouping facility, (which also provides for
sub-addressing), is not used.
771206:1215 771206 is the date and 1215 is the time of the
preparation of the transmission. This is the
date/time that the interchange is assembled for
A143 is the unique interchange control reference for this
transmission, allocated by the sender of the interchange.
B26AZ is recipient's reference, or a password. (This
can be accompanied by a qualifier component
element, if so specified in the Interchange
Agreement) the field is left blank if not used
DELINS is an example of an application reference.
A common usage of this field is to keep all
messages of the same type within one unique
transmission, and to carry the appropriate
message identifier in this field. Such usage
allows a transmission of a particular message
type to be retrieved by the recipient from a
mailbox service in advance of transmissions
containing a different message type. The
technique would not be used if either Functional
Grouping or an interchange containing a mixture
of different message types were being used, in
which case it would be left blank.
X is a processing priority code, using a code
defined in the Interchange Agreement (or left
blank if not used)
1 indicates that the sender is requesting an acknowledge-
ment for the interchange, but only that the recipient
has successfully received and identified the header and
trailer segments (UNB & UNZ) for the interchange. The
recipient would reply, using a 'CONTRL' message (see
Section 10). Such an acknowledgement does not mean that
the contents of the interchange have been processed
correctly and are acceptable to the recipient. The field
is set to zero if an acknowledgement is not required.
CANDE is an example of a code specified in the Interchange
Agreement, which identifies the type of communications
agreement under which the interchange is controlled, (or
left blank if not used).
1 indicates that this is a test transmission. The field is
set to zero for transmission of live data
8.3.4 Interchange control trailer segment - UNZ (See ISO 9735
Annex B for detailed specification
In addition to the segment code UNZ, this control segment
contains two mandatory service data elements. The first, the
interchange control count, contains either a count of the number
of messages in the interchange, or a count of the number of
functional groups in the interchange if that facility has been
used (see Section 8.3.5).
The second data element, the interchange control reference,
contains the identical reference to that carried in the same
field of the UNB interchange header segment for the same
interchange. Checking that the two fields are identical ensures
that the set of interchange data has been successfully received.
A UNZ segment which indicates a transmission with an interchange
control reference of A143, containing 7 functional groups, would
be transmitted as: UNZ+7+A143'
For a transmission with the same reference where functional
grouping has not been used, and which contains 2500 messages,
the UNZ segment would be transmitted as: UNZ+2500+A143'
8.3.5 Functional group structure
Messages in a transmission can be assembled into one or more
functional groups. For interchanges of data to/from North
America, the use of functional grouping is mandatory. For other
interchange applications, its use is optional, but should be
specified in the interchange agreement.
It is not permitted to mix the use of functional groups with
messages not contained within functional groups in the same
Each functional group must begin with the control service
segment 'Functional Group Header' which has the segment code UNG.
Each functional group must end with the control service segment
'Functional Group Trailer' which has the segment code UNE.
An interchange consisting of a single functional group of 'n'
messages can therefore by depicted as:
+--- UNB segment
| +- UNG segment
| |
| |
| | first message
| | .......
| | 'n-th' message
| |
| +- UNE segment
+--- UNZ segment
An interchange consisting of 'n' functional groups, can be
depicted as:
+--- UNB segment
| +--- UNG header of the 1st functional group
| |
| | messages
| |
| +--- UNE trailer of the 1st functional group
| +--- UNG header of the 2nd functional group
| |
| | messages
| |
| +--- UNE trailer of the 2nd functional group
| ...
| +--- UNG header of the 'n-th' functional group
| |
| | messages
| |
| +-- UNE trailer of the 'n-th' functional group
+--- UNZ segment
8.3.6 Functional Group header - UNG (See ISO 9735 Annex B
for detailed specification)
The main benefit of the use of functional grouping is that it
permits large organizations which have several functional
processes, (e.g. purchasing, invoicing etc) or data processing
centres (for example at a divisional or departmental level), to
create their own identifiable application level envelopes,
which can also be addressed from the originating department to
a department in the recipient's system.
An example functional group, (which has the segment code UNG),
could be transmitted as:
UNG is the segment tag code
INVOIC is the functional identification, used to
identify the one message type contained within
the functional group
15623 is the Application Sender's Identification, which
is a code identifying a specific division,
department, section, etc., which has originated
(or is responsible for) the messages contained
in the functional group. If necessary, the data
element can contain a second component of a
qualifier, to identify the code set being used.
23457 is the Application Recipients Identification, a
code identifying a specific division, department,
section, etc., to which the messages in the
functional group are finally destined. If
necessary, it too can be qualified by a second
component to identify the code set being used.
860606:1835 is the date and time that the functional group
of messages was assembled. (NOTE that the time,
and perhaps the date, will often be earlier than
the date and time carried in the UNB interchange
header segment).
CD1352 is a unique reference number for the functional
group, assigned by the division, etc., which
originated the group of messages
UN is the controlling agency code (see Section 7),
which identifies the agency responsible for the
production and maintenance of the message
standards for the message type contained in the
89:1 is the version and release number of all of the
messages in the group, which must all be the
same message type. This composite data element
could contain one additional component data
element for an association assigned code. It
should be noted that if conditions also demand
the presence of a number in the association
assigned code field, the same data for the
composite need not be repeated in the equivalent
fields of the Message Header (UNH) service
segment preceding each message in the Functional
Usage is fully explained in Section 7.
A3P52 is an application password, and is the only
conditional data element in the segment, all the
rest being mandatory. The password is only used
if specified in the interchange agreement (or if
agreed bi-laterally) and could, for example, be
used to gain entry to the recipient's sub-system
which will process the functional group
The example above shows the typical use of the functional group
facility, however, it should be noted that the facility for
grouping messages of the same type together may still be used
without using the internal system addressing capabilities from
and/or to sub-systems in the sender and/or recipient organiza-
tions. In this case, the second, third, and fourth data
elements in the group (Application Sender's Identification;
Application Recipient's Identification and Date/Time of Trans-
mission) could contain identical data to that contained in
the comparable fields in the UNB interchange header segment
(i.e. Transmission Sender; Transmission Recipient and Date/Time
of preparation). For this type of usage the last data element
in the functional group header (Application Password) would be
omitted. Thus, the whole interchange and the functional groups
contained within it, can be addressed point to point.
8.3.7 Functional Group trailer segment - UNE (See ISO 9735
Annex B for detailed specification)
In addition to the segment code UNE, this service segment
contains two mandatory service data elements.
The first, 'Number of messages' contains a count of the total
number of messages in the functional group.
The second, 'Functional group reference' contains the identical
reference to that carried in the same field of the UNG header
segment for the functional group. Checking the two fields to
be identical ensures that the functional group has been
successfully received.
A group trailer for a group of 72 messages with a group
reference of CD1352, would be transmitted as:
8.3.8 Message structure
A message must begin with the service segment 'Message header'
which has the segment code UNH. A message must end with the
service segment 'Message trailer' which has the segment code
UNT. In addition to these two delimiting segments, a message
may contain one or more user data segments required for the
A message containing one user data segment to be transmitted
can therefore be depicted as:
. UNH segment
| data segment
. UNT segment
A message containing ' n ' segments to be transmitted can be
depicted as:
. UNH segment
| first data segment
| ...
| n-th data segment
. UNT segment
The syntax rules do not specify the order in which these user
data segments should be transmitted within a message. This is
a function of message design. The Interchange Agreement must
contain specifications for all interchange messages and their
segments as required by the user group.
8.3.9 Message header control segment - UNH (See ISO 9735 Annex B
for detailed specification)
This segment, used for both data and service messages, has the
segment code of UNH. It contains two mandatory service data
- the message reference number;
- the message identifier;
and two conditional data elements for use with progressive
message transfers only:
- the common access reference
- the status of the transfer
The message reference can be either:
- a program generated reference number starting at 1 for the
first message in the interchange, and incremented by 1 for
every successive message in the interchange; when the
Functional Grouping technique is not being used; or
- when Functional Grouping is being used, a program generated
number starting at 1 for the first message in each
functional group, and incremented by 1 for every successive
message in each functional group; or
- a meaningful reference number provided from the originator's
in-house system.
The two techniques of program generated or meaningful reference
numbers must not be mixed within an interchange.
The preferred technique should be specified in the Interchange
Agreement. Most live systems use the former techniques, with
the numbers being program generated.
The message identifier is a composite data element, having five
component data elements:
- the type of message (mandatory)
- the version number of the message (mandatory)
- the message release number (conditional)*
- the controlling agency (conditional)*
- the association assigned code (conditional)*
* (NOTE: If Functional Grouping (See Section 8.3.6) is not being
used, the controlling agency field becomes mandatory in
the UNH. If conditions demand the presence of data in
the release number, and/or association assigned code
fields, (see Section 7) then these too must be provided
in the UNH if Functional Grouping is not being used.
The use of message release number, controlling agency and
association assigned code has been fully explained in Section 7.
The type of message identifier is of variable length 6
alphanumeric, e.g. INVOIC for invoice messages, or 850 for a
purchase order transaction set (a non-UNSM message).
The version and release numbers associated with the type of
message are both variable length, 3 numeric. The rules
for the control of version and release numbers are explained in
Section 7.
The common access reference (CAR) is a variable length
alpha-numeric field, with a maximum of 35 characters. Within
this maximum, any combination of sub-elements may also be
specified according to user preference. Clearly however, all
users in an interchange group must use the same format, which
must be specified as part of the group's interchange agreement.
The purpose of the reference is to serve as a key to which all
subsequent transfers of data for the same business file, can be
related. Therefore, the same reference must be included in the
UNH of all related transfers.
The status of the transfer has two component data element the
first a variable length numeric field, with a maximum of 2
characters, which can have the values:
- 1 to 99 (indicating the sequence of transfers of data starting
at 1 for the first transfer incremented by one for each
additional transfer),
The second sub-element is a fixed length field of one alphabetic
character, which can have the following values:
- C this must be present for the first transfer of data
related to the common access reference if more than
one transfer is foreseen, (i.e. indicating that a
file is to be created, using the CAR as its key)
- F this must be present for the final transfer of data
related to earlier transfers for the same CAR key.
The message reference, message identifier, common access
reference, and the status of the transfer are all used for
progressive transfer messages, related to a business file.
The concept of progressive message transfer is that after the
initial transmission of data related to a business file,
successive transmissions can be used, either to upgrade or amend
previously transmitted data related to the same business case,
or to add new items of data. The decision as to what data is
transmitted at any given time is under the control of the
Each transmission related to the same business file is linked by
means of a unique common access reference (CAR), carried in the
MHD segment. This reference is imposed by the originator of
data, (in practice, the principal), and is held as a key by all
other partners with whom the principal is in communication.
The trade file thus created, covers the whole set of data
necessary to carry out the task(s) proper to a specific party
concerned with a trade transaction. This party receives into
his own application the information made available by the
sender, which may be data useful at a given time to allow
initial processing to take place. An example could be an
initial booking for transport, where the full detail of the
goods to be carried is not yet available.
The common access reference, unique to every business file, is
the key by which the various transmissions of progressive
transfer messages coming from or going to any specific trade
operator are linked together. Within an exchange between
partners, the CAR permits linkage of the different elements of
required information to a series of operations connected with
the same business file:
Operation 1 - Order
Operation 2 - Dispatch advice
Operation 3 - Delivery note
Operation 4 - Insurance Certificate
Operation 5 - Invoice
From this, it can be seen that any data common to two or more of
these operations between two parties, need only be transmitted
The progressive message transfer technique permits the
transmission of data which is available at a given time,
sufficient to allow the recipient to act upon the information.
8.3.10 Message trailer control segment - UNT (See ISO 9735
Annex B for detailed specification)
In addition to the segment code UNT, this segment contains two
mandatory service data elements.
The first, 'Number of segments in a message' contains a count of
the total number of segments in the message, including the UNH
and UNT segments.
The second, 'Message Reference Number' contains the identical
reference to that carried in the same field of the UNH message
header segment for the same message.
8.3.11 Section control segment - UNS (See ISO 9735 Annex B
for detailed specification)
Some UN Standard Messages (UNSM's) have been designed having
three distinct logical sections, the first containing what may
be termed user header data for the message, the second
containing detail information (which will often repeat within
the message), and the third containing summary information
related to the contents of the message.
In this type of structure, the situation may arise where
identical user data segment(s) may be required in more than one
of the sections, but containing different values for their data
elements, (or in some cases overriding the data carried in the
identical segment in the header section). In order to permit the
precise identification and control of this situation, a control
segment is provided to delimit the three sections.
An example of the function of overriding data carried in an
earlier segment could be as follows. A purchase order message
could specify in the header section a delivery address to which
the (majority of) the order should be delivered. The same
segment containing this information could be repeated in the
detail section, related to a specific line item of the order.
In this case, the delivery address related to the line item
only, overrides the address given in the header section (which
could well apply to all of the other line items in the detail
The section control segment has a segment tag code of UNS and
contains one data element. When used to delimit the
header section from the detail section, it contains the value
'D', and when used to delimit the detail section from the
trailer section, it contains the value 'S'.
When used, UNS segments must be specified in their correct
positions within the relevant message(s) in the message
directory. If messages are designed having a different
structure - for example, where it is only necessary to separate
a summary section from the rest of the message - then only the
relevant UNS segment should be used. No more than two UNS
segments should be used.
An example of the use of the UNS segment is shown below:-' ) Message Header' ]' ]User data segments' ]forming the header section.
UNS+D' - Section control segment separating the header and
detail sections' ]User data segments' ](including an identically' ]described BBB segment)' ]forming the detail section.
UNS+S' - Section control segment separating the detail and
summary sections' ] user data segments' ] forming the summary' ] section.'
A segment must start with a tag, which is a mandatory composite
service data element.
The first component data of the tag is mandatory, and contains a
unique code to identify the segment. Service segment codes are
defined in the EDIFACT standard and must not be changed.
User data segment codes are allocated by the Controlling Agency
responsible for the message and must be unique within the
application(s) in which they are used.
The remaining component data elements of the tag are conditional.
They are only used if the segment can repeat within a message, and
when it has been stated in the message specification that control
numbers to indicate the level at which the segment in question is
repeating within the message are to be transmitted, (explicit
representation). Section 9.5.3 details the use of this technique.
The structure of all segments therefore, is:- elements.......'
where: SEG is the code for the segment tag.
Segments may contain one, or several related user data elements,
which may be either simple and/or composite, as previously
defined. For a segment to be transmitted, it must contain data
for at least one data element.
The order of the data elements within the segment must be speci-
fied in a pre-defined sequence. For data segments, the order and
content must be specified in the interchange application segment
directory, along with the data segment code.
At the segment level, every segment must be defined as being
either mandatory or conditional within a message. Mandatory
segments must be transmitted if the message is present, whereas
conditional segments may be transmitted depending upon the pre-
agreed conditions defined in the message specification.
Data elements within segments, and component data elements within
composite data elements, must also be defined as being either
mandatory or conditional. If a data element or component data
element is mandatory within a message, then the segment in which
it appears must also be defined as being mandatory. Conditional
data elements or component data elements within such a segment may
be transmitted depending upon the pre-agreed and specified
A conditional segment in a message may, however, contain one or
more data elements or component data elements which are mandatory
when the segment is used in the message. In this case, such data
elements are mandatory at the segment level, rather than at the
message level, and such component data elements are mandatory at
the data element level.
The syntax separators used will depend upon whether level A or
level B syntax is being used.
9.2.1 Absence of a segment
Where no data needs to be transmitted for a conditional segment,
the complete segment (including the segment tag) must be
9.2.2 Absence of data within a segment
As described earlier, the order of data elements within a seg-
ment must be specified in a pre-defined sequence. This allows
the receiving system to identify and process each individual
data element. It follows therefore, that if data is omitted at
the beginning, or the middle of a segment--followed by data
which is present, some means is necessary of recognizing the
fact. In the examples which follow, the component data elements
of the segment tag, (which can be used to indicated explicitly,
the level at which the segment repeats), have been suppressed,
and therefore do not appear.
The absence of data for one or more conditional data elements
preceding other data in the segment which is present, is indi-
cated by the data element separator + for each missing data
Example: SEG+DE1+DE2+DE3+DE4+DE5' A segment with all data
elements present.
SEG++DE2+DE3+DE4+DE5' A segment with DE1 omitted.
SEG+DE1+DE2+++DE5' A segment with DE3 and DE4
Where no data is required for one or more conditional data
elements at the end of a segment, the preferred technique is to
use the segment terminator to truncate the segment following the
last data element for which data is required:
Example: SEG+DE1+DE2' A truncated segment with DE3,
DE4 and DE5 omitted.
Alternatively, data element separators can be used to indicate
positively the absence of data for each, or some, of the data
elements not required at the end of a segment.
Example: SEG+DE1+DE2+++' A segment with DE3, DE4
and DE5 omitted (no + permitted
after DE5, since it is the last
element in the segment)
It should be appreciated however, that if unwanted data element
separators at the end of segments are not truncated and there
are a high percentage of such separators, an interchange of many
thousands of characters could take appreciably longer to
A further possible difficulty if there are certain types of
telex links in the interchange chain, is that a string of 4
consecutive plus-signs can cause some automatic telex systems
to abort the transmission.
The absence of data for one or more conditional component data
elements within a composite data element is indicated using
similar principles to those described above. A data element
separator must be inserted following the last component element
for which data is required within a composite element. The
absence of data for one or more component elements preceding
another component element which is present, is indicated by the
component element separator : for each missing component data
Example: +CE1:CE2:CE3:CE4+ A composite data element with
four component elements, all
+:CE2:CE3:CE4+ A composite data element with
CE1 omitted.
+CE1:CE2::CE4+ A composite data element with
CE3 omitted.
+CE1:CE2+ A truncated composite data
element with CE3 and CE4
++ A truncated composite data
element with CE1, CE2, CE3 and
CE4 omitted.
SEG+:CE2:CE3:CE4+ A composite data element
following a segment tag with CE1
To increase efficiency of transmission and to limit processing
overheads at reception, it is recommended that only the
significant characters of data elements and component data
elements defined as being variable length for the interchange
application, should be transmitted.
If in an in-house file, a fixed numeric field of 10 digits is
defined as variable length for the interchange segment and has
only two significant digits '12', the leading zeros can be
the 0000000012 form in the in-house system becomes the +12+ form
when suppressed.
If in an in-house file, an alphanumeric/alphabetic field of 10
characters is defined as variable length for the interchange seg-
ment and has only two significant characters 'AB', the trailing
space characters can be suppressed,
e.g. ........AB spaces........ becomes
+AB+ when suppressed.
Leading spaces must not be suppressed.
e.g. .....spaces AB spaces..... in the in-house system becomes
+spaces AB+ when suppressed.
This can be summarized as variable length numeric fields being
right justified and variable length alphanumeric and alphabetic
fields being left justified.
It should be pointed out however, that recipients must have the
capability of accepting either suppressed or non-suppressed
variable length data, accepting however that processing
overheads will be increased if suppression is not used.
Any further types of compression, for example those offered by
some proprietary telecommunications protocols, are outside the
scope of EDIFACT.
Where negative values are required, a leading minus sign (a
hyphen), should be transmitted before the numeric value.
e.g. inhouse form 1352|negative
becomes -1352 for transmission
Numeric fields transmitted without a sign are assumed to be
positive, including where the data element description has an
implied negative value (e.g. 'Debit'). It is the function of the
in-house process after receipt to take account of this type of
A common requirement for many types of message is the need to
repeat segments. For example, an invoice could contain a number
of items, each item containing a product code, quantity, price,
Sometimes several repeats of a segment can occur within an
already repeating segment, for example, there could be several
goods items in a container and several containers within a
consignment. The data elements for a goods item are grouped
together in one repeating data segment while the details for
each container are grouped in another repeating segment, at a
higher level.
There are two types of structure which can occur in such repeating
or repeating and nested segments. These can be defined as being
vertical or horizontal. To meet some more complex requirements,
the two structures can be combined within a specific message.
For example, a message containing no repeating segments, only
non-repeating data segments AAA, BBB and CCC, can be expressed
diagrammatically as follows:
| | | | |
Each segment (including the service segments UNH and UNT) appear
at a hierarchical level of zero, and in the transmission, each
segment will appear only once in each message of the same type
in character string form as:-''''UNT+5'
For easier legibility in examples, this can also be shown as:'''''
9.5.1 Repeating segments
A message may also contain one (or more) segments which may
repeat in the message.
| | | | | |
e.g. Level 0 UNH AAA | BBB | UNT
| |
Level 1 GDS FTX
where data segments AAA and BBB are non-repeating segments at
level zero, whereas GDS and FTX are repeating segments at level 1.
Segments at Level 0 are non-repeating segments having a status
of either M 1 or C 1.
Segments at Level 1 are either:-
i) a segment which can repeat 2 or more times and which does
not start a group of segments, or
ii) a segment shown as having one or more occurences, which
starts a group.
Segments at Levels 2 to 'n' are those which appear consecutively
below those at Levels 1 to n-1, having a hierarchical
relationship to the segment(s) above.
How many times they can repeat within the message is something
which is dictated by the application for which they are
specified, and which must be stated in the relevant message
A repeating segment can be defined as being 'Conditional',
repeating up to a maximum of 'n' times. If there is no data for
such a segment, it would not appear at all in the message.
Alternatively, a repeating segment can be defined as being
'Mandatory' repeating up to a maximum of 'n' times. In this case
there must be at least one occurrence of the segment in the
Diagrams greatly assist users in understanding message structures.
This is particularly true with regard to the level and status of
each segment, and the number of times each segment can appear in
the message.
The conventions which should be followed are that each segment in
the diagram, (or groups of segments as will be seen later),
should be 'boxed' with the status shown in the bottom left corner
of the box, and the maximum number of occurrences shown in the
bottom right corner of the box.
Using this convention, the above diagram could become:-
| | | | | |
+---+ +---+ | +---+ | +---+
Level 0 |UNH| |AAA| | |BBB| | |UNT|
|---| |---| | |---| | |---|
|M|1| |M|1| | |C|1| | |M|1|
+---+ +---+ | +---+ | +---+
| |
| |
+----+ +---+
Level 1 |GDS | |FTX|
|----| |---|
|M|50| |C|5|
+----+ +---+
This implies the following structure:-
All of the segments, if they appear, must appear in the order
UNH is mandatory and must appear once in the message
AAA is mandatory and must appear once in the message
GDS is a repeating segment at Level 1, it must appear at
least once in the message, and can repeat
consecutively up to a maximum of 50 times
BBB is a conditional segment which may be omitted if it
contains no data, or may appear only once in the message
FTX is a repeating segment at Level 1, which may be omitted
if there is no data for the segment, or can repeat
concurrently up to a maximum of 5 times
UNT is mandatory and must appear once in the message.
The standard specification for all segments is that the segment
tag comprises 10 component data elements. The first is mandatory
and contains the unique code to identify the segment. The
remainder are conditional and are available to carry control num-
bers for use when required with repeating segments.
When a segment appears at level zero in a message (i.e. it is a
simple non-repeating segment), following the normal rules for
truncation, all of the unused component separators following the
segment codes are replaced by the segment tag separator.
Any segment which can repeat within a message, can be constructed
for output in one of two ways:
- without the use of control numbers associated with the
segment code (subsequently referred to in this guide as
implicit representation of repeating segments), in which
case, as for non-repeating segments, the unwanted
component element separators are truncated and replaced by
the segment tag separator, or
- with the use of control numbers associated with the segment
code, to specify the level at which the segment repeats,
(subsequently referred to in this guide as explicit
representation of repeating segments). Use of control
numbers is detailed in Section 9.5.3.
It is stressed that it is the responsibility of message designers
to decide and to state in each message specification, what form
of representation is to be used for segments in the message which
can repeat. However, it is not permitted to mix the two tech-
niques within a message.
In current UNSM's implicit representation is specified, which is
also the preferred technique for messages in use in and to North
America. Some pre-EDIFACT applications in Europe still use
explicit representation.
9.5.2 Comparison of implicit and explicit representation
Using a message with the following structure:
| | | | | |
+---+ +---+ | +---+ | +---+
Level 0 |UNH| |AAA| | |BBB| | |UNT|
|---| |---| | |---| | |---|
|M|1| |M|1| | |M|1| | |M|1|
+---+ +---+ | +---+ | +---+
| |
| |
+----+ +---+
Level 1 |GDS | |FTX|
|----| |---|
|M|50| |C|5|
+----+ +---+
Assuming that there are 3 occurences of the GDS segment and one
occurrence of the FTX segment, the message would be transmitted
as follows, (although in a character string, rather than the
layout used for the example):
Implicit Explicit''''''''''''''''
9.5.3 Repeating groups of segments
Within a message, two or more segments can be specified as a
group of segments which can repeat as a group, with the group
itself having either a Mandatory or Conditional status. There
may be any number of groups within a message, with a group or
groups also appearing within another group.
As for conditional segments, a conditional group of segments may
be completely omitted from the message if there is no data for
the group, (even though the group may contain one or more
segments within it which have a mandatory status).
If a conditional group is transmitted, the group must contain
the segment(s) within it having a mandatory status.
9.5.4 Message branching diagrams
Message specifications must include a branching diagram showing
the structure of the message. The conventions used are shown in
the following fictitious message.
| | | | | | | |
__|__ __|__ | | | | | __|__
0 |UNH| |AAA| | | | | | |UNT|
|---| |---| | | | | | |---|
|M|1| |M|1| | | | | | |M|1|
+---+ +---+ | | +---+ | +---+ +---+
| | |Gr1| | |Gr2|
| | |---| | |---|
| | |C|5| | |M|9|
+----+ +----+ |---| +---+ |---|
1 |RFF | |CTA | |NAD| |CUX| |TRD|
|----| |----| |---| |---| |---|
|C|10| |C|10| |M|1| |C|5| |M|1|
+----+ +----+ +---+ +---+ +---+
| |
| __|__
_______|_______ |Gr3|
| | | |---|
| | | |C|5|
+---+ +---+ +---+ |---|
2 |RFF| |CTA| |BNK| |NAD|
|---| |---| |---| |---|
|C|6| |C|5| |C|5| |M|1|
+---+ +---+ +---+ +---+
3 |DTM|
In the above example, Group 1 is Conditional and the whole group
(containing NAD, RFF, CTA and BNK) could either by omitted
completely, or could repeat up to a maximum of 5 times. Each
occurrence of the group must contain at least the NAD segment.
Group 2 (containing TRD and the segments in Group 3) is
Mandatory and must appear at least once. It could appear up to
a maximum of 9 times.
Within each occurrence of Group 2, Group 3 could be omitted
completely if there were no data for the segments within the
group, or alternatively could repeat up to a maximum of 5 times.
For each occurrence of Group 3, the NAD segment must appear,
while DTM may or may not appear, depending upon data being
present for the segment.
As can be seen, virtually any combination of horizontal and
vertical structures for segments can be combined.
The order in which segments must be processed is first from left
to right, and then if necessary, from top to bottom when a
vertical structure is encountered. Left to right processing is
then followed again if horizontal and vertical structures are
Using Group 1 in the above diagram as an example, after having
processed the segments to the left of the group in sequence, the
first occurrence of the NAD segment (if present), would be
followed by up to 6 occurrences of RFF, followed by up to 5 CTAs
and up to 5 BNKs, before returning to the top of the loop.
Once all of the occurrences of NAD had been exhausted,
processing would continue with the next segment to the right of
the Group 1 on the diagram (CUX).
It follows from this therefore, than when formatting a message,
the user's in-house system must ensure that subordinate and
repetitive records used to construct segments are sorted into
the correct sequence for processing.
It can also be seen from the diagram that a group must be
entered via a single segment. In software terms, this segment
is sometimes referred to as a 'trigger' segment, i.e. the
in-house record containing the data for the segment is used by
the software as a 'trigger' to start another occurrence of the
group. It should be born in mind however that:-
i) two or more different loops cannot begin at the same
segment, at the same position in a message; and
ii) an inner loop must be completed before returning to a
further occurrence of the outer loop within which it
The last point to be borne in mind, is that the levels at which
segments appear must be shown on the left of the branching
diagram, with the segments opposite the level number being kept
in a horizontal line. This become particularly important for
understanding and checking purposes, if the message is a complex
one with parts of the diagram being 'exploded' onto another page
of the branching diagram.
[NOTE: This Section is being submitted initially as a separate
paper, which after approval, will be inserted].
Any user seeking advice on migration from any other interchange
standard to EDIFACT, should contact their local EDIFACT
Rapporteur's Advisory Team.
It is via the RT's that maintenance procedures for the EDIFACT
Syntax Rules, Data Element Directory, Segment Directory, and
Message Directory will be co-ordinated, in conjunction with the
UN/ECE Secretariat.