Forest Products Annual Market Review, 2001-2002
Geneva-based Production Team 2002

Ed Pepke
Project Leader
Forest Products Marketing Specialist
UNECE and FAO Timber Branch
[email protected]

Romi Chopra 
Layout assistance
Trade Development and Timber Division
[email protected]

Eetu Einiö
Assistant for Forest Products Annual Market Review Production.
Candidate in Master's programme in Forest Products Marketing, the University of Helsinki
[email protected]

Matt Fonseca
Responsible for layout
UNECE and FAO Timber Branch
[email protected]

Jussi Haapkylä
Assistant for Forest Products Annual Market Review Production
Candidate in Master's programme in Forest Products Marketing, the University of Helsinki
[email protected]

Isabelle Hay 
Layout assistance 
UNECE and FAO Timber Branch
[email protected]

Peter Ince                                     
USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory  

[email protected]

Sefora Kifle                                  
Responsible for Price Statistics                               UNECE and FAO Timber Branch
[email protected]

Alex McCusker   
Preparation of statistics
Statistical Assistant
UNECE and FAO Timber Branch
[email protected]

Jorge Najera 
Author                                                                   Economics Officer 
UNECE and FAO Timber Branch
[email protected]

Volker Sasse                                         Analyst                                                 
Forestry Officer
UNECE and FAO Timber Branch
[email protected]

Helena Simkova 
Layout assistance 
UNECE and FAO Timber Branch
[email protected]

Information about the documents or any other aspect of the Committee's work may be obtained from the secretariat: